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Updates (EN)/2019/April

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April 30th[edit]

We will be having our scheduled maintenance from Apr. 30th 00:00 to 06:00 UTC-8. Please be mindful that you will be unable to access the game during the maintenance period.

Maintenance Contents:

  1. Added: Time-limited major event "Deep Dive" will be held from Apr. 30th after maint. May 27th 23:59 UTC-8. During the event, defeat the Goliath with S-rank victory or the Goliath Plus with any rank of victory to obtain a loot box "Crate". You can obtain up to 50 Crate drops daily. Open the Crates for generous rewards including SMG UMP40UMP40UMP40 (guaranteed reward at 777th Crate)! You will receive extra Crates after fully clear the following event missions: Cognitive Conundrum IV-70 Crates, Hyperbolic Function IV- 90 Crates, Relative Behavior IV-120 Crates.
  2. Added: Deep Dive Limited T-Dolls. RF DSR-50DSR-50DSR-50, obtainable as the clear reward of Hyperbolic Function V. SMG KLINKLINKLIN, obtainable as the clear reward of Cognitive Conundrum IV. RF PzB39PzB39PzB39 and SMG F1F1F1, obtainable as limited drops in certain Deep Dive missions.
  3. Added: Deep Dive ranking map Imaginary Maze. Defeat as many enemies as you can in the ranking map to obtain ranking score. The ranking rewards will be distributed after the event ends according to the ranking results. The top 50% Commanders will be awarded Golden Fairies, and the top 40% will be awarded AR 9A-919A-919A-91's exclusive equipment PKN03M as well.
  4. Added: Re-supply gacha "Prairial's Allure" will have a time-limited rerun in Radiant Collection. From Apr. 30th after maint. - May 27th 23:59 UTC-8, AR HK416HK416HK416's "Starry Cocoon", RF WA2000WA2000WA2000's "Ballroom Interlude", HG M950AM950AM950A's "Concert Diva",RF SpringfieldSpringfieldSpringfield's "Queen in Radiance" and MG M1918M1918M1918's "Tender Nocturne" will appear in Radiant Collection gacha!
  5. Added: SMG SR-3MPSR-3MPSR-3MP's "Prairial's Allure" Package will be available in the Shop from Apr. 30th after maint. - May 27th 23:59 UTC-8. Contents: SR-3MP's "Rabbit Macchiato" costume, * 1 and * 100. Price: 2,588 . Limited to 1 purchase.
  6. Added: RF PzB39PzB39PzB39's "Raging Rider" Package will be available in the Shop from Apr. 30th after maint. May 27th 23:59 UTC-8. #*Contents: PzB39's "Raging Rider" costume and Oath Certificate 1. Price: 1,588 . Limited to 1 purchase.
  7. Added: SMG KLINKLINKLIN's "The Three Crows" Package will be available in the Shop from Apr.30th after maint. - May 27th 23:59 UTC-8.
    • Contents: KLIN'S "The Three Crows" costume and * 50. Price: 1,288 . Limited to 1 purchase.
  8. Added: May Special Offer Package. Contents: * 10, * 1, * 1000 and * 100. Time: May 1st 00:00 May 7th 23:59 UTC-8. Price: 580 . Limited to 1 purchase.
  9. Added: May Daily Special Offer Package. Contents: * 100, * 100 and * 150.
    • Time: May 1st 00:00- May 31st 23:59 UTC-8. Price: 118 . Limited to 1 purchase per day.
  10. Added: 6 "Sweet Imprints" costumes will be added to Black Card Exchange: SMG VectorVectorVector's "Ardent Devotion" (Live2D), HG Five-seveNFive-seveNFive-seveN's "Smile of Acceptance", SMG MP5MP5MP5's "A Small Step", RF SV-98SV-98SV-98's "Pierce Your Heart", AR G36G36G36's "Pure White Cornflower" and AR Type56-1Type56-1Type56-1's " 'Til Death Do Us Part".
  11. Anniversary Login Event will commence on May 2nd 00:00 UTC-8. Log in for 7 days to obtain various rewards including a True Core Mask (can be used to exchange one 5-star T-Doll on the exchange list)!
  12. Added: Login event for May. Reward: SMG TMPTMPTMP.
  13. Adjusted: RF M200M200M200's normal art.

Please note that any unfinished battles will be closed once the maintenance begins.

April 16th[edit]

A compulsory client update will be released on Apr. 16th. We will be having our scheduled maintenance from Apr. 16th 00:00 to 06:00 UTC-8. Please be mindful that you will be unable to access the game during the maintenance period, and you will need to have the update installed to continue playing after this maintenance.

  • We suggest that you note down your login credentials to avoid the risk of losing your account.
  • It is also suggested to bind your account to an email as soon as possible if you are playing as a guest

Maintenance Contents:

  1. Added: 5 new T-Dolls, namely AR MDRMDRMDR, SMG C-MSC-MSC-MS, SMG Type 100Type 100Type 100, HG K5K5K5 and AR XM8XM8XM8 will be added to production pool after the maintenance on Apr. 16th. From Apr. 20th 00:00 to Apr. 21st 23:59 UTC-8, the pull rates of these T-Dolls in the standard production will be increased temporarily.
  2. Added : EXP Boost Event. Combat EXP gain will be boosted to 150% from Apr. 20th 00:00 - Apr. 26th 23:59 UTC-8.
  3. Added: Half Price Manpower Package, Half Price Ammunition Package, Half Price Ration Package, Half Price Parts Package and Half Price Contract Package will be available for purchase in the Shop from Apr. 19th 00:00 - Apr. 21st 23:59 UTC-8. Limited to 50 purchases per day.
  4. Added: Auto-Battle Monthly Card. Effective for 30 days, it offers various benefits for Auto-Battling, including: increasing the Auto-Battle batch-run limit to 5 consecutive battles, allowing 2 different Auto Battles to be carried out simultaneously, increasing the EXP gain from Auto-Battles by 50%, and making it possible to deploy only one echelon for each Auto-Battle.
  5. Adjusted: Command Fairy and Rescue Fairy will be reclassified as Combat Fairies.
  6. Adjusted: Base background "Fireworks of Summer" now has Live2D animation.
  7. Adjusted: The maximum capacity of T-Doll, Equipment, Fairy and furniture as well as the friend limit are increased.
  8. Event: Veteran Callback will be held from Apr. 16th 00:00 — Jun. 3rd 23:59 UT C-8. If your last login time is no later than Apr. 2nd 2019 00:00 UTC-8 and your level is above 15, you will be able to obtain generous rewards including AR 6P626P626P62 by returning to the game.

Please note that any unfinished battles will be closed once the maintenance begins.

Version 2.0811 Client Update[edit]

A compulsory client update will be released on Apr. 16th. Please note that you will need to have the new client installed to continue playing after the maintenance.

New Features

  1. Players can now choose to run an Auto-Battle up to 3 times in a row when starting an Auto-Battle.
  2. Auto-Battle Monthly Card: Effective for 30 days, it offers various benefits for Auto-Battling, including: increasing the Auto-Battle batch-run limit to 5 consecutive battles, allowing 2 different Auto-Battles to be carried out simultaneously, increasing the EXP gain from Auto-Battles by 50%, and making it possible to deploy only one echelon for each Auto-Battle.
  3. The limit of the respective infrastructure will be increased:
    • The maximum T-Doll capacity will be increased from 500 to 600 (need to purchase the corresponding shop item to increase the limit)
    • The maximum Fairy capacity will be increased from 100 to 200 (need to purchase the corresponding shop item to increase the limit)
    • The maximum equipment capacity will be increased from 800 to 1 ,000 (need to purchase the corresponding shop item to increase the limit)
    • The maximum furniture capacity will be increased from 2,000 to 2,500 (the default limit will be increased, no in-game purchase is required)
    • The friend limit will be increased from 50 to 100 (the default limit will be increased, no in-game purchase is required)
  4. New gestures to switch between Dorms and/or Auxiliary rooms. Swipe left/right to switch between Dorms and Auxiliary rooms. Swipe up/down to switch between individual Dorms or Auxiliary rooms.
  5. New facility in Auxiliary Room 'Rescue Station" that unlocks pet birds.
  6. When in combat, the skill tab at the bottom will now display the duration and the current buff stacks of skills.
  7. Added a button to collect all production results in T-Doll/Equipment Production.
  8. Added auto-play and story log feature in story mode.
  9. Added camera timer and Share function for AR Photo.
  10. The game can now remember your Sunborn username.
    • Expand the drop-down list to select a previously used username.


  1. Greatly improved performance and reduced chance of game crash.
  2. Reduced game size.
  3. Several optimizations for planning mode, including multi-turn planning, selecting the same node multiple times, shortest route plotting and automatic position switching.
  4. If you have a costume but not the corresponding T-Doll, you can now unlock the icon, poster and side story (f applicable) of the costume by selecting the "Collection" option in Dorm-Warehouse-Gift. The costume will be automatically available upon obtaining the corresponding T-Doll and will not need to be gifted again.
  5. Command and Rescue Fairy will be reclassified as Combat Fairies, and you will be able to set their skills to auto.
  6. Production Log has been reworked into Recommended Recipes, which retains the functions of the old "Production Log" while also containing recommended recipes for different types of T-Dolls, equipment and Fairies that can be directly used.
  7. Optimized certain functions and information display in the Dorm:
    • The level of a T-Doll will be visible above her when gifting Combat Reports
    • You can view a T-Doll's information by long-pressing on her chibi
    • A shortcut for quick purchasing new Dorms is added
    • New layout when viewing furniture by sets
  8. Added an independent category for posters.
  9. You can now view the effect of an HG T-Doll's tiles at different levels of dummy-linking.
  10. You can now directly move to the Enhancement, Dummy-Link and Skill Training interfaces from a T-Doll's profile page.
  11. You can now access the special voice lines of a costume in the Index.
  12. You can now view the possible drops of a map or an enemy in Combat Summary or by long-pressing the enemy's icon.
  13. Optimized the information display of Combat Simulation result.
  14. Updated the interface for starting, finishing and repeating an Auto-Battle.
  15. The status of your own Support Echelon will be updated upon login.
  16. Optimized display of purchase limit in the shop.
  17. The remaining time for your current Monthly Card will be visible in the shop.
  18. Altered sorting logic for icons and backgrounds for ID card and the Friend Shop.
  19. When your number of batteries has reached the limit, the excess will be stored in the condenser after collection
  20. When obtaining Training Data from collecting rewards or purchasing packages, excess data surpassing the limit (9,999) will still be kept.
  21. When collecting rewards, the pop-up window will now display the contents through icons instead of text
  22. Your UID will now be visible on the Commander profile page.
  23. Optimized some game tips


  1. Overlapping voice lines during certain occasions.
  2. Missing visual effects for certain interactions in the Dorm.
  3. A bug that will occasionally cause errors when doing Night Auto-Battles.
  4. An error that will occasionally shift the game into portrait mode after posting on Twitter.
  5. Abnormal firing animation of certain T-Dolls in skill training.
  6. An error that will occasionally cause the edge of the combat and result settlement screens to flicker when SG ElpheltElpheltElphelt is in the Echelon.
  7. The abnormal display of certain furniture icons in Black Card Exchange and Time-Limited Trade.
  8. Mail title disappearing after a mail is opened.
  9. An error that caused certain hidden achievements to disappear.
  10. Text alignment and information display in certain interfaces.


  1. Auto-Battle: Reduced time required, increased EXP and affection gain lowered the Combat Effectiveness requirement and increased the level threshold for EXP reduction.

April 2nd[edit]

We will be having our scheduled maintenance from Apr. 2nd 00:00 to 06:00 UTC-8.

Please be mindful that you will be unable to access the game during the maintenance period.

Maintenance Contents:

  1. Added: Easter Voucher Event. Time: Apr. 2nd after maint. — Apr. 23rd 23:59 UTC-8. During the event, your first-time victory every day in Normal Chapter 01-06's 6th map will yield Easter Eggs which can be used to exchange generous rewards including RF PTRDPTRDPTRD's exclusive equipment. Every map yields 10 Easter Egg per day.
  2. Added: "Princes' Frontline" Resupply Gacha. Time: Apr 6th 00:00 - Apr. 29th 23:59 UTC-8. 2 furniture sets: "Top Jet" (5-star) and "King's Tailor" (4-star), as well as 5 "Princes' Frontline" costumes: SMG ThompsonThompsonThompson 's "Demon Hunter", MG PKPPKPPKP's "L.A.D.Y.", MG MG5MG5MG5s "Call of the Hunter", MG AEK-999AEK-999AEK-999's "Babe Driver" and AR G36G36G36's "Sommelier" will be added to Re-supply.
  3. HG ContenderContenderContender's "Opera Ghost" Package will be available in the shop from Apr. 6th 00:00 - Apr. 29th 23:59 UTC-8. Contents: Contender's "Opera Ghost" costume, * 1. Price: 1,988 .
  4. Event: Double bonus event for Monthly Gems Card. Event time : Apr. 13th 00:00 - Apr. 19th 23:59 UTC-8.
  5. Added: Black Card Exchange. 2 "Kids Party" furniture sets — "Candy Town" (5-star) and "Children's Playground" (4 star) and 2 "Happy Spring Festival" furniture sets — "Spring Festival" (5-star) and "Game Department" (4-star), as well as 5 "Kids Party" costumes: RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield's "Onion Shooter", HG GrizzlyGrizzlyGrizzly's "Teddy, Transform!", MG NegevNegevNegev's "Little Drifter", AR G36G36G36's "Mini Maid" and SMG MP40MP40MP40's "Thumbelina" will be added to Black Card Exchange.
  6. Added: Radiant Collection. 2 "Kids Party" furniture sets — "Candy Town" (5-star) and "Children's Playground" (4 star)t and 2 "Happy Spring Festival" furniture sets — "Spring Festival" (5-star) and "Game Department" (4-star), as well as 4 "Kids Party" costumes: RF Lee-EnfieldLee-EnfieldLee-Enfield's "Onion Shooter", HG GrizzlyGrizzlyGrizzly's "Teddy, Transform", MG NegevNegevNegev's "Little Drifter", and SMG MP40MP40MP40's "Thumbelina" will be added to Radiant Collection.

Please note that any unfinished battles will be closed once the maintenance begins.