< Updates
September 5th
10:00 GMT+8 ~ 16:00 GMT+8
Dear players, a 6 hour scheduled server maintenance will take place on the 5th of September 2019, lasting from 10:00 AM til 4:00 PM. Access to the server will be denied while maintenance is ongoing, maintenance duration is subject to extension or shortening depending on work progress.
Patch notes as following:
- Event: Major Event Shattered Connexion will come to an end. Rewards for the ranking EX map will be distributed on a later maintenance on the 19th of September.
- The Lootcrates menu in the Events tab will come to a close on the 13th of September, be sure to open up all your crates by then. Otherwise they will be forfeit.
- The Event shop will close up on the 13th of September, to all commanders who received the Shattered Connexion Core Mask, please make sure to redeem it for one of the listed T-dolls or Player Icon by then. YOUR MASK WILL BE FORFEIT OTHERWISE!!!
- Event: Logistics Great Success Rate-Up Will begin!
- Duration: September 7th 00:00 ~ September 13th 23:59
- New: HQ Background "Sea of Epiphyllum" will have Live2D implemented for it.
- New: HOC units AT4 and BGM-71 will have Live2D's implemented for them.
- Note: The Live2D effects will only be activated after the respective HOC's reach 5* Rarity.
- Fix: Fixed incorrect targeting logic for T-dolls AR ACRACRACR and MG KordKordKord.
Maintenance will shut-down the on-going combat mission session.
Maintenance compensation: x500,
-MICA Team 4th of September 2k19.