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M1918 Story Quotes

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是勃朗宁M1918。指挥官,原来您在这里,可别吓我啊。 ブローニングM1918よ、うわ、指揮官、ここにいたんですか。びっくりさせないでください!Play Browning M1918 here. AH, Commander, you're here, please don't scare me!
Introduction 当我们的部队第一次介入了世界级的战争时,才发现春田小姐无法胜任全新的阵地战。为了填补装备上的缺口,我,M1918BAR被秘密研制出来。在随后的各种战争中,我可是赢得了不少荣誉呢,希望能在您这里安享剩下的时光哦。 When our forces entered the first global scale conflict, we realized Miss Springfield could not handle the new battle stratagems. So to fulfill the gaps in our arsenal, me, M1918 BAR, was secretly developed. While I have achieved many victories in many battles that followed, I hope that I can spend the rest of my days here by your side.
Secretary 别叫人家BAR阿姨啦!明明年纪没那么大啊! 婆さんって呼ぶのを止めてください!そんなに年取ってないから…Play Don't call me Auntie Bar(Bar-san)! I'm not that old!
今天没任务呢,一起去购物怎么样? ミッションがないなら、買い物に行ってもいいですか。Play There is no mission today, shall we go shopping ?
别摸我的头发啦,会有损伤的…… 私の髪に触るのは止めてください、傷んじゃうから。Play Please don't touch my hair, it'll get damaged...
Secretary (post OATH)
Would you like me to help with any works at hand? Don't worry I'll take it seriously, after all I'm doing this for you.
Commander, can you really make decisions just like that? I'm just kidding, to return this kindness of yours, from now on I will be my true self when I'm in front of you.
Greeting 欢迎回来! おかえり!Play Welcome back!
T-Doll Produced 新人如果和我一样是突击步枪就好了呢。 新入りも私と同じのアサルトライフルだと良いなあ。Play If the new girl is an assault rifle like me would be nice. (lol)
Joining an echelon 我真要做也是能做得好的,请看好了。 私,やればできるだから,見ててくださいね。Play I can get it done if I really want to, watch this.
Enhancement 伦家还可以变得更强哦!~ まだまだ強くなれるよ。Play I can be even stronger you know!~
Dummy-linking 扩编么?嘛~你开心就好。 編成拡大ですか,まあ,適当に決めといてください。Play Expanding? Well, as long as you're happy with this.
Logistics (start) 我出发咯——!相信我,稍微等会儿我就回来啦。 行ってきま~~す!私を信じて,適当に待ててくださいな。Play Going now~ Believe me, I will be back real soon.
Logistics (end) 我回来了~~报酬什么的随便就好。 ただいま~~報酬を適当でいいですよ。Play I'm back~ Reward me however you like.
Autobattle 不用太在意,随~便打打就行了,来,大家跟着我上吧~ 気にしないで、適当~に戦うだけですから、さあみんな、続けて~Play No need to be so serious, we can do this with our eyes closed, come on everyone, lets go~
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要加油了哦! 頑張るね!わたし!Play Alright, give it your best!
Starting a battle 发现敌军! 敵を見つけました!Play Enemy contact!
Skill activation 目标该锁定谁呢?~ ターゲットはどれにしましょう~Play Who should be the target?~
下次该对谁使用呢?真让人头疼啊。 次は誰に使用かしら,頭が痛いわ~~Play Who am I shooting next? Aww, what a headache~~
那么,就勉为其难的来随便决定一下你们的命运好了。 じゃあ~~適当に運命を決めじゃいましょうPlay Well then, chances will decide your fates.
Heavily damaged 欸欸~~,我的太阳镜啊…… ふええ~~私のサングラスが…Play Ahh~~ My sunglasses...
Retreat 呜呜~靠不太住什么的实在抱歉…… うう~~頼りなくてごめんなさい…Play Wuuu~ Sorry I can't be relied on...
MVP 诶嘿嘿~!这都是努力的结果哦! え~へへ!結構がんばったよ。Play Ehehe! The outcome of my efforts!
Restoration 那么~就稍微帮我修复一下吧。 じゃぁ~~こっそり直してください。Play Well~ Fix me up a bit then.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 万圣节的南瓜头……有点吓人呢。不要拿过来啦…… ハロウインのカボチャだからっで、苦手なものは苦手です。Play Those Jack-o-Lanterns are a bit scary. No... don't bring it any closer...
Christmas クリスマスは好きですよ!ケーキも美味しいし楽しいです!Play I love christmas! It's exciting, and the cakes are delicious!
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましておめでとうございます!


Commander, Happy New Year!
Valentine's day 手作りは無理だけど…これ受け取ってください。


It's impossible for me to make one... but please take this.
Tanabata 七夕楽しみです!天の川見えるといいですね!


Tanabata is exciting! I'm glad I can see the Milky Way!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,这项工作可不是随随便便完成的,现在的我和以前有什么区别,要慢慢看哦。 指揮官、このお仕事は適当に出来るものではありません。今の私が昔とどう変わったか、じっくり見ていてくださいね。Play Commander, these tasks cannot be carelessly done. As for how I have changed, please watch carefully.
Introduction 当我们的部队第一次介入了世界级的战争时,才发现春田小姐无法胜任全新的阵地战。为了填补装备上的缺口,我,M1918BAR被秘密研制出来。在随后的各种战争中,我可是赢得了不少荣誉呢,希望能在您这里安享剩下的时光哦。 When our forces entered the first global scale conflict, we realized Miss Springfield could not handle the new battle stratagems. So to fulfill the gaps in our arsenal, me, M1918 BAR, was secretly developed. While I have achieved many victories in many battles that followed, I hope that I can spend the rest of my days here by your side.
Secretary 今天的任务,请您随便吩咐。 今日の任務ですか?何なりとお申し付けください。Play Today's mission? Please assign them as you see fit.
太累了就休息一会儿,有我在这里,您放心好了。 疲れたら少し休んでくださいね。私はここにいますから、安心してください。Play Please rest a while if you're tired. You relax while I'm around.
指挥官,这种事可不能随便!……知道了,那我就认真一点吧。 指揮官、適当にこんなことはできません!…わかりました。それでは少し本気を出しましょう。Play Don't be so casual about such things, Commander! ...Oh I get it, then I'm going to get serious too.
Secretary (post OATH)
Would you like me to help with any tasks at hand? Don't worry, I'll take it seriously. After all, this is for your sake.
Commander, can you really make decisions just like that? I'm just kidding, to return this kindness of yours, from now on I will be my true self when I'm in front of you.
Greeting おはようございます、指揮官。今日の任務は何でしょう?一応聞いてみただけです、気にしないでください。Play Good morning, Commander. What is it for today's mission? I'm just being curious, please don't mind it.
T-Doll Produced 新しく入った仲間は、誰ですか?Play The newly joined comrade, who is she?
Joining an echelon はい、やってみます。でも、あまり期待しないでくださいね。Play Understood, I'll do it. But please don't expect too much.
Enhancement 良い感じですね。少し本気を出したくなりました。Play This feels nice. I think I can go all out now.
Dummy-linking 編成拡大ですか,まあ,適当に決めといてください。 Dummy linking? Please decide it adequately.
Logistics (start)
Logistics (end)
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 任務ですね。では、真面目にやりましょう。Play Mission, isn't it. Let's do this seriously.
Starting a battle 敵が来ました。戦闘開始。Play The enemy is here. Commence battle.
Skill activation また目標を選ぶのですか?それじゃあ、あなたを倒しましょう。Play I can choose my objective again? Well then, let's defeat you.
面倒ですから、全部片付けてしまいましょう。Play It's a bother so I'll take care of it.
みんなが待っています。Play Everyone is waiting for me.
Heavily damaged あっ……こんな事をして、後悔しますよ。Play Now you've done it, you'll regret it.
Retreat うっ…次は本気を出します。Play I'll be serious next time.
MVP うっふふふ、これで終わりですか?あまり真剣に臨むものでもなかったですね。Play Ufufu, is that all? Even though I didn't being serious.
Restoration じゃぁ~~こっそり直してください。 Fix me in secret.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ハロウィンのパレード、なんの仮装をしましょう。「…」?嫌です。適当に妖精でもやります。Play
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。今夜は私がグリティングカード作ります。指揮官も適当に何か買いてみたらどうですか?Play Merry Christmas, Commander. I make greetings card tonight. How about you go and buy something?
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます。新年の願い事ですか?お年玉をくれたら教えてあげます、うふふ。


Happy New Year. My new year wish? If you give me new year gift, I'll tell you, ufufu.
Valentine's day チョコチョコって騒がしいですね、全く。うふふ、冗談ですよ。私も指揮官にプレゼント用意しました、はい。


Do you want chocolate that bad? Honestly, you're being noisy. Ufufu, I'm kidding. Here, I too have prepared you a gift, commander
Tanabata 私の願い事が知りたいですって。なら指揮官が一つ決めてくれますか?


You want to know what my wish is? How about you decide one for me?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play