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Hanyang Type 88/Quotes

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Hanyang Type 88 Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 欢迎光临!汉阳造88式,为您服务! CAクラブへようこそ。喜んでサービスしてあげますよ。ご主人様。Play Welcome to the CA club! Hanyang Type 88, it's a pleasure to be of service to you, master.
Introduction 改造自G88步枪的国产步枪,88式汉阳造,作为本国生产时间最长久的武器之一,经历了数场意义重大的革命和反击战争,充满了那个时代的记忆。而此刻的我,能以全新的面貌来到您面前,这是我的荣幸。那么主人,欢迎光临! A domestically made rifle based on G88, Type 88 Hanyang. As one of the earliest produced weapon, I was part of many important revolutions and patriotic wars, I'm filled with the memories of that era. It is my honor to appear before you, right now, in my brand new appearance. So, welcome, Master.
Secretary 这几天会很热吗?不过对小爱来说,倒不算什么呢。 ここ数日は暑いですか?でも、愛ちゃんにとては大した暑さじゃないですね。Play It'll be hot out for the next few days, huh? Though for me, it's not a big deal.
欢迎关注今年的CA信息哦,主人,这是海报,请收好。 今年のComiAi情報、見逃さないて下さいよ。これはポスターです、大事にしてくださいね。ご主人様。Play Thanks for following the news about this year's CA, Master. Please take this poster.
所以说,这才不是Cosplay呢!女仆也是正经体面的职业哦! のん、のん。だから、これはコスプレじゃありません。メイドも立派なお仕事ですよ。Play I'm telling you, this isn't a cosplay! "Maid" is a perfectly legitimate profession!
Secretary (post OATH)
Master what would you order today? Bath water? Dinner? Or my... Special good night sleep?
What are your orders right now Master? Ehh- You want Ai...? That's... That's fine. But you have to be responsible for now ok? Alright then, Master, please take good care of Ai from now on.
Greeting 啊,主人,欢迎回来。 お帰りなさいませ、ご…ご主人様。Play Ah, Master, welcome back.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴呢,你要不要也当女仆呢? 新しい仲間ですね。貴方もメードなてくれませんか?Play New companion, do you want to be a maid too?
Joining an echelon 请多指教。啊,要来杯热咖啡吗? よろしくお願いします。あ、熱いコーヒーいかがでしょうか。Play Nice to meet you. Ahh, would you like a cup of coffee?
Enhancement 唔嗯…稍稍有一些成长吗?感觉还不错呢。 うんん~少しは成長しましたが?悪くないですね。Play Ummuu... Grown up a little no? Not too shabby.
Dummy-linking 店变的更大了呢,主人也一起来加油吧! お店が大きくなりましたね。 ご主人様応援しましょう。Play The shop is expanded. Master have to work hard too!
Logistics (start) 出发调度食材啰。 食材の調達に行ってきます。Play Going out to procure food materials.
Logistics (end) 我回来了!店里没事吧? ただいま!お店は大丈夫ですか?Play I'm back! Is the shop ok?
Autobattle 餐后的甜点呦~请慢慢用。 食後のデザートですよ~ごゆっくりどうぞ。Play Dessert after the main course coming up~ Do enjoy.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 请好好看看吧!作为老牌店员的实力! よく見てください。ベテランの底力、見せてあげます!Play Please witness the power of a senior worker!
Starting a battle 不欢迎会造成困扰的客人喔! 迷惑のお客様は、歓迎しませんよ。Play Disruptive guests are not welcome!
Skill activation 啊~来了来了! あ~来だ来だ!Play Yes~ On my way!
联系方式的话,可不随便告知呢! メアドなら、そう簡単には教えてあげませんよ。Play Means of contact, I can't just tell everyone!
乱来的客人还是早早离开吧! 嫌がらせするお客様は、さっさとお帰りください。Play Messy guests should show themselves out!
Heavily damaged 呜…请不要欺侮小爱。 ううん~愛ちゃんをいじめないて下さい。Play Uuuu... Please don't bully Ai.
Retreat 这难道是…破产的预兆?不…绝对不可以灰心。 これは、破産の予兆ですか?いや、挫けない下さいよ。Play Could this be... The signs of bankruptcy? No, I can't give up!
MVP 平安达成主人的要求了,请静候我的归还。 ご主人様のご要望を無事達成しました。またのお帰りを待ちしております。Play Everything up to the satisfaction of Master, please await my return.
Restoration 对不起,这次….请由主人来照顾小爱吧。 ごめんなさい、今回ばかりはご主人様にご迷惑をかけます。Play I'm sorry, master... Please take care of Ai this time.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 是万圣节哦?主人,记得来光临店面哦,有更多Cosplay活动恭候大家呢。 ハロウィンですよご主人様。是非お店いらっしてくださいね。沢山コスプレイイベント用意してお待ちしていますよ。Play Halloween? Master, please visit the shop, we have more Cosplay event for everyone!
Christmas メリークリスマス!ご主人様、お店のイベントに参加してくれませんか?特別なクリスマスプレゼントが当たるかも知れませんよ。Play Merry Christmas! Won't you be participating in the shop's christmas event? You might score a jackpot you know.
New Year's Day ご主人様、明けましておめでとうございます。新年はどうやって過ごそうつもりですか?ゆっくりコーヒーでものんで考えませんか?


Master, Happy New Year. How do you want to spend the new year? How about enjoying some coffee in leisure?
Valentine's day 見てください、ご主人様。愛ちゃんの特性チョコケーキですよ、うふふ。魔法の味…是非試してみてください。


Look at this, Master. It's my special chocolate cake, ufufu. Its magical taste... please enjoy it to your heart content.
Tanabata 気を村けてくださいねご主人様。愛ちゃんと一緒に七夕を過ごすと熱いの夜になるはずですから。え?気候の話ですわよ。


Take care of yourself, Master. Tanabata night where we will spend our time together will become a hot one. Eh? I was talking about the climate.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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MOD3 Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 虽然不记得发生了什么,但全面升级后的汉阳造88式回归了!火力特化后的我会为您提供更全面的服务,保护工作也不会落下哦! こんにちはご主人様。今日から新しいサービスを提供しわますよ。Play Greetings, master. Starting today, I'll provide a brand new service.
Introduction 改造自G88步枪的国产步枪,88式汉阳造,作为本国生产时间最长久的武器之一,经历了数场意义重大的革命和反击战争,充满了那个时代的记忆。而此刻的我,能以全新的面貌来到您面前,这是我的荣幸。那么主人,欢迎光临! A domestically made rifle based on G88, Type 88 Hanyang. As one of the earliest produced weapon, I was part of many important revolutions and patriotic wars, I'm filled with the memories of that era. It is my honor to appear before you, right now, in my brand new appearance. So, welcome, Master.
Secretary 这身装备,看起来会很突兀吗?不会就太好了。穿着它时,小爱会有很怀念的感觉。 ご主人様、今日の天気予報見ましたか?ここにお洋服のアドバイスがありますわよ。Play Have you see today's forecast? There's clothes recommendation here as well.
在店里照顾您的味蕾,出外则保证您的安全!虽然曾经有遗憾,但那会让小爱变得更强。 ご主人様、お時間ありますか?私が新しく作った服、見てください。Play Master, do you have a moment? Please look at this new costume that I made.
小爱曾经演算过很多次,应该如何与我的主人对话……但是果然,面对您的话,我还是会感到无措呢。 こんな私を受け入れてくれるのは嬉しいですが…勝手に触ってはいけませんわよ。Play I'm happy that you accept me the way I am... but please don't touch me so casually.
Secretary (post OATH)
Master what would you order today? Bath water? Dinner? Or my... Special good night sleep?
What are your orders right now Master? Ehh- You want Ai...? That's... That's fine. But you have to be responsible for now ok? Alright then, Master, please take good care of Ai from now on.
Greeting お帰りなさいませ、ご…ご主人様。Play Ah, Master, welcome back.
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間ですね。貴方もメードなてくれませんか?Play New companion, do you want to be a maid too?
Joining an echelon お久しぶりですわ皆さん。またお役に立たせてください。Play Everyone, it's been a while. Make use of me again this time.
Enhancement たくさん成長させてくれたんですね。ありがとうございます、ご主人様。Play You made me grow this much. Thank you very much, Master.
Dummy-linking お店が大きくなりましたね。 ご主人様応援しましょう。Play The shop is expanded. Master have to work hard too!
Logistics (start) 食材の調達に行ってきます。Play Going out to procure food materials.
Logistics (end) ただいま!お店は大丈夫ですか?Play I'm back! Is the shop ok?
Autobattle 食後のデザートですよ~ごゆっくりどうぞ。Play Dessert after the main course coming up~ Do enjoy.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 命令了解!いつでも行けます!Play Order accepted! I can go anytime!
Starting a battle たっぷりお持て成しあげますわ!Play I'll show you lots of hospitality!
Skill activation 店内は暴力禁止ですわよ!Play Violence is prohibited in the store!
正大はお持て成しですわ!Play Hospitality is justice!
ご注文は来ましたわよ!Play Your order has arrived!
Heavily damaged うぅぅ…このままじゃご主人様に怒られますわ…Play Uuh... Master is going to scold me...
Retreat 私のお持て成し…どこで間違ったでしょうか?Play My hospitality... where did it go wrong?
MVP お客様達、今回も満足して頂きたい様ですね。また次もお持て成し差し上げましょう。Play Looks like I managed to satisfy the guest again this time. Let's show some hospitality again next time.
Restoration ごめんなさい、今回ばかりはご主人様にご迷惑をかけます。Play My apologize, for causing you inconvenience.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ハロウィンですよご主人様。是非お店いらっしてくださいね。沢山コスプレイイベント用意してお待ちしていますよ。Play Halloween? Master, please visit the shop, we have more Cosplay event for everyone!
Christmas メリークリスマス!ご主人様、お店のイベントに参加してくれませんか?特別なクリスマスプレゼントが当たるかも知れませんよ。Play Merry Christmas! Won't you be participating in the shop's christmas event? You may score a jackpot you know.
New Year's Day ご主人様、明けましておめでとうございます。新年はどうやって過ごそうつもりですか?ゆっくりコーヒーでものんで考えませんか?-->


Master, Happy New Year. How do you want to spend the new year? How about enjoying some coffee in leisure? -->
Valentine's day 見てください、ご主人様。愛ちゃんの特性チョコケーキですよ、うふふ。魔法の味…是非試してみてください。


Look at this, Master. It's my special chocolate cake, ufufu. Its magical taste... please enjoy it to your heart content.
Tanabata 気を村けてくださいねご主人様。愛ちゃんと一緒に七夕を過ごすと熱いの夜になるはずですから。え?気候の話ですわよ。


Take care of yourself, Master. Tanabata night where we will spend our time together will be a hot one. Eh? I was talking about the climate.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
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