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Howa Type 64/Quotes

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Howa Type 64 Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 完全陌生的环境呢……不过来都来了,我会努力适应的,请多指教了,指挥官。 全く新しい所だね。まっ、ここに来た以上慣れるよう頑張って見るけど。よろしくね。Play A completely new and strange environment, huh… Well, if I’m here then I’m here. I’ll do my utmost best to adapt. Please teach me well, Commander.
Secretary 那个人形好像还没和我说过话呢,之前虽然有见过……算了,感觉我主动的话就输了。 あの子、まだ一度も私に声をかけてくれないのよね。一度あっと事あるんだけど 。なんか、こっちから話かけたら負ける気がする。Play Those T-Dolls seem to have never spoken to me before, huh, even though we’ve met before… Whatever, I feel like if I strike a conversation with them, I’ll lose in some way.
烦恼?也不是啦,只是在想些无所谓的小事……没、没想到你还挺关心人的嘛。 悩み事でもあるのかって?そんなのないよ。ちょっと考え事をしただけ。指揮官って意外と世話焼きだよね。Play Annoyed? I’m not annoyed, I’m just thinking about some random things… H-Huh, never thought you’d be that concerned about others’ feelings.
好了好了,我认输,别再那样盯着我了,会让人害羞的…… はいはい、降参よ。そんな目で見られると照れちゃうから、もうやめてよ。Play Alright, alright, I admit my defeat. Don’t stare at me like that anymore, it’d make anyone blush.
Secretary (post OATH)
Is this where we’re going on a date next? I’ve never heard of this place before… but you chose it, so there’s no need for me to be afraid.
Commander, please show me more of this world, and its many strange places. The thought of experiencing the ‘unknown’ makes me feel nothing but fright, but as long as there’s Commander… N-Nothing, what I mean is that as long as you don’t just throw me away, it’s fine.
Greeting え、いつから至たの?Play Eh? When did you show up?
T-Doll Produced 知らない人がどんどん増えて来たね。Play The number of strangers around here has increased.
Joining an echelon 今度の部隊は他に誰がいるの?Play Who else is in this unit?
Enhancement 新しい力じっくりと慣らした行かないとね。Play This new power will take some getting used to.
Dummy-linking 自分の姿そのままなのに、なんか別人って感じよね。Play Even though I'm still the same, I feel completely different.
Logistics (start) いつもの所ね。じゃあ行くわ。Play The usual, right? Then, I'm off.
Logistics (end) 途中で知り合い人形に会ったけど、挨拶出来なかった。Play I saw a doll acquaintance along the way, but I couldn't say hello.
Autobattle 最初の頃みたいに、手加減はしないわよ!Play Just like the first time, I won't hold back!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 構えて、戦闘が始まるわ。Play Standby, commencing combat.
Starting a battle あいつらなんて相手はならないわ。Play Those guys can't seriously be our opponents.
Skill activation 頂くわ!Play Don't mind if I do!
どこの誰よ、こっちに来ないで!Play Where are you going? I'm right over here!
これでおしまいね!Play This is the end!
Heavily damaged うぐ…やっぱり、そこまで甘くないのね…Play Ngh... I knew it, this was a bad idea after all.
Retreat 一体…どこで間違ったの…Play Ow... Where did I go wrong...
MVP この勝利は、きっとみんなに深い印象残したはず。Play Surely this victory will leave a deep impression on everybody.
Restoration 休眠モードに入るから、寝顔を覗かないでよね。Play I'm going into sleep mode, please don't stare at my face.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween し…指揮官助けて!知らないこと道からお菓子を荷駄れてて…ど…どうしよう?!Play C-Commander, help me! I didn't know I was picking up candy from the road...w-what should I do?!
Christmas 指揮官、クリスマスカードを用意したんだけど…こっそりみんなに渡してくれる?私が書いたことは内緒で。Play Commander, I've prepared christmas cards but... could you give this to everyone secretly? What I wrote is a secret.
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとう。あ、これ?蕎麦なんだけど、食べてみる?一葉…私の得意料理でもあるんだけど。


Commander, Happy Hew Year. Ah, this? It's just a soba, would you like some? I too have something that I could cook.
Valentine's day まさかチョコを貰えるなんて…。こ…これって悪戯だよね?それとも実は私結構モテるのかな?


To think that I could get chocolate. T-this is not a prank right? Or perhaps I really am popular?
Tanabata 去年の願い事がまだ叶ってないのよ。今年はもうちょっと織姫さまを急かしてみよう。


My wish from last year hasn't been granted. I need to urge on Orihime-sama this year.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play