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AR-18 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 我是战术指导人形,现在的代号为AR18,感谢您的支援,指挥官,下命令吧。 Play I am a tactical instructor Doll. My current designation is AR-18. Thank you for your support, Commander. Your orders, please.
Secretary 作为指挥官,您的指挥能力的确非常出彩,但不难看出,在指挥理论上,您似乎有些缺乏基础的指导。毫无疑问,这会是将来的隐患……我会负起责任为您恶补理论知识,做好准备吧。 Play As a commander, you leadership is most exceptional, but it's easy to see that your knowledge of foundational tactical theory is somewhat deficient. There is no doubt that this will end up causing problems in the future... As such, I will take responsibility for making up this shortfall in your theoretical knowledge. Prepare yourself.
指挥理论?学那种东西有什么用?您在前线积累下的经验是多少人梦寐以求而不可得的,还需要——我说的?……抱歉,就当我没提过吧。 Play Leadership theory? What's the point of studying that? Your field experience is the stuff of people's dreams, so why would you even need to—I mentioned it? ...Pardon me. Pretend I said nothing.
我的腕表?它拥有一个独一无二的功能,以至于我无法离开它。依托它的作用,我才能兼顾后方的战术指挥及前线的临场判断……如何实现?您早就见过了,只是没有意识到而已。 Play You want to know about my watch? It has a unique function, to the point where I'm inseparable from it. Thanks to its abilities, I can handle rear-echelon tactical leadership and make frontline field decisions at the same time... How it works? You've already seen it before. You simply haven't realized it yet.
Secretary (post OATH)
I now understand why so many Dolls are willing to stand here and fight by your side... Because it is only here that we truly have the right to choose and possess unimaginable freedom.
If this is a joke, then I have to question your sense of humor. If it is not... Alright then, this is quite a surprise. I've lost many opportunities in the past, and for most of my life, people have made the decisions for me. You are the first person who's given me the right to choose instead. And yes, I've made my choice.
Greeting 你迟到了,指挥官,今天的训练课程依然紧凑。 Play You're late, Commander. Today's training schedule is as packed as ever.
T-Doll Produced 新兵?交给我吧,我会指导她们成为合格的良将。 Play We have new troops? Leave them to me. I will turn them into satisfactory soldiers.
Joining an echelon 列队——立正,稍息,现在开始报数。 Play Reporting—Attention! At ease, now sound off.
Enhancement 感谢您的援助……这都将成为我迈向前线的养料。 Play Thank you for your aid... This will become my nourishment for my journey to the frontlines.
Dummy-linking 还以为可以用这种方式分工合作……看来不行呢。 Play And here I thought I could use this method to delegate out my tasks... Looks like that's not going to work out.
Logistics (start) 积累更多经验,对今后的作战会有帮助。 Play Accumulating more experience will help in future battles.
Logistics (end) 我完成地比我想象得更好,如果机会能来得更早就好了。 Play I did better than I expected. If only this chance had come sooner.
Autobattle 交给我吧,计划已经足够完整了。 Play Leave it to me. The plan is largely complete.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我很庆幸——至少现在,我不需要站在后方指挥了。 Play I'm very glad—At least, I won't need to lead from behind now.
Starting a battle 阵型展开,做好接敌准备。 Play Fan out and prepare to engage the enemy.
Skill activation 听我的指令。 Play Listen to my commands.
已确认目标位置。 Play Target position verified.
进攻! Play Attack!
Heavily damaged 经验还是不足吗…… Play Not enough experience, huh...
Retreat 撤退,重新整编。 Play Fall back and regroup.
MVP 理所当然的战果。 Play An expected outcome.
Restoration ……麻烦各位了。 Play ...Sorry for the bother.
Attack 上吧,柳德米拉。 Play Let's go, Lyudmila.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我绝不会参与如此混乱的活动,军队的纪律一旦被破坏就很难被挽回。尽管我不会强烈反对,但至少,作为上位者,我希望您要保持自己的威严——我就这样出去就可以?您是在讽刺我吧? Play I would never take part in such a rowdy activity. Once a military unit loses its discipline, regaining it is extremely difficult. While I am not totally opposed to this, I urge you as a superior officer to at least maintain your own dignity—Did you just say I can go out like this without any issues? Are you mocking me?
Christmas 不论是人类,还是人形,拥有信仰者往往才能迸发更匪夷所思的力量……不过,我的信仰大约与宗教并无关系,对我来说,这个节日最重要的部分,是一同庆祝的同伴。 Play For humans and Dolls, the faithful among them are often able to bring forth a kind of mysterious power... However, my beliefs most likely have nothing to do with religions. For me, the most important part of this occasion is the friends who celebrate it with me.
New Year's Day 我还不曾体会过新年的感觉,过去,在我就职的地方,即便是最热闹的时候,也不过是跟几个学徒聚在一起用酒水举杯罢了……所以,很高兴您愿意带领我,偶尔做一次学生倒也是新奇的体验。


I've never experienced the feeling of celebrating New Year's. In my previous workplace, even the liveliest celebration was nothing more than having a few drinks with my students... Which is why I'm glad you're willing to lead me. Being a student every so often is a new and refreshing experience.
Valentine's day ……您认为这个节日与我会有关联吗?实在是难以想象。不过,我也不介意摄入少量甜食来作为享受的一种。这是我从仓库拿来的黑巧克力,分您一半吧。


...Do you think this day has any connection with me? I find it hard to imagine. Still, I don't mind consuming small quantities of sweets as a form of enjoyment. I got this dark chocolate from the warehouse; you can have half of it.
Tanabata 将信笺绑在竹子上,就可以实现愿望吗?如果凡事都有这么容易……那世上也不会有那么多烦恼了。


So, my wish will come true when I tie it onto the bamboo tree? If everything were this easy... then there wouldn't be so many problems in this world.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense ……到你出场了,教官。 Play ...You're up, Instructor.
Phrase 安静,我正在思考。 Play Be quiet, I'm thinking.
Tip ……她们现在叫“忤逆”了吗?比起之前的代号,这个倒是更叫人欣赏。 Play ...Are they called "DEFY" now? That's certainly a more respectable codename than before.
Loading 等待集合的哨声吧。 Play Wait for the assembly whistle.