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Full name Felagi-Snikskytter
Affiliation Varjagers
Released on CN (狙击兵), EN (2024-12)
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Felagi-Snikskytter is a type of enemy unit in Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium.


Felagi-Snikskytter I

Their weapons might not be fancy or anything, but they've got cunning in spades. Be careful when passing by shaded areas; you might run into a Varjager sniper taking aim.

Also known as: Felaskju Type I. First appears in Campaign Stage 1-5.

Possible Weaknesses Light AmmoHeavy AmmoMeleeBurn PhaseHydro Phase
Stability Index 7
Stability damage reduction 60%
Critical values 0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points 4
Long-Range Sniper I No attribute
Basic Attack / Targeted
2 Range: 8 Area of Effect: Target

Selects 1 target within 3 to 8 tiles, dealing physical damage equal to 120% of attack.

Battle Traits
Covert Ops

Felagi-Snikskytter - ELE I

Their weapons might not be fancy or anything, but they've got cunning in spades. Be careful when passing by shaded areas; you might run into a Varjager sniper taking aim.

Also known as: Felaskju - ELE Type I. First appears in Campaign Stage 2-7.

Possible Weaknesses Light AmmoMeleeBurn PhaseFreeze Phase
Stability Index 7
Stability damage reduction 60%
Critical values 0% critical chance (DMG×100%)
Movement Points 4
Long-Range Sniper II No attribute
Basic Attack / Targeted
3 Range: 8 Area of Effect: Target

Selects 1 target within 3 to 8 tiles, dealing physical damage equal to 120% of attack.

EM Pierce I No attribute
Electric PhaseActive / Targeted
3 Range: 8 Area of Effect: Target

Selects 1 enemy target within 3 to 8 tiles and deals Electric damage equal to 120% of attack to them.

Battle Traits
Covert Ops



  • Félagi can mean “companion” in Icelandic, while snikskyttar means “sniper” in Norwegian.
