Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 战术人形,AR57报……为什么你站那么远?我又不会对你做什么…… | 戦術人形、AR-57が入……なんでそんなに離れて立ってるの?何もしたりしないのに…… | Tactical doll, AR-57... why are you standing so far away? I won't do anything to you. | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 我知道我的脸看起来有点凶……但是我出厂的时候就是这个样子了,也不是我能决定的吧?就凭这个觉得我是战斗狂,真不公平……少摆弄点枪?那不行。 | 目つきが怖いのは分かってる……でも出荷された時点でこうだったんだから、私がどうこうできる事じゃないでしょ?たったそれだけで戦闘狂だと思われるなんて、不公平だよ……銃を弄るな?それは無理。 | Sure my face looks a bit fierce... but this was how it was when I left the factory, and that's not something I can change, right? It's unfair to think of me as some combat maniac solely on that... I should stop working with guns? No thanks. | |
之前我就很在意了……指挥官你的衣品真的有够糟糕。如果我给宠物狗穿这样的衣服它都会哭出来喔?下次有机会……一起去买衣服吧。 | ずっと気になってたんだけど……指揮官って、ファッションセンスが壊滅的だよね。飼い犬におんなじ恰好させたら、その犬泣いちゃうかもね?もし機会があったらさ……一緒に買い物に行こっか。 | There's something I'm rather concerned about... Commander, your outfit looks terrible. If I gave it to my pet dog, I wonder if it'll end up crying instead? On the next chance I get... let's go shopping for some new clothes. | ||
觉得我的脸跟什么人很像?别傻了,要是有人长得跟我一样凶,那她肯定很不受欢迎……欸?真的假的? | 私が誰かに似てるって?馬鹿言わないで、こんなキツイ顔してたら、絶対嫌われるでしょ……え?それ本当なの? | Who do you think my face resembles? Don't be silly, if someone looked as fierce as I did, then surely she must also be quite unpopular... Huh? Is that true or false? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 最近,我逐渐开始觉得被人觉得凶巴巴的也没什么所谓了。反正等日子一久,大家最后也都会知道我的个性,反而觉得之前那么在意的我是个傻瓜……你说这是谁的错啊?
最近、他人に怖がられても別にどうでもいいって 思うようになってきたんだ。どうせしばらくすれば、私の性格に気づくだろうし。今まで神経質になってたのがバカみたい。こら!だれのせいだと思ってるの?
Recently, I've been starting to think that it doesn't matter if people think I look fierce. I mean, everyone will come to know the real me eventually, so I kind of feel like I've been kind of a dork for worrying about it all this time... Now whose fault do you think it is, hm?
| |
OATH | 真亏你有胆量跟我说这种话……<>难道不觉得我很凶吗?觉得?那为什么还……<>……说的也是,就连这一点也都接受才算是真正的接纳吧。<>请多指教,指挥官。
Sheesh, you really have a lot of courage to be saying this sort of thing to me... Don't you think I'm fierce? You do? Then why are you still... Well, yeah, you have a point. Being able to accept something like that is a sign of true acceptance, right? In that case, please take care of me, Commander.
| |
Greeting | 啊,你来了啊,正好,帮我看看,你觉得哪个枪管的火力更适合我? | あ、来たんだ。丁度良かった。ちょっと聞きたいんだけど、この中だとどのバレルが私に一番合うと思う? | Ah, you're her. Excellent timing. I've got something for you to look at - which barrel's firepower best suits me? | |
T-Doll Produced | 该怎么让表情柔和一点呢…… | どうしたら表情が柔らかくなるのかな…… | ||
Joining an echelon | 希望这次能好好相处…… | 今度は仲良くできたらいいな…… | I hope we'll be able to get along this time... | |
Enhancement | 没什么……反正也是我的兴趣。 | 別に……私も興味があったわけだし。 | Oh, it's nothing... It's a hobby for me anyway. | |
Dummy-linking | 嗯……还真是有点凶巴巴的…… | うーん……確かに怖いかも…… | Hmm... Yeah, I do look kind of mean... | |
Logistics (start) | 真亏你有胆量让我干这种活……给我记住了。 | 私にこんな仕事をやらせるとはね……憶えてなよ。 | You really have guts to be making me do this sort of thing... You'd better remember this. | |
Logistics (end) | 累死我了……要赶紧去洗个澡。 | 疲れた……シャワー浴びてくる。 | I'm so tired... I want to hurry up and take a bath. | |
Autobattle | 那我先走咯。 | それじゃ、お先に。 | I'll make a move first, then. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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