Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | DSR-50,指挥官……相信您做梦都会念着这个名字的,哼哼…… | DSR-50よ……うふふ、この名前はきっと、夢にまで出てくると思うわ。 | DSR-50, Commander... This is a name you will be whispering even in your dreams... | |
Introduction | 我是DSR-50狙击步枪,是DSR-1 50BMG步枪子弹的版本,在加装“爆风抑制装置”的枪口装置后,大大减少了50BMG射击时产生的问题,不过……我最大的问题,就是没有懂得如何“使用”我的人……那人会是您吗?指挥官。 | I'm DSR-50 Sniper rifle, a variant of DSR-1 that uses .50 BMG rounds. After incorporating "Blast Compensator" the problems with .50 BMG rounds reduced greatly. But my biggest problem though... Is that no one truly understand how to "use" me, could you be the first, Commander? | ||
Secretary | 指挥官,对于我的使用方法……您可得小心一点才行呢。 | 指揮官、私の取扱いは……もっと慎重にね。 | Commander, you have to be careful regarding... How to use me. | |
作战计划可以再大胆一些……没关系,这就是我想要的。 | もっと大胆な作戦計画を立てて……それは私の望みだから。 | Combat plan can be more bold... Don't worry, that's what I want. | ||
指挥官,如果有需要的话,就晚点单独来我的宿舍吧…… | 指揮官がお望みなら、夜、私の部屋に遊びに来てね……ただし、一人で。 | Commander, if there are any needs, you can come to my dorm tonight, alone... | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 指挥官,今晚的惊喜我可是很期待的……可别让我失望咯?
Commander I'm looking forward to tonight's surprises... Don't disappoint me, okay?...
| |
OATH | 指挥官,我知道这里意味着什么……没想到最后,是您让我措手不及了呢。呵呵……只不过是得逞了这一回,您不会就想这么算了吧?❤
Commander I know what this means... But in the end you still surprised me. Hehe... Just this once though, I will get you back, this isn't over.❤
| |
Greeting | 哎呀……来得真是时候呢。 | あら、良いところに来たわね。 | Ahhh, arrived just on time. | |
T-Doll Produced | 新来的~要不要来我的房间?就你跟我两个人。 | 新人ちゃん~私の部屋にこない?そう、あなたと私の二人だけ。 | New girl, wanna come to my room? Just you and me. | |
Joining an echelon | 真的好吗?用这样的编队...当我没说。 | ほんとに良いの?そんいう編成にすると…うふふ、なんでもないわ。 | Is this really okay? Using this kind of formation... Never mind. | |
Enhancement | 不要太勉强喔。 | あんまり無茶しないでね。 | Don't over do it. | |
Dummy-linking | 指挥官,您可真是贪心呢,呵呵…… | 指揮官ったら欲張りね~ | How greedy of you Commander~ | |
Logistics (start) | 哎呀,散步的时间到了? | あら、お散歩の時間? | Ohhh, time for a walk? | |
Logistics (end) | 脚麻了~指挥官,来帮我揉揉吧…… | あ~疲れた、指揮官、ちょっと足をマッサージしてもらえないかしら。 | My feet are numb~ Commander, come give me a massage... | |
Autobattle | 那,稍微让我擅自做点决定吧。 | じゃ、少し好きにさせてもらうわね。 | Then, let me make some of my own decisions. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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