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C-MS Strategy Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 居然把我捡了回来……你不会只是一时兴起吧?想让我相信你的话,可得好好做我的“部下”哦。 私を拾うなんて、ただの気まぐれじゃないよね。私に信用されたいなら、部下としてしっかり頑張りなさいよ!Play You have actually found me... Are you just doing this on a whim? If you want to convince me, you have to be a good "subordinate" ok?
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 指挥官,我渴了,快去给我买饮料来。 ねぇ、指揮官、喉が乾いた〜ジュース買ってきて!Play Commander, I'm thirsty, go buy me a drink.
很多事不要等我开口啊,指挥官得主动察觉到我的心思才行呢。 口が言わなくても、私が思ったことを察してよ、指揮官。Play Don't wait for me to tell you what to do, you have to be able to read my thoughts.
要给我按摩吗?真是个好部下啊,嗯嗯! マッサージしてくれんの?いい部下だね、うむうむ!Play You want to give me a massage? You are such a good subordinate, Umu!
Secretary (post OATH)
Instead of getting you to run errands for me, I feel happier if I let you stay by my side, don't just leave me ok...?
Commander, as my number 1 subordinate, you are quite determined. Everything you have done for me, I believe... No one can replace you in my heart. And I also believe, that I'm in a similar position to you, in your heart...
Greeting 终于来了呢。 やっときたね〜Play Finally here huh~
T-Doll Produced 又把谁捡过来了呢? また誰かを拾ってきたの?Play Who did you pick up this time?
Joining an echelon 这些家伙全都是我的部下吗? こいつらは、みんな私の部下なの?Play Are these guys my subordinates?
Enhancement 不错嘛! ほう〜やるじゃん!Play That ain't bad!
Dummy-linking 部下的数量可不能不加呢! 部下の数も倍増しないとね!Play I got some more subordinates!
Logistics (start) 差不多要走了呢。指挥官,看家就拜托了! そろそろ行くよ。指揮官、留守番よろしくね。Play It's about time to leave. Commander, look after the base for me.
Logistics (end) 我回来了!肩膀都硬了快来给我按摩。 たっだいま〜うぇ〜、肩がこった。早くマッサージして。Play I'm back! My shoulders are so stiff, come give me a massage.
Autobattle 好好的看着我战斗的姿势吧! 私の戦う姿を、良く見なさい!Play Pay attention, this is my style of combat!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 小的们,好好干啊! 野郎共、しっかりやりなさいよ!Play Fight, my minions!
Starting a battle 把你打得落花流水! ボコボコにしてやる!Play I'll give you a humiliating defeat!
Skill activation 到我出场了呢! 私の出番だね〜!Play It's my turn to shine!
滚远一点! あっちいけ!Play Get away from me!
活该啊! ざまーみろ!Play You had it coming!
Heavily damaged 哈……做好了战斗到最后的准备了… ふぇ…とことんやるつもりね…Play Haa... I'm prepared to fight 'til the end...
Retreat 大家……都好好的……努力了呢…… みんな…精一杯頑張った…よね…Play Everyone... you all... did your best...
MVP 是约好的胜利呢!别忘了报酬呀! 約束した勝利だよ!お返しは、忘れないでね!Play Here's the victory I promised! Don't forget about my reward!
Restoration 就算我在休息,也不要让任务失败呢! 私が休んても、任務は失敗らないでよ!Play Even if I'm off duty, I won't forget about the mission!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 幽霊は壁を透り抜かれるの?きっと便利だよね。部下にしたいなぁ…Play
Christmas 指揮官クリスマスプレゼントの用意が出来たよ。早く開けてよ!Play
New Year's Day ほら!部下へのお年玉だよ。いつも苦労させたからね。今年も私の為に精精頑張りなよ。


Valentine's day ふえ…なんでアンタだけチョコをいっぱいもらえるの?ねぇ、私の分は?


Tanabata 神様に願うより部下に任せて方が余っ程頼むしよ。ねぇ指揮官、早く花火を連れてってよ。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 居然把我捡了回来……你不会只是一时兴起吧?想让我相信你的话,可得好好做我的“部下”哦。 私を拾うなんて、ただの気まぐれじゃないよね。私に信用されたいなら、部下としてしっかり頑張りなさいよ!Play You have actually found me... Are you just doing this on a whim? If you want to convince me, you have to be a good "subordinate" ok?
Secretary 毕竟现在是长身体的时候,就算是鱼刺也不能浪费呢……咕,刺有点硬。 育ち盛りだから、魚の骨一本も無駄にしない。はむ…はむ…ぐぬぅ…ちょっと硬い…Play Since I'm still growing, I won't waste even a piece of fish bone! *nom nom* Ughhh, it's a bit too hard...
指挥官,我想骑马,要会汪汪叫的那种!快点啦! 指揮官、馬乗りたい!早く早く!Play Commander, I wanna ride a horse! Hurry, hurry~!
啊唔!……呸呸呸!唔呃……指挥官比这条鱼难吃多了…… ぐぇぇ…指揮官はこの魚よりまずいよぉ…Play Bleh... The Commander tastes even worse than this fish...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, if you keep yourself busy all the time, you'll come down with something! I order you to bed!
Commander, as my number 1 subordinate, you are quite determined. Everything you have done for me, I believe... No one can replace you in my heart. And I also believe, that I'm in a similar position to you, in your heart...
Greeting 终于来了呢。 やっときたね〜Play Finally here huh~
T-Doll Produced また誰かを拾ってきたの?Play
Joining an echelon こいつらは、みんな私の部下なの?Play
Enhancement ほう〜やるじゃん!Play
Dummy-linking 部下の数も倍増しないとね!Play
Logistics (start) そろそろ行くよ。指揮官、留守番よろしくね。Play
Logistics (end) たっだいま〜うぇ〜、肩がこった。早くマッサージして。Play
Autobattle 私の戦う姿を、良く見なさい!Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 野郎共、しっかりやりなさいよ!Play
Starting a battle ボコボコにしてやる!Play
Skill activation いいよ、来な!Play
Heavily damaged やだ!痛いでしょう?Play
Retreat みんな…精一杯頑張った…よね…Play
MVP 約束した勝利だよ!お返しは、忘れないでね!Play
Restoration 私が休んても、任務は失敗らないでよ!Play
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play