General info
Also known as: zhouRAN, infukun and ZAGALA / DOGALA
Artist name pinyin spells 'Yinfu', typically identified as 'infukun' or ZAGALA / DOGALA.
Highest contributing artist of Girls Frontline, on top of being the illustrator of a great amount of T-Dolls, infukun also illustrated most of the background scenery in game, as well as background characters such as Kalina (all of her costumes), G&K faction, 90WISH/IOP faction, KCCO faction, Sangvis Ferri faction characters.
infukun does not share design inspirations often, when interviewed about such matter he simply reply that he does not have anything particular to share. As a result all of the design inspiration section on characters illustrated by infukun from the Girls Frontline Art book volume 1 states that he was suddenly inspired when sitting on the toilet.
Where to find
音符 worked on the following assets
The artist may only be responsible for some of the illustrations. Please see the linked page for details.
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Assimilated Units
- Architect/Assimilated
- Dreamer/Assimilated
- Executioner/Assimilated
- Hunter/Assimilated
- Intruder/Assimilated
- Scarecrow/Assimilated
HOC Units
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Neural Cloud characters
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Girls' Frontline 2: Exilium T-Dolls
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