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Negev Story Quotes

"I can't sleep yet, I still have work to do..."

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"This is classified information!"

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Character info[edit]

On the outside, Negev appears to be a rather eccentric, bordering on crazy and insane, T-Doll, sometimes described by her peers as a maniac.[1] Her appearance adds on to this, as there is visible bloodstaining on her clothing, and her eyes are often commented on by the community as 'yandere-like'. Often, throughout her portion of the story, she is portrayed as a ruthless and cold killing-machine, with a thirst for blood.[2] She wears clothing in the style of the Flag of Israel, featuring white background, blue stripes, and the Star of David.

However, she is shown to only use that "persona" as a shield for her true self. In her conversations with HG JerichoJerichoJericho, it is revealed after all that she is rather frail in personality, seemingly hesitant to speak about things concerning who she is. This is hinted towards past trauma by her original artist. This points towards her using a fake personality to cover up who she really is, which is less of a tough, unfazed warrior, and more of a fragile, emotional person.

Negev, to sum up, is tough and cold on the outside, but soft and warm on the inside. Often doing what is necessary to complete a mission, she is viciously efficient at what she does. She is emotionally dependent on those around her, especially AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21 and AR GalilGalilGalil.

Story Involvement[edit]

Main Story[edit]

For the most part of Plan Parapluie, Negev is seen informing and consulting the commander about the battle-situation concerning AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15. Apart from fighting off Alchemist, Negev went on a "killing spree", assumed by AR TAR-21TAR-21TAR-21. This turned out to have been her plot to give AR ST AR-15ST AR-15ST AR-15 a set of explosives, that AR-15 would then go on to use in a suicide mission at the end of Chapter 6-E.

She makes minor appearances in Mirror Stage and Polarized Light.

Side Stories[edit]

Galil's Neural Upgrade

Micro Uzi's Neural Upgrade

Operation New Year Visit
