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M82 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 瓦尔梅特M82,向您报道,愿我时刻与您同在……如果我能派的上用场的话。 Valmet M82です。もしお役に立てれば、ずっと指揮官さまの側にいたいのです。Play Valmet M82, reporting to you. May I always be by your side... should you find me useful.
Introduction (同上) (As above)
Secretary 我刚才在走廊上看见了一位相当帅气的小姐。我本想上去搭话,但她散发着太过认真和严格的吓人气场……下次还能碰到就好了。 さっき、ロッカーでとてもかっこいいお姉さんとすれ違いました。話をかけたかったですけど、アウラが凄過ぎて。また、どこかで合えるといいですね。Play I just saw a pretty handsome lady in the hallway. I wanted to go up and talk to her, but she had a scary aura about her and seemed a bit too strict and serious... It would be nice to meet her again sometime.
我不担心自己会遇到什么困难的事情,既然选择了拿起武器,那么就要做好觉悟……我担心的是另外的事情,有些事远比死亡更加恐怖。 別に、自分の身を心配してる訳ではありません。武器を取って戦う道を選んだ以上、それなりの覚悟は出来ています。私が、本当に心配しているのは、栞もずっと恐ろしいなにか…Play I'm not worried about any difficulties I will encounter. Now that I have chosen to pick up a weapon, I was always prepared... There are other things that concern me, however, some of which are far more terrible than death.
MG36小姐也很喜欢科幻作品的样子。她跟人讨论起相关话题的时候有些太过于热情了,稍微有点吓人。不过……我很高兴能和同好聊天。 MG36さんも、SFが好きみたいです。でも、彼女はSFの話題になると、もの凄くテンションが上がるので、ちょっと引いてしまいます。それでも、同じの趣味の人と話せて…とっても嬉しかったです。Play Miss MG36 also likes the look of science fiction works. She was a bit too enthusiastic and a little scary when discussing related topics with others. But...I'm very happy to be chatting with fellow fans.
Secretary (post OATH)
Saluting! Good morning, Commander. Today's tasks are still heavy...but that doesn't matter. Believe in me as always and give me your orders. I will obey them masterfully.
...I can't believe that after all this time you would say that to me. For the longest time, I was afraid of who would be left behind. But now, to have someone who would always have need of me? ...Thank you.
Greeting 您回来了!指挥官!我还以为……不,没什么,您要用咖啡吗? お帰りなさい、指揮官さま。てっきりもう帰って来ないかと…いいえ、なんでもありません!コーヒー入れてきますね。Play Welcome back, Commander. I genuinely thought you wouldn't be coming any... No, it's nothing. I'll pour you coffee.
T-Doll Produced 新兵入列了吗……不过我是不会输的喔。 新入り…ですか?でも私も負けません。Play Is that... the new recruit? But I won't lose either.
Joining an echelon 派得上用场的伙伴越来越多了,这样也是好事。 お役立てる仲間がどんどん増えていきます。いいことです。Play We have more helpful comrades with us. That's a good thing.
Enhancement 我能够做地更好一点吗? 私、もっとうまく出来るできるのかな…Play I wonder if I can do even better...
Dummy-linking 我真的有做那么大的梦的资格吗…… 私に…そんな夢を見る資格があるのかな…Play Am I...even qualified to be having such dreams...
Logistics (start) 时间流转……凡事皆有定因。 時間は流れ…全ての結果には、理由があります。Play Time flies... Every result has a reason behind it.
Logistics (end) 有付出才会有回报。 努力すれば、いつか必ず報われます。Play If you put in the effort, you will always be rewarded.
Autobattle 我会努力做的,请您好好看着吧。 頑張りますので、期待していてください!Play I'll do my best, please look forward to it!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要么战斗,要么停下,没有第三种选择。 戦うか…立ち止まるか…このにたくだけです。Play Will you fight...or will you stop...I just want to hit this.
Starting a battle 路?你们要去的地方……从一开始就没有路。 道?あなたたちの行く所に、最初から道なんてありません。Play Path? Your destination has no path to begin with.
Skill activation 精准打击! 狙い撃つ!Play Take aim, fire!
看我的吧! 見ていてください!Play Just you see!
这就是……我的价值! これが…私の勝ち!Play This is.. my victory!
Heavily damaged 我会回来的…… またくるから…Play I'll come again...
Retreat 真的很抱歉,我下次一定可以做到更好的。 本当にごめんなさい…次はもっとちゃんと出来るはずです…Play I'm truly sorry... I'll do better next time...
MVP 我的两只眼睛,都用来注视今天。 私の目は、今を見る為にあります。Play My eyes were meant to see this very moment.
Restoration 我不害怕死亡……我只怕我无法证明我存在过。 死わくわくありません。怖いのは…生きていた証を残せないことです。Play I'm not worried about dying. What I fear is...not having a legacy to leave behind.
Attack 一切都必须结束。 Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 黑色武士!指挥官!我刚才看到黑色的武士了!就在走廊那里!要攻击他吗?要攻击他吧!? 暗黒騎士!暗黒騎士がいました!さっきロッカーに…!攻撃もいいですか?!攻撃してもいいですよね?!Play It's the knight of darkness! There's knight of darkness here! I saw it in the locker earlier...! Can I shoot?! It's fine if shoot right?!
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官。今天真是相当痛快地庆祝了一番呢。有些累了吗?要不要一起看会电影,休息一下呢? メリークリスマス、指揮官さま。先ほどのパーティで、思いっきり羽目を外して疲れたんじゃありませんか?よければこの後、笑顔見に行って、少し休みませんか?Play Merry Christmas, Commander. Don't you tired trying to escape the mess of the party earlier? If it fine with you, would you like to take a rest and watch a movie after this?
New Year's Day 新年快乐,指挥官,我们终于迈向了新的一年。希望今后我也仍旧可以为您创造价值。 指揮官さま、明けましておめでとうございます。また新しい一年になりましたね。これからも、あなたのお役に立てるように、頑張ります。


Commander, Happy New Year. Here goes another year for us to live in. I'll always do my best to be useful for you.
Valentine's day 指挥官,这是我做的巧克力,请您收下……对不起,稍微有一点多,因为不知道您喜欢哪种口味,我就都做了,您觉得怎么样? 指揮官さま、私の手作りチョコです。どうぞ、受け取ってください。ちょっと量が多いですか?ごめんなさい、好みが分からなかったので、一通り全部作りました。どう…ですか?


Commander, here is my handmade chocolate. Please take it. Do you think it's too much? Sorry, I don't know what you like, so I just made this all. How... is it?
Tanabata 晚上好,指挥官。您要去看看星空吗?今晚的月色相当诱人……我的愿望吗?已经许过了,而且一直都是现在进行时地在实现状态。 こんばんわ。指揮官さま、星空を見に行きませんか?今夜の月は、すごく綺麗…私の願いですか?もう書きましたよ。それに、もう叶えてます。


Good evening. Commander, are you going for stargazing? The moon looks magnificent tonight. My wish... you ask? I already wrote it. Besides, it already came true.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 想活命就跟我走! Play
Phrase 别丢下我。 Play
Tip 好的,指挥官,关于这点的话…… Play
Loading 欢迎回来,指挥官。我去给您准备咖啡,请稍等一下。 Play

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 瓦尔梅特M82,向您报到,愿我时刻与您同在……如果我能派的上用场的话。 Valmet M82、です。もしお役に立てたら……いつまでもおそばに置かせてください。Play 발멧 M82가 신고합니다. 제가 도움이 된다면... 항상 지휘관과 함께 하고 싶습니다... This is Valmet M82 reporting. I'd like to be with you at all times... Provided you deem me worthy of deployment.
Secretary 指挥官,您不撑伞吗?我总害怕天会掉下来,那样的话,至少伞还能撑一下。 指揮官様、傘はささないのですか?私、ある日お空が落っこちてこないか心配なんです。でも傘があれば、少しは持ちこたえられるでしょ?Play 지휘관님은 우산 안 쓰세요? 전 언제 하늘이 무너질까 무서워서... 우산을 쓰고 있으면 조금은 버틸 수 있겠죠? Commander, aren't you going to take out an umbrella? I'm always afraid that the sky will fall, so having an umbrella will help me hold out a little longer in case it does.
尾巴是灾难探测器哦。如果我的潜意识感觉到有什么灾难即将靠近,它就会卷起来……所以它一直都卷着。 しっぽは危険探知機になってるんです。もしも私の潜在意識が危機を察知した時はしっぽが曲がります……ずっと曲がりっぱなしですけど……Play 꼬리는 재해 탐지기예요. 무의식 중에라도 재해가 다가오는 게 느껴지면 꼬리가 말려요... 그래서 항상 말려 있어요... This tail is a disaster detection device. If my subconscious detects any disasters approaching, it'll curl up... Which is why it's always curled up.
大家的眼神都藏着故事,我知道不能去深究,因为这些故事可能比战争更沉重…… みんなの目には、それぞれ物語が秘められています。けれどそれを覗こうとしてはいけません。何故なら、戦争よりも深刻なものが、秘められているかもしれないから……Play 모두의 눈엔 이야기가 담겨있지만, 그걸 마냥 추궁할 순 없단 건 알아요. 어떤 이야기는 전쟁보다 더 참혹할 수도 있으니까요... There's a story hidden in everyone's eyes and I know I shouldn't pry, because the stories within them can sometimes be more depressing than the War...
Secretary (post OATH)
비 오는 날에 투명한 우산을 쓰고 다니니까 독특한 느낌이네요. 그런데... 지휘관님 키가 너무 커요, 제가 우산 들면 안 돼요?
Commander, there's a special kind of feeling that comes with carrying a transparent umbrella on a rainy night. You're too tall, so would you mind holding the umbrella for me?
这个真的能给我吗,指挥官? 我不会被同学暗地里排挤吗?不会被在桌子上画涂鸦吗?不会被你丢下吗? 那……我就……收下啦?
本当に私にくれるのですか? もし受け取ったらクラスメートから仲間外れにされるなんてこと、ないですよね?机に落書きもされないですよね?指揮官様に見捨てられたりしないですよね? そういうことなら……はい……受け取っておきます……
정말 이걸 주시는 거예요, 지휘관님...? 같은 반 애들한테 따돌림당하는 건 아니죠...? 누가 제 책상에 낙서하지 않겠죠...? 지휘관님도 절 버리지 않으실 걸죠...? 그럼... 그럼... 받을게요!
Can you really give this to me, Commander? Will my fellow students secretly shun me? Will my desk be vandalized? Are you going to abandon me? Then... I'll...accept it, I guess?
Greeting 您回来了!指挥官!我还以为……不,没什么,您要用咖啡吗? おかえりなさい、指揮官様!てっきり……いいえ、なんでもありません……コーヒー、淹れてきますね。Play 어서 오세요, 지휘관님. 다신 안 돌아오시는 줄... 아, 아무것도 아닙니다! 커피 타드릴게요.
T-Doll Produced 新兵入列了吗……不过我是不会输的喔。 新入りですか……でも、私は負けませんよ。Play 신입인가요... 저도 지진 않겠어요. So we've got a new recruit... But I won't lose out.
Joining an echelon 猫猫也要排队,不可以乱走。 猫さんもきちんと並ぶのですよ。あちこち歩き回ってはいけません。Play 고양이도 줄 서. 멋대로 돌아다니면 안 돼. You need to line up too, kitties. Don't go straying off now.
Enhancement 我能够做得更好一点吗? 私、もっと上手く出来るのかな……?Play 저... 더 잘할 수 있을까요...? Can I do better?
Dummy-linking 我真的有做那么大的梦的资格吗…… 私に、そんな夢を見る資格があるのかな……Play 제게 그런 꿈을 꿀 자격이 있을까요... Do I really deserve to have such grand dreams...
Logistics (start) 时间流转……凡事皆有定因。 時間の流れによって……物事のすべてはいつか解明されるのです。Play 시간이 흐르고... 모든 결과에는 원인이 존재해요. Time passes... And there is a reason for everything under the sun.
Logistics (end) 有付出才会有回报。 ペイがあってこそのリターンです。Play 노력하면 언젠가 보답받아요. You get as much as you put into it.
Autobattle 我会努力做的,请您好好看着吧。 頑張りますので、期待していてください。Play 힘낼 테니 기대해주세요. I'll do my best. Please watch me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要么战斗,要么停下,没有第三种选择。 戦うか、立ち止まるか、この二択だけです。Play 싸우던가, 제자리에 멈추던가, 둘 중 하나입니다. Either we fight or we stop. There's no third option.
Starting a battle 路?你们要去的地方……从一开始就没有路。 道?あなた達の行く所に、最初から道なんてありません。Play 길이요? 당신들이 향하는 곳에 길은 처음부터 없습니다. Roads? Where you're going... There never were any roads.
Skill activation 你会被猫讨厌! 猫さんに嫌われちゃいますよ!Play 고양이한테 미움받을 거야!
这样会绊倒的! それでは転んでしまいますよ!Play 그러다 넘어진다!
你运气很差。 運が悪かったですね。Play 너, 운이 없구나. Bad luck on your part.
Heavily damaged 风实在是太大了……要飞走了! 風が強すぎて……飛んでしまいそうです!Play 바람이 너무 세... 날아가버려! The wind's too strong... I'm being blown away!
Retreat 真的很抱歉,我下次一定可以做到更好的。 本当にごめんなさい……次はもっとちゃんと出来るはずです。Play 정말 죄송합니다, 다음엔 더 똑바로 할게요. I'm sorry. I'll do better next time.
MVP 我的两只眼睛,都用来注视今天。 私の目は、「今」を見るためにあります。Play 저의 눈은 지금을 보기 위해 존재합니다. My eyes are fixed firmly on the present.
Restoration 一觉睡过去的话,我是不是就不会再醒来了? 眠っちゃったら、もう起きれないのかな?Play 이대로 잠들면 다시 못 일어나는 건 아니겠죠? if I go to sleep, will I ever wake up again?
Attack 一觉睡过去的话,我是不是就不会再醒来了? 全てを終わらせないと。Play 이대로 잠들면 영영 못 깨어나는 거 아닐까요? Everything must end.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 黑色武士!指挥官!我刚才看到黑色的武士了!就在走廊那里!要攻击他吗?要攻击他吧!? 암흑기사! 암흑기사가 있어요! 방금 복도에서...! 공격해도 되나요? 공격해도 되는 거죠?! it's the Black Warrior! Commander! I just saw the Black Warrior! He's right there, in the hallways! Should we attack him? Will we?!
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官。今天真是相当痛快地庆祝了一番呢。有些累了吗?要不要一起看会电影,休息一下呢? 메리 크리스마스, 지휘관님. 방금 파티를 즐기느라 많이 피곤하신가요? 괜찮다면 이따가 같이 영화 보면서 쉬는 게 어떠세요? Merry Christmas, Commander. Looks like you really enjoyed yourself today. Are you tired? Why not watch a movie with me for a bit and relax?
New Year's Day 新年快乐,指挥官,我们终于迈向了新的一年。希望今后我也仍旧可以为您创造价值。 지휘관님, 새해 복 많이 받으세요. 또 새로운 한 해가 되었네요, 앞으로도 지휘관님께 도움이 되도록 노력할게요. Happy New Year, Commander. We've finally rung in the new year. I hope I'll continue to be valuable to you in the future.
Valentine's day 指挥官,这是我做的巧克力,请您收下……对不起,稍微有一点多,因为不知道您喜欢哪种口味,我就都做了,您觉得怎么样? 지휘관님, 제 수제 초콜릿입니다, 받아주세요... 너무 많나요? 죄송해요, 어떤 맛을 좋아하실지 몰라서 다 만들어봤는데, 어떠신가요? Commander, this is the chocolate I made. Please take it... I apologize if the portion is too large. I didn't know what flavor you liked so I made them all. What do you think?
Tanabata 晚上好,指挥官。您要去看看星空吗?今晚的月色相当诱人……我的愿望吗?已经许过了,而且一直都是现在进行时地在实现状态。 안녕하세요, 지휘관님. 같이 별을 보러 갈까요? 오늘 달도 엄청 예뻐요... 제 소원이요? 이미 적었어요. 그리고... 이미 이루어졌어요. Good evening, Commander. Are you going to look at the stars? The moon is most charming tonight... You want to know my wish? I already made it, and it's currently being granted.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 想活命就跟我走! 命が惜しい人は私についてきて!Play 살고 싶다면 절 따라오세요! Come with me if you want to live!
Phrase 别丢下我。 置いて行かないでください。Play 두고가지 말아주세요... Don't abandon me.
Tip 这个应该能规避风险吧…… これで、危険を避けることができるはず……Play 이걸로 위험을 피할 수 있겠죠... This ought to help minimize risk...
Loading 指挥官,欢迎回来! 指揮官様、おかえりなさい!Play 지휘관님, 어서 오세요! Welcome back, Commander!