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Revision as of 00:47, 9 September 2019 by American Ronin (talk | contribs) (Dialogue 1 JP was mistakenly a copy of the intro, I transcribed the audio for it. / Improved Dialogue 1 EN: I think a couple of terms were off)
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M4 SOPMOD II Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition M4 SOPMOD II,指挥官,终于.....终于.....找到您了啊! M4 SOPMOD-II、指揮官、やっと会えましたね!Play M4 SOPMOD-II, 지휘관, 드디어 만났네요! M4 SOPMOD II, finally... Finally... I've found you commander !
Introduction SOPMOD-II M4,是以M4A1为基准,搭载了SOPMOD BLOCK 2模块化战术附件的突击步枪。\nSOPMOD计划是之前便被正式提出的,而我已经是第二代了。只要是您想要的战术附件,就统统挂到我身上吧! SOPMOD-II M4는 M4A1을 베이스해서 SOPMOD BLOCK 2 액세서리 키트, 그러니까 모듈화 전술 액세서리를 탑재한 돌격소총이야.

SOPMOD 프로젝트는 훨씬 이전에 정식으로 제출됐었던 적이 있었지만, 난 이미 2세대란 말이지. 당신이 원해서 그저 바라보기만 했던 전술 액세서리가 있다면, 전부 나에게 줘!

SOPMOD-II M4, based on the M4A1, and equipped with SOPMOD BLOCK 2 tactical assault rifle accessories. The SOPMOD plan was established before, and I am the second generation. Any tactical accessory you want, it can all be linked on me!
Secretary 指挥官,这次要玩什么啊? 指揮官、今日は何で遊びますか?Play 지휘관, 오늘은 뭘로 놀까요? Commander, what are we gonna play this time?
什么什么!指挥官,让我也看看呀! なになに?わたしにも見せてよ!Play 뭐야뭐야? 나도 보여줘! What is it? Let me take a look too!
虽然您做什么都可以啦,不过碰到什么地方,会把我变成不好的样子……也难说哦。 何をしてもいいけど…変なとこ触ったら、スイッチ入っちゃうかもしれないよ…。Play 뭘 해도 괜찮긴 한데, 엄한 곳을 건드리면... 스위치 들어갈지도 모른다구? You can do anything you like, but if you touch me in weird places, I might just flip a switch or something...
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 내 새로운 액세서리 어때? 수집하고 만드는 데 고생 좀 했다고. 그래도 매번 즐거워, 헤헤….
Commander, how do you like my handiwork? Both collecting and producing these is very hard, but we do it for fun, hehe...
에헤헤... 계~속 기다렸다고. 이제야 겨우 말해줬어... 이제, 지휘관도 동료구나. 그럼, 안는 것 정도는 괜찮지?
Hehehehe...I've waited a long time, and you have to admit, we've been through so much together, right? Please hold me a little more, together with my all, closer than ever before...
Greeting 呜啊——指挥官你来啦!快点快点,开始新一轮作战吧! うわぁ--指揮官はやくはやく!新しい作戦ですよ!Play 우와아ー 지휘관 빨리빨리! 새로운 작전이에요! Uwaa—— Commander you're here! Hurry hurry, let's start a new battle!
T-Doll Produced 哈哈哈,新的伙伴哦,来握个手吧。 ははは、新しい仲間!はい、握手~。Play 하하하, 새로운 동료네! 자, 악수~. Hahaha, new comrade, let's shake hands~.
Joining an echelon 嘻嘻嘻……开始吧……快开始吧!快开始啊啊啊——! えへへ…はじめよう、早く始めようよ!Play 에헤헤... 시작하자, 빨리 시작하자구! Hehehe... Let's start, let's hurry up and start already!
Enhancement 超 进 化!圣——诞——树——! ちょう~しん~か!クリスマスツリー!Play 초~ 진화! 크리스마스 트리! HYPER EVOLVE! CHRIST—MAS—TREE!!!!
Dummy-linking 讨厌啦指挥官,这样下去,不是会结束得更快嘛! やだよ指揮官、これじゃすぐ終わちゃうよ!Play 싫어 지휘관, 이러면 금방 끝나 버리잖아! Nooo~ Commander, if you do this I might end them faster than I want to!
Logistics (start) 我出发了哦,指挥官,多想想我吧。 行きますよ、指揮官。Play 갈게요, 지휘관! I'm taking off, Commander!
Logistics (end) 我回来啦,指挥官,来抱抱我吧! 帰ったよ、抱っこして~指揮官~。Play 돌아왔어. 안아줘~ 지휘관~. I'm back Commander. Come and give me a hug~!
Autobattle 姐姐们,我来了哦! お姉ちゃん達、来ましたよ!Play 언니들, 나 왔어! Sisters, I've arrived!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 嘻嘻……要藏好哦,笨蛋们——哈哈哈哈哈哈! 隠れても、すぐ見つけ出してやる!あはははは!Play 숨어도 바로 찾아내 주겠어! 아하하하하! Better hide carefully now you fools——Hahahaha!
Starting a battle 找·到·你·了·哦! み~つけた!Play 찾~았다! I'VE——FOUND——YOU!!
Skill activation 从指甲开始……还是……一根一根线路地来呢? 爪から?それとも…配線(はいせん)から一つずつ抜いてあげようか?Play 손톱부터? 아니면... 배선부터 하나씩 뽑아줄까? Shall I start from the fingernails... Or... Should I rip out your wires one by one?
小心哦,大姐姐们……轮到我了哦。 お姉ちゃん達気を付けて。次はわたしの番よ。Play 언니들도 조심해, 다음은 내 차례야. Watch out sisters... It's my turn up next!
大声点……再大声一点啊!哈哈哈哈哈哈哈! もっと…もっと大きな声を出せぇっ!あはははははっ!Play 크게... 더 크게 비명을 질러봐! 아하하하하하하하! Louder... Let your voices cry out even louder! Ahahahaha!
Heavily damaged 嘻嘻嘻嘻……挺能跳的嘛?那——就从脚开始吧? うひひひひぃ…結構やるじゃん?Play 우히히히히... 제법 하잖아? Uwahhh~ You really did a number on me, didn't you?
Retreat 姐姐们,没事吗……那这样……也不错吧…… お姉ちゃん達、大丈夫?…よかった…。Play 언니들, 괜찮아? ...다행이다.... Sisters are you all ok? ... That's good at least...
MVP 已经没有完好的地方了呢,最后再把这里踩碎掉,游戏就结束了吧? もう壊れちゃったの…大したことないんだから…。ゲームオーバー。Play 벌써 망가져 버린 거야? 별 거 아니네.... 게임 오버. Broken already...? That wasn't a big deal... Game over.
Restoration 伤口都记下了……我会好好回报它们的。 こいつらが残した傷、100倍に返してやる!Play 이 녀석들이 남긴 상처, 100배로 갚아주겠어! I'll remember these scars, and return them 100 fold!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Treat or Trick!指挥官,今晚我要扮成电锯杀人狂哦!Honey,不给糖的话就——嘻嘻嘻嘻—— トリックオアトリート!指揮官今夜はかんとお菓子を用意してよね。じゃないとどうなっても知らないよぉぉぉ…あはははは。Play Trick or Treat! 지휘관, 오늘밤에는 제대로 과자 주는거지? 아니면, 어떻게 돼도 모른다구? Trick or treat! Commander, make sure to properly prepare the candy, alright? If you don't, then I don't know just what might happen; hahahaha!
Christmas メリークリスマス!料理の時千切りは楽しいね!敵もこうやって…Play Merry Christmas! 요리할 때 채써는 건 재밌네, 적도 이렇게... Merry Christmas! Mincing up something during cooking is fun! You do your enemy like this...
New Year's Day ハッピーニューイヤー!今年も目標は敵をいっぱいやつけることだよ!


Happy New Year! 올해의 목표는, 적을 잔뜩 해치우는 거야. Happy New Year! My goal this year is still the same, getting rid of plenty of enemies!
Valentine's day 指揮官、今日は止まってくれない?いっぱいお菓子があるんだよね!


Commander, will you stop by today? There a lot of sweets!
Tanabata 私は誰にも負けないぐらいたくさんの願い事があるんだよね。例えばね…あれ…なんだっけ?


One of many of my wishes is not to lose to anyone. For example, huh... what was that again?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 呜哇~指挥官快看快看!还认得出我是谁吗? うわぁ!指揮官、見て見て!私誰だか分かる?Play 와아~지휘관! 봐 봐 나, 누군지 알겠어? Uwaa~ Commander, look, look! Do you still recognize me?
Introduction SOPMOD-II M4,是以M4A1为基准,搭载了SOPMOD BLOCK 2模块化战术附件的突击步枪。\nSOPMOD计划是之前便被正式提出的,而我已经是第二代了。只要是您想要的战术附件,就统统挂到我身上吧! SOPMOD-II M4는 M4A1을 베이스해서 SOPMOD BLOCK 2 액세서리 키트, 그러니까 모듈화 전술 액세서리를 탑재한 돌격소총이야.

SOPMOD 프로젝트는 훨씬 이전에 정식으로 제출됐었던 적이 있었지만, 난 이미 2세대란 말이지. 당신이 원해서 그저 바라보기만 했던 전술 액세서리가 있다면, 전부 나에게 줘!

SOPMOD-II M4, based on the M4A1, and equipped with SOPMOD BLOCK 2 tactical assault rifle accessories. The SOPMOD plan was established before, and I am the second generation. Any tactical accessory you want, it can all be linked on me!
Secretary 指挥官~下次回来给您看看更好玩的纪念品吧~ 指揮官、今度はもっと面白い記念品を見せてあげるね~?Play 지휘관~ 다음에 들어올 땐 더 재미있는 기념품을 가지고 올게~ Commander~ Soon I'll give you something more interesting to remember me by, alright?
控制情绪什么的我是不太懂啦,大家尽情地开心不就很好了吗? 指揮官~今度はもっとおもしろい記念品を見せてあげるね。Play 감정조절이라는게 무슨 말인지는 잘 모르겠지만, 그냥 모두 마음껏 즐거워하면 충분하잖아? I don't really know how to control my emotions, but isn't it better to just be happy?
呜哈哈~想和我玩吗?那我就不客气啦!~ 気持ちのコントロールとか分かんないけど、皆でパーと楽しくやれたらいいじゃん?Play 꺄하하~ 같이 놀고싶어? 그럼 봐주지 않을 거야! Kya-ha-ha~ You wanna play with me? Then I won't go easy on you!
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관~ 나의 새 작품 어때? 재료를 모으는 것도 만드는 것도 엄청 힘들었지만, 우리 함께 재미있게 만들었지? 헤헤...
Commander, do you like my new handiwork? It was tough collecting all the materials and making it, but I sure had fun! Hehe...
에헤헤... 계~속 기다렸다고. 이제야 겨우 말해줬어... 이제, 지휘관도 동료구나. 그럼, 안는 것 정도는 괜찮지?
Hehehehe...I sure waited a long time, and you have to admit, we've been through so much together, right? Please hold me a little tighter, together with my all, closer than ever before...
Greeting うわぁ--指揮官は早く早く!新しい作戦ですよ!Play 우와아ー 지휘관 빨리빨리! 새로운 작전이야! Commander, quick! There's new operation!
T-Doll Produced ははは、新しい仲間!はい、握手~。Play 하하하, 새로운 동료네! 자, 악수~. Hahaha, there's new comrade! Here, shake hand~
Joining an echelon はは、また新しいゲームがやれるかな?Play 후후, 또 새로운 게임을 할 수 있는거야? Haha, will be playing a new game?
Enhancement ポポポパン、チェリー爆弾!Play 빰빠바밤! 체리 폭탄! Bang bang bang bang! Cherry bomb!
Dummy-linking 讨厌啦指挥官,这样下去,不是会结束得更快嘛! やだよ指揮官、これじゃすぐ終わちゃうよ!Play 싫어 지휘관, 이러면 금방 끝나 버리잖아! Nooo Commander, if you do this I might end them faster than I want to!
Logistics (start) 我出发了哦,指挥官,多想想我吧。 行きますよ、指揮官。Play 갔다올게, 지휘관! I'm off now Commander.
Logistics (end) 我回来啦,指挥官,来抱抱我吧! 帰ったよ、抱っこして~指揮官~。Play 돌아왔어. 안아줘~ 지휘관~. I'm back Commander, Hug me please~!
Autobattle 姐姐们,我来了哦! お姉ちゃん達、来ましたよ!Play 언니들, 나 왔어! Sisters, I've arrived!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission っあははは~カニバルの始まり始まり~~Play 하하, 축제 시작이다, 시작이다! Ahaha! The festivities are starting!
Starting a battle えへへ、あんたをもっと素敵にしてあげるよ~Play 헤헷, 널 좀 더 멋지게 해줄게. Hehe, I'll show you something even cooler!
Skill activation えふんふんふん、わたし好みの格好にな~れ~Play 히히히, 내 취향의 모습으로 변해라! Hehehe, I'll change you to my liking!
これはあんたの手?それとも足?Play 이건 네 손? 아니면 발? Is this your hand? Or.. your foot?
パン~パン~パン~!全部壊しちゃえ!はははははっ!Play 빵!빵!빵! 전부 부숴져라! 아하하하하! Bang! Bang! Bang! Everything's destroyed! Ahahaha!
Heavily damaged はは、これで満足?次は私の番だよ!Play 하핫, 이걸로 만족? 다음엔 내 차례야? Haha~ Are you satisfied? Then it's my turn next!
Retreat もう...遊べないの?Play 더는 못 노는거야? We... we can't play anymore?
MVP ああ、もっと遊びたかったのに、まあいいや、今度にしよ。Play 아~아 더 놀고 싶었는데 뭐 좋아 참을게 Aww.. I wanted to play some more... Ah, whatever. There's always next time.
Restoration 伤口都记下了……我会好好回报它们的。 こいつらが残した傷、100倍に返してやる!Play 이 녀석들이 남긴 상처, 100배로 갚아주겠어! I'll remember these scars, and return them a hundredfold!
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Treat or Trick!指挥官,今晚我要扮成电锯杀人狂哦!Honey,不给糖的话就——嘻嘻嘻嘻—— トリックオアトリート!指揮官今夜はかんとお菓子を用意してよね。じゃないとどうなっても知らないよぉぉぉ…あはははは。Play Trick or Treat! 지휘관, 오늘밤에는 제대로 과자 주는거지? 아니면, 어떻게 돼도 모른다구? Trick or treat! Commander, make sure to properly prepare the candy, alright? If you don't, then I don't know just what might happen; hahahaha!
Christmas メリークリスマス!料理の時千切りは楽しいね!敵もこうやって…Play Merry Christmas! 요리할 때 채써는 건 재밌네, 적도 이렇게... Merry Christmas! Mincing up something during cooking is fun! You do your enemy like this...
New Year's Day ハッピーニューイヤー!今年も目標は敵をいっぱいやつけることだよ!


Happy New Year! 올해의 목표는, 적을 잔뜩 해치우는 거야. Happy New Year! My goal this year is still the same, getting rid of plenty of enemies!
Valentine's day 指揮官、今日は止まってくれない?いっぱいお菓子があるんだよね!


Commander, will you stop by today? There are plenty of sweets!
Tanabata 私は誰にも負けないぐらいたくさんの願い事があるんだよね。例えばね…あれ…なんだっけ?


One of many of my wishes is not to lose to anyone. For example, huh... what was that again?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
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Tip Play
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