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"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Full name Acheron
Affiliation KCCO
Released on CN (捍卫者), TW, KR, EN
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Stats / Data

  • Classification: Machine
  • Damage: None
  • Accuracy: None
  • Attack range: None
  • Health: Low
  • Armor value: None
  • Evasion: None
  • Movement speed: Stationary


Makes their appearance in Major Event Polarized Light.


A stationary enemy unit which is deployed several tiles away in their respective formations. Although it possesses no offensive stats or any form of damage, it is primarily a support unit and will provide HP shields to all enemy units.

They don't possess much HP and can be taken out with ease, RFs and dolls which can change their targeting are also effective in taking it out immediately. As it is a sole 1x dummy linked unit, explosives are not recommended against formations that have one present, due to the HP shields the enemy grants, which will greatly hinder your Grenades effectiveness, but Molotovs can still work for their DoT damage. Otherwise, focus on using high DPS or burst echelons such as ARSMG or echelons with MGs present.



  • Acheron is a river leading to the underworld in Ancient Greek mythology, along with the river Styx.
