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Gepard M1/Quotes

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Gepard M1 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 这里就是我新的工作地方吗?……好吧,猎豹M1,正式报到。 ここがワタシの新しい仕事場なの?…まぁいいけど、Gepard M1、正式入隊する。Play This is my new place of work? ...Alright, Gepard M1, reporting in.
Introduction 我是Gepárd M1,直接叫我猎豹也没问题……作为猎豹系列第一把服役的枪,我主要负责摧毁一些轻装甲的目标,不过略重的枪身和较长的装填过程,给了我必须达到“一枪一杀”的压力……哎,如此繁重的工作,为什么要交给如此弱小的我呢…… I'm Gepárd M1, it's ok if you address me just as Gepard... As the first gun to enter service in the entire Gepard series, my main task is destroying light armor targets, but due to the slightly heavy gun body and a relatively long reloading process, I'm under the "One shot, One kill" pressure... Ahh, such a heavy task, why was it given to a weakling like me.
Secretary 指挥官,战争要是结束了,我就能永远的放假了吧? 指揮官、もし戦争が終わったら、長期休暇が取れるよね?Play Commander, if the war is over, I will be on vacation forever, right?
不管是工作还是这件武器,对我来说都好沉重…… 仕事も武器も、ワタシには重く感じる…Play Both the job and this weapon feels so heavy for me...
要保持注意力是很困难的,请指挥官不要打扰我…… 集中力を保つのはけっこう難しいから、指揮官邪魔しないでくれる?Play It's difficult to maintain concentration, please do not disrupt me Commander...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, you're going overtime again on the next break? Don't worry, I'll accompany you.
Commander, it took my all to walk alone by myself... But when you're by my side, this burden... it doesn't feel scary anymore. From now on, will you support me, Commander?
Greeting 指挥官,今天应该不用加班吧? 指揮官、今日は残業しなくていいよね?Play Commander, it's fine if I don't take overtime today, alright?
T-Doll Produced 新人,这里的假期可是超少的哦。 新人、ここの休暇は少ないよ。Play New girl, there is only a little day off here.
Joining an echelon 我会努力不让大家失望的。 みんなを失望させないように、頑張りまーす。Play To not disappoint everyone, I'll do my best.
Enhancement 变强并不能解决所有问题…… 強くなっても、全てが解決されるわけじゃない。Play Even if you become stronger, It won't solve every problem.
Dummy-linking 既然都加人了,假期是不是也可以加倍呢? 人数が増えたら、休暇も増えないのかな?Play If the number of hand increased, won't the day off follow?
Logistics (start) 果然还是来了……好吧,不管多重我都会运回来的。 やっぱ来たぁ。はいはい、どんなに重くても、ちゃんと運(はこ)んで帰るから。Play
Logistics (end) 呼哈……不行了!……我走不动了…… あぁーダメだ。もう歩けないよ~Play Aah, no good. I can't walk anymore~
Autobattle 至少,这次比平时的作战要轻松一些…… ま、きっと普段の戦いより楽でしょう。Play Well, this should be easier than the usual battle.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 为了延长假期……多做点工作吧。 休暇を伸ばすため、今はもうちょっと働きましょう。Play For the sake of extending my day off, let's work a little harder.
Starting a battle 你们等很久了吗?也够辛苦的呢…… 随分待った?あなた達も大変だね。Play
Skill activation 给你放个长假吧…… あなたに休暇を与えよう。Play Let's give you a vacation.
一枪一杀! ワンショット・ワンキル。Play One shot, one kill.
倒下吧,让我省一点事。 さっさと倒れなさい。私の手間が省ける。Play Get beaten quickly. I want to save my time.
Heavily damaged 呜呃……好重……我已经快不行了…… あぁ…重い!もうダメだーPlay
Retreat 指挥官,我已经尽力了…… 指揮官、もう限界。Play Commander, I'm at my limit.
MVP 呼……赢了,这下能稍微放几天假了吧? あぁーやった!これで少し休めるよね?Play Aah, I did it! Can I take a little break?
Restoration 能不用快速修复吗?我还想再多休息会儿…… 快速修復を使わないで、もうちょっと休みたい。Play Don't use the quick repair, I want to rest a little more.
Attack 嘿咻、嘿咻…… Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 好好的休息日为什么大家那么闹腾呢?好好休息一下不行吗…… 休日なのにどうしてみんなわーいわーいしてるの?休ませばいいのに。Play It's a day off but why everyone is still so lively? They better take a break.
Christmas 圣诞老人只有这一天才工作,真是好羡慕啊…… サンタさんっていいな。今日だけ働けばいいなんて…羨ましい…Play How nice of Santa. Today is the only day when he needs to work... I'm envious.
New Year's Day 明明是新年假期居然还要工作……不是太可怜了吗? 休日なのにまだ仕事があるなんて…可哀想過ぎない?


To think there is still work on a day off... don't you think it's pitiful?
Valentine's day 指挥官收了那么多的巧克力,不觉得是个负担吗? そんなにチョコをいっぱいもらって豚に思わない?


Tanabata 我只是想要更多的假期而已……但即便是这样的愿望,对我来说也是非常奢侈呢。 私はただ休日もっと欲しいなのに。それも請託夢みたいだね。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 好重…… Play
Phrase 好重啊…… Play
Tip 告诉你的话可以给我放假吗? Play
Loading 为了不加班今天也加油干吧。 Play

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 好久不见……指挥官,不,对不起,对我来说似乎才刚刚见过不久…… Play It's been a while, Commander... No, I'm sorry, it was only a short while ago to me.
Secretary 您也听说了我失去那段记忆的事吗?不用在意的,事到如今,我觉得当时发生了什么已经不再重要了,此时此刻,我在这里,这才是我应该在乎的。 Play Have you heard about the stretch of memories which I lost? There's no need to worry. Things being what they are now, I feel that what happened back then doesn't matter any more. I am here, at this very moment, and that is what I should care about.
等我变得足够优秀,我也想加入李小姐指挥的精英小队。她是个令人信赖的队长和前辈……而且听说她很有时间观念,很少要求下属加班。 Play Once I become capable enough, I'd like to join that team led by Miss Lee. She's a trustworthy team leader and senior... And I've heard that she's very mindful of proper timing and rarely asks her people to do overtime.
如果十年之后,我还在您的身边……那我是不是也可以拿到终生就职书呢? Play If I'm still by your side ten years later... Does that mean I can get a lifetime employment certificate too?
Secretary (post OATH)
I used to think of Griffin as nothign more than a place to work. It was a good company, perhaps even the best company, but now it's taken on a different meaning to me... All of you are part of my family, and I value you far more than I do myself -- that said, please approve my vacation days when they come at a suitable time, Commander.
Commander, just moving onward by myself is tiring enough... But with you by my side... that weight doesn't seem so scary any more. Commander... Can I count on you to help carry the part that I can't bear by myself?
Greeting 欢迎回来,指挥官,我一直在等你。 Play Welcome back, Commander. I've been waiting for you.
T-Doll Produced 有新人来了,指挥官,别让人家等太久吧。 Play We have a newcomer, Commander. Don't keep her waiting for too long.
Joining an echelon ……不知不觉,我已经是前辈了吗? Play ...Have I become the senior one at some point?
Enhancement 我的素体仍在进化,为了格里芬而进化。 Play My body is still evolving for the sake of Griffin.
Dummy-linking 既然都加人了,假期是不是也可以加倍呢? Play Since I've got more manpower, does that mean my vacation days get multiplied too?
Logistics (start) 果然还是来了……好吧,不管多重我都会运回来的。 Play I knew it, here it comes... Alright then, I'll bring it all back, no matter how heavy it is.
Logistics (end) 呼哈……不行了!……我走不动了…… Play (Pants) This is too much! ...I can't move any more...
Autobattle 至少,这次比平时的作战要轻松一些…… Play At the very least, this will be easier than my usual ops...
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 心态一旦改变……工作时的状态都不大一样了。 Play Once your attitude changes... your work conditions become completely different.
Starting a battle 放个永远的长假吧。 Play Time for an eternal vacation.
Skill activation 别让我开第二枪,为了你好。 Play For your sake, don't make me fire a second shot.
死吧。 Play Die.
魂灵归兮…… Play Return, oh spirit...
Heavily damaged 我……我还能再撑一会…… Play I... I can still...
Retreat ……这下非得请年假不可了。 Play ...I'll definitely have to take annual leave after this.
MVP 他们为自己的职场环境感到后悔吗? Play Do they regret their work environment?
Restoration 能不用快速修复吗?我还想再多休息会儿…… Play Could you not use those quick repair contracts? I want to rest a little more...
Attack 身体好轻…… Play My body feels so light...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 我会保护我的家人。 Play I'll protect my family.
Phrase 好重啊…… Play So heavy...
Tip 告诉你的话可以给我放假吗? Play If I tell you, will you give me a vacation?
Loading 为了不加班今天也加油干吧。 Play Let's work hard for the sake of a day without overtime.