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< MP7
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MP7 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D


Official character description for MP7 mentions that she is a genius of some sort, she can quickly learn and adapt to new situations both in combat and everyday life, though she shows lack of interest in most things around her. She got a habit of giving others strange nicknames, and she will only address others with the nicknames she assigned them. Likes sour flavoured food, the lollipop she constantly have in her mouth is said to be EXTREMELY sour.

In fact MP7 is actually extremely smart, it doesn't take long for her to learn and adapt to new tasks, be it secretary tasks or swimming. Confident in her own ability as a T-Doll, but still a very hardworking character as she does not wish for anyone to exceed her in her field of work, MP7 is a highly competitive individual.

In her secretary quote, the "PDW" she mentions refers to T-Doll SMG Honey BadgerHoney BadgerHoney Badger, since Badger addresses herself just as PDW, this may be a casual rivalry between MP7 and Badger, since both of them were part of the Singularity operations, the two likely came from of the same squadron. The "PDW" could also be referring to SMG P90P90P90, another highly skilled SMG class T-Doll in service to G&K, as well as being the primary market rival of MP7 SMG in real life.

She nickname for the player is "Feeder", since the player commands her and give her work contracts, while Helianthus is addressed as the "Feeder of Feeder", because Helian is the player's superior. As for Kalina she is a "Gold Digger", this might be because of Kalina's greed for money and/or the fact that she is in charge of the micro-transaction shop. As for Mr Kryuger, MP7's nickname for him is Feeder's Boss.

Story Involvement

MP7 made her first story appearance during the event Singularity. Singularity is a series of highly detailed story told by different routes describing a chaotic crossfire conflict between G&K, Sangvis Ferri, SOCOM, DEFY and 404. MP7 played a role of a minor character and had interactions with the story line, her interactions happened during 1900 hour.

MP7's costume Lollipop Ammo also described her side story interaction during 2018's Beach Party.

"This is classified information!"

This article contains unmarked spoilers. You have been warned.


After entering the S09 combat zone, KCCO units deployed radio jamming system, denying contact of G&K forces within the battle zone to G&K HQ, MP7 was sent by Kalina alone to travel outside of the jamming zone and obtain further orders from the HQ. With the on going fighting pressure relieved by the Commander's forces, she sneaked by enemy units and defenses alike, she made contact with Helian back at the HQ in the end.

"This is MP7, Feeder of Feeder, can you hear me?", took a moment for Helian to realise who this "Feeder of Feeder" is, Helian asked for the situation report at the battlefield.

"Dreadful, but we're not dead yet, Feeder is regrouping all the available G&K units and making a rush for S11.", MP7 continues to report, "Other than Sangvis Ferri, we are also under attack by Parapluie and even the military units, the military won't even reply when we contact them, guess they ditched us."

Helian reminded MP7 to watch her phrasing, try not to speak out any speculations against the military on open channels. "Report this order to your field Commander, the priority objective is retreat to S11, rescue T-Dolls and humans when situation allows, await further instructions from the HQ after retreating to S11."

"What about you and the Feeder's boss? You don't want me to say it but Feeder is worried that the HQ might... you know...?", MP7 speculates that the military had likely sent a detachment of troops to siege G&K's HQ after betraying G&K combat forces in S09.

"The HQ is safe, thank you for your reports, as long as your forces are alive this is a good news. This concludes the conversation." Helian terminated the conversation, MP7 recorded the orders in her UAV drone and set course for it towards the Commander's position.

"Even though Feeder said once I'm done I should leave the sector, but this isn't the style of my squad...", MP7 checks her remaining ammunition and equipment. "Guess I'll help those idiots out a little bit more!", after mumbling to herself, MP7 re-entered the battlefield.

Costume story: Lollipop Ammo

After an echelon returned from logistics, all the members went their separate ways, some went to maintain their equipment, some returned to their dorm, only MP7 rushed to the Commander's office with the newly printed logistics report. "Yo mission accomplished Feeder...", nobody was in the office waiting for MP7, she turned her eyes towards the mountain like stacks of document on the Commander's desk. "Well I should just leave this here... emm? What's this?", an opened document file caught MP7's eyes, a page with MP7's portrait and personal information on, as well as a couple of sentences written in red ink. "Spectacular examination results, first batch of employee selected for the field trip... P.S, combat contribution, second highest... wait, "SECOND??????".

Like a child who already read the presents list for Christmas, MP7 was never once surprised about the rewards she gets, however this time though she showed up to the airport with a long and gloomy face, her facial expressions remained unchanged the whole journey on the plane, even arriving at the actual beach itself did not help cheering her up. She was emitting such intense level of negative aura, not even SG AA-12AA-12AA-12 wishes sit on the same row as her on the plane.

MP7 walked around on the beach, despite she got changed into her swimwear and wearing her swim ring, she never stepped in to the water. The Commander approaches, "I use my Commander's 6th sense, I can tell that MP7 probably don't how to swim, would you like a good teacher? I believe I can teach you a thing or two.". "Feeder's jokes are getting worse every time...", MP7 replied coldly, when asked whether anything is wrong, MP7 finally opened up, she is agitated about the fact that she turned out to be second, "I've worked so hard even as a genius! How could I turn out to be second, you must have gotten something wrong!"

"Ahh, I see that MP7 learnt how to sneak into my office... that's not a very good thing to do.", MP7 panicked a little inside, "No, not like that! Feeder you just put your stuff wherever you like, I just happen to see it...", the Commander caught on to the end of her sentence: "AHA, so you did invade my office?". MP7 started panicking on the outside too, "I didn't say that! You... you're moving the topic on purpose! Whatever, I won't forgive you for this Feeder!".

The Commander continues to talk, something about high performing T-Dolls in G&K all have their own unique personality, something about don't take it too serious, something else about positive working attitudes... But MP7 is not interested anymore, Feeder is clearly moving the topic...

"How about this then, I have a special task just for MP7, only you can do it.", this caught MP7's attention, "Ms Persica had actually entrusted me with this task, she wants me to collect results of T-Doll's performance data in regions high in moisture, temperature and salt concentration, such as here on a beach... Just that the other dolls... they're all playing around, I can only rely on you MP7...", the sugar coated words persuaded MP7 to carry out this task for the Commander, she put on her swim ring and entered the water for a swim, as part of the test. Couple of minutes later when MP7 looked over to the beach front looking for the Commander, only to find the Commander had walked away, MP7 is even more agitated now, "Idiot Feeder! I was gathering these data for you!". Feeling betrayed and abandoned, MP7 decided she will never talk to the Commander ever again, she angrily dived below the water and continued to stay there for a long time, thinking about what just transpired.

...Perhaps Feeder does have the right of it, it is an honor to be invited on a holiday like this already... yet I'm nit picking on the tiniest things...

MP7 is adrift under the ocean water...

...But giving in and apologising to Feeder like this, it feels so wrong...

...No! Stop thinking so much! I'm being distracted!

MP7 continues to drift...

I should finish the task at hand first, that's what professionals do! That way I don't have to physically apologise to Feeder, and I won't be feeling guilty!

Eventually the determined MP7 was washed ashore by the currents, it would appear the other T-Dolls had began a volleyball match while she was adrift in the ocean. Except for this one lone-wolf doll on the beach, not wanting to be a part of the crowd. She built a fortress of umbrellas to shield herself from the sun rays, extended her tongue out while fanning air towards herself.

What was her name again? AA-12? One of the newer girls... If I recall correctly...

MP7 approached the gloomy looking girl, started a little friendly conversation with her, "Why are you here by yourself? It's a bit of a waste arriving at the beach and don't go for a dip in the water, let's go swim, you got dressed already.". However MP7 was immediately flat out rejected by the gloomy doll, all AA-12 wanted was to be left alone.

"HAA? Do you even know who's offer you are rejecting?!", the prideful MP7 started and argument and it soon became heated. Since her peace and quiet was disturbed, AA-12 angrily reached for her shotgun by the bench.

"Ehhh?! S... stop, hold on a second! Are you mad?!" The heated debate turned into a firefight, or rather, an one sided onslaught. MP7 used every trick in her book to dance around in the storm of shells unleashed by AA-12.

The Commander rushed over after hearing the commotion, "What's going on, what was all that racket...". MP7 immediately tried to explain, "About that, ehh, nothing much, just a bit of communication error! Nothing wrong here, leave it with me Feeder, really!

"Can't believe there are others who likes sour candies, perhaps we can speak more with each other? Feeder really should study from her examples."

Looking at all the shell holes on the beach, the Commander find it hard to believe, "Communication error...? Then where did all the bullet holes...", MP7 immediately interrupts again: "It's communication! Those are the marks left behind from communicating attempts!", "...Emm, yea, we were only communicating Feeder, just wasn't very smooth that's all.", AA-12 adds.

The Commander started the usually nagging again, something about understanding each other, something else about talk slowly to get points across, something something about talking without firing live ammunition at each other. "...Yea yea whatever, we'll do all of that, Feeder you just get back there already...", MP7 pushed the Commander away and he went back to the other dolls.

She now turned herself to AA-12, "What's wrong with you suddenly firi...", except AA-12 suddenly collapsed on the floor filled with disgust, resisting the sudden urge of vomiting, "Whaaaaa, what the hell is wrong with you now?!".

"No, stay away... I...", despite not knowing when AA-12 will go berserk and start firing again, MP7 mustered up the courage and rushed to her side, carried her back to her bench under the umbrella fortress. MP7 began treating AA-12, but no matter what she do, AA-12's allergic symptoms won't subside, What the hell am I doing? Should I go get Feeder or G36?. "Sugar... I need some sugar...", AA-12 speaks in between her wheezing. "Sugar? I have some lollipops, but they are like super s...", before MP7 can finish saying "sour", the lollipop was snatched away from her hand, "..Sour...".

MP7 is now waiting for an even worse reaction from the soul lollipop, but to her surprise it didn't happen, AA-12's allergies began to subside and she returned to her normal state soon after. "Thanks... that was great help.", AA-12 expresses her appreciations, "Are you sure? Should I go get Feeder and G36? Even though I was the one getting shot at...", "No it doesn't concern you, just that I held a normal conversation with the Commander and that greatly sickens me."

"Hey I own you a lollipop, I'll get it back to you later.", MP7 did not expect anyone else liking her taste, the two soon made up with each other. Never knew taking care of others can be this difficult, I can understand the hardship Feeder carries with him now... Though this feeling isn't too bad."

The Commander observes from a distance, "Who knew these two can become friends... wasn't expecting that. Perhaps I need to keep the true identity of the highest combat contributing doll a secret forever..."