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DSR-50 Story Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition DSR-50,指挥官……相信您做梦都会念着这个名字的,哼哼…… DSR-50よ……うふふ、この名前はきっと、夢にまで出てくると思うわ。Play DSR-50, Commander... This is a name you will be whispering even in your dreams...
Introduction 我是DSR-50狙击步枪,是DSR-1 50BMG步枪子弹的版本,在加装“爆风抑制装置”的枪口装置后,大大减少了50BMG射击时产生的问题,不过……我最大的问题,就是没有懂得如何“使用”我的人……那人会是您吗?指挥官。 I'm DSR-50 Sniper rifle, a variant of DSR-1 that uses .50 BMG rounds. After incorporating "Blast Compensator" the problems with .50 BMG rounds reduced greatly. But my biggest problem though... Is that no one truly understand how to "use" me, could you be the first, Commander?
Secretary 指挥官,对于我的使用方法……您可得小心一点才行呢。 指揮官、私の取扱いは……もっと慎重にね。Play Commander, you have to be careful regarding... How to use me.
作战计划可以再大胆一些……没关系,这就是我想要的。 もっと大胆な作戦計画を立てて……それは私の望みだから。Play Combat plan can be more bold... Don't worry, that's what I want.
指挥官,如果有需要的话,就晚点单独来我的宿舍吧…… 指揮官がお望みなら、夜、私の部屋に遊びに来てね……ただし、一人で。Play Commander, if there are any needs, you can come to my dorm tonight, alone...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander I'm looking forward to tonight's surprises... Don't disappoint me, okay?...
Commander I know what this means... But in the end you still surprised me. Hehe... Just this once though, I will get you back, this isn't over.❤
Greeting 哎呀……来得真是时候呢。 あら、良いところに来たわね。Play Ahhh, arrived just on time.
T-Doll Produced 新来的~要不要来我的房间?就你跟我两个人。 新人ちゃん~私の部屋にこない?そう、あなたと私の二人だけ。Play New girl, wanna come to my room? Just you and me.
Joining an echelon 真的好吗?用这样的编队...当我没说。 ほんとに良いの?そんいう編成にすると…うふふ、なんでもないわ。Play Is this really okay? Using this kind of formation... Never mind.
Enhancement 不要太勉强喔。 あんまり無茶しないでね。Play Don't over do it.
Dummy-linking 指挥官,您可真是贪心呢,呵呵…… 指揮官ったら欲張りね~Play How greedy of you Commander~
Logistics (start) 哎呀,散步的时间到了? あら、お散歩の時間?Play Ohhh, time for a walk?
Logistics (end) 脚麻了~指挥官,来帮我揉揉吧…… あ~疲れた、指揮官、ちょっと足をマッサージしてもらえないかしら。Play My feet are numb~ Commander, come give me a massage...
Autobattle 那,稍微让我擅自做点决定吧。 じゃ、少し好きにさせてもらうわね。Play Then, let me make some of my own decisions.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 发生什么意外的话我可不管哦? 何が起こっても知らないわよ。Play I'm not responsible for any accidents okay?
Starting a battle 死亡已经近在你们眼前了。 死はもう、あなた達に迫ってるわ。Play Your death is right before your eyes.
Skill activation 不要一下就结束啊。 すぐ終わっちゃだめよ。Play Can't last any longer than that?
可以再继续挣扎喔? もっと足掻いてもいいのよ?Play You can continue to struggle no?
腻了。 もう飽きたわ。Play Bored.
Heavily damaged 这就是你们的愿望对吧? これがお望みなんでしょう?Play This is what you people wished for right?
Retreat 可惜了……明明我还有更多的计划呢。 あら残念、まだいろいろやりたいことがあったのに。Play That's a shame... I still have a some plans left.
MVP 真不错呢,我的欲望与指挥官的愿望全都被满足的感觉。 良いわね、私の欲も、指揮官の望みも、全部満たされた気分。Play Not bad at all, both my ambitions and the Commander's wishes have been fulfilled.
Restoration 不要弄错零件啰?不然的话……当我没说。 パーツを間違えないでね?じゃないと……なんでもないわよ。Play Make sure you have the correct parts, otherwise... Pretend I didn't say that.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 危ない夜だったわね。。。怖いの?じゃあ、こっちにいらっしゃい。Play That was one dangerous night...You're scared? Then come closer...
Christmas 指揮官、心の準部はできた?一生忘れられないクリスマスプレゼントを用意しておいたから、(´∀`*)ウフフPlay Commander, is your body ready? have you prepared yourself? I've prepared a Christmas present you won't be able to forget, hehehe.
New Year's Day 指挥官,您的新年计划……会有我的表现机会吗? 指揮官、新年のパーティーで、私にアピールの機械はあるのかしら?


Commander, regarding your New Year resolution... Will I be part of it?
Valentine's day 指揮官、私を見て。このチョコより私の方がずっと甘いってこと、わからせてあげるから。ね?


Commander, look at me. I'll make you understand, that I'm a lot sweeter than this chocolate. Okay?
Tanabata 今夜は誰が付き合ってくれるのかしら?あら指揮官…もしかして今あいてる?


I wonder if anyone could accompany me tonight? My, Commander... might you be free now?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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