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FN-49 Story Quotes

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,那个……请、请多指教! よ、よよよよ、よろしくお願いします!Play P-p-p-p-pleased to to meet you...
Introduction FN-49……在很久之前就完成了初步设计,但准备投产时遭遇了战争,不想为敌人工作的设计师带着资料逃向国外。战争结束后,我终于获得生产和销售的机会。为了不辜负大家的期望,我会努力下去的,指挥官! FN-49... Initial design stages were complete long ago, but the war started before production began, not wanting to work for the enemy, the designer escaped the country with the design schematics. My production finally began and received marketing chance after the war. For the sake of meeting everyone's expectation, I will do my best Commander!
Secretary 不要摸奇怪的地方呀。 変なところ触らないでください…Play Don't touch me in strange places.
请不要戏弄我了。 か、からかわないでください!Play P-please don't make fun of me.
那个!……就算是我,也是会生气的…… コラー!…私だって、怒る時は怒ります!Play Hey! ...even I can get angry sometimes too....
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how did I perform today? Even though there are so little I can do right now, but I will continue the hard work, until you are satisfied!
Eh?! What is this you are giving me! Is this really for me? But, since it's commander's choice, this time I won't let anyone else have it! Please let me stay by your side and grow stronger!
Greeting お、お帰りなさい。Play W-welcome back.
T-Doll Produced あ、新しい子が完成したみたいですよ。Play Ah, looks like the new girl has been completed.
Joining an echelon は...もう私の番ですか?Play Haa... is it my turn already?
Enhancement これでいける気がします。Play This can do, I think.
Dummy-linking ぞ、増員?役に立ちますか?Play A-additional member? Are they useful?
Logistics (start) じゃー、行ってきますね。Play Then, I'll be going.
Logistics (end) ただいま戻りました、今回も沢山収穫ありましたよ。Play I've returned. There is plenty of loot this time.
Autobattle 私のこと覚えて貰いますよ。Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission き、緊張で倒れそう......Play I-I'm so nervous... I think I'm about to collapse...
Starting a battle こ、これ以上近寄れと、撃ちますよ!Play I-if you come any closer, I'll shoot!
Skill activation よーし、撃つわよ!Play
こういうの苦手って言ったじゃないですか......Play Did I told you that I'm not good at this...
Heavily damaged や、やめてください……Play P-please stop...
Retreat 私のバカ、バカ......Play
MVP か、勝ってすみません、ごめんなさい。Play
Restoration うう、また虐められちゃいました、どうして私ばかりなんでしょうか?Play Uuh, I'm getting bullied again. Why it's always me?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 要、要给我糖果吗?感谢您…… おぅ、おおおっお菓子くれるんですか、あ、ありがとうございます。Play Candies... For me? Thank you very much...
Christmas メ...メ...メ...メ...メリークリスマスです、指揮官。ケーキ...美味しいですね。Play M-M-M-M-M-Merry Christmas, Commander. The cake... it's delicious.
New Year's Day あの...明けましておめでとうございます!


Umm... Happy New Year!
Valentine's day チョ...チョコをどうぞ...


P-please take my chocolate...
Tanabata こ…ここのお祭りは田舎のとは違いですし。ひ…ひ…人が多くて…楽しいです。


T-the festival here is different from the countryside. T-there are a lot of people... It's exciting.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指揮官、今の私…どう見えますか?やっぱり、ちょっと照れくさいですね。Play Commander, the current me... how do I look? As expected, this is a little embarrassing.
Introduction FN-49……在很久之前就完成了初步设计,但准备投产时遭遇了战争,不想为敌人工作的设计师带着资料逃向国外。战争结束后,我终于获得生产和销售的机会。为了不辜负大家的期望,我会努力下去的,指挥官! FN-49... Initial design stages were complete long ago, but the war started before production began, not wanting to work for the enemy, the designer escaped the country with the design schematics. My production finally began and received marketing chance after the war. For the sake of meeting everyone's expectation, I will do my best Commander!
Secretary 嗯?有什么事呢?随时效命。 ん?何でしょうか?Play Hmmm? What is it?
呀!抱歉……真是的,不管多少次都会被吓到呀! きゃ!ごめんなさい!…はあ、びっくりしました。Play Kyaah! I'm sorry! Haa, I'm just surprised.
真是的,指挥官!为什么老是欺负我……您是讨厌我吗?还是…… もう、指揮官!なんでいつも意地悪するんですか!私のこと、嫌いなんですか…?それとも……。Play For goodness, Commander! Why are you always so mean! Do you hate me...? Or perhaps...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, how did I perform today? Even though there are so little I can do right now, but I will continue the hard work, until
Eh?! What is this you are giving me! Is this really for me? But, since it's commander's choice, this time I won't let anyone else have it! Please let me stay by your side and grow stronger!
Greeting こんにちは、今日もよろしくおねがいします。Play Good afternoon. I'll be under your care again today.
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間ですか?仲良くしましょうね。Play Is it the new comrade? Let's get along.
Joining an echelon え…私も、ですか?わかりました。Play Eh... me too? Roger that.
Enhancement 私、もっと強くなります!Play I'm getting stronger!
Dummy-linking ぞ、増員?役に立ちますか?Play A-additional member? Are they useful?
Logistics (start) じゃー、行ってきますね。Play Then, I'll be going.
Logistics (end) ただいま戻りました、今回も沢山収穫ありましたよ。Play I've returned. There is plenty of loot this time.
Autobattle 私のこと覚えて貰いますよ。Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission え、私がリーダー?みなさん、待ってください!Play Eh, I'm the leader? Everyone, please wait for me!
Starting a battle うわあああ、行かなきゃ…進行!Play
Skill activation もう怖がりません!Play I'm not frightened anymore!
得意じゃなくても、やってみせます!Play Even if it's not my forte, I'll try!
みなさんのために!Play For everyone's sake!
Heavily damaged うわあああ…この構成、凌げると思ったのに!Play Uwaaa... I thought this team will make it through!
Retreat ううう…次こそ、絶対に…Play Uuu... next time, definitely...
MVP え、勝ちましたか?ありがとう…みなさんのおかげです!Play Eh, we won? Thank you. It's thanks to everyone!
Restoration うう、また虐められちゃいました、どうして私ばかりなんでしょうか?Play Uuh, I'm getting bullied again. Why it's always me?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 这么可怕的节日,我还是留在家里发糖果吧,希望开门时别被吓到…… こんな怖いお祭りのときはお家でお菓子を配りましょう。ただドアー開けるとき脅かさなければいいんだけど。Play During a scary festival like this, let's give chocolate from home. Would be better if they don't scare me when I open the door.
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官。私?今ポテトフライを上げてます。これは得意ですからすぐ出来ますよ。Play Merry Christmas. Commander. Me? I make some french fries here. This is my specialty.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます指揮官。あぁ、そうそう。今日はもし小動物に会えたら挨拶してあげましょうね。


Happy New Year, Commander. Aah, that's it. If we meet small animals, let's greet them later.
Valentine's day バレンタインのチョコなら少し自身があります。指揮官、私の特性チョコ食べて頂けますか?


When it comes to valentine chocolate, I got some confidence. Would you eat my special chocolate?
Tanabata 願い事ですか?何を願いしましょう?みんなともっと仲良くなりたい…でしょうか?


My wish you ask? What should I wish for? I want to getting along even more with everyone... perhaps?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play