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< M14
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M14 Quotes

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,M14,不会让您失望的! 指揮官!あなた様の期待に、必ず応えて見せます!Play 지휘관! 당신의 기대에 반드시 보답할게요! Commander, I will not let you down!
Introduction 在M1加兰德小姐的基础上改进的步枪武器,正是我们,M14。通过调整快慢机可以进行半自动或全自动射击哦。
Developed and improved on Miss M1 Garand design, it's me, M14 rifle! With selective fire capability, we can be used as a semi-automatic or fully-automatic weapon~ After succeeding Miss Garand, I was also replaced by the M16... But my spiritual successor, the M21 , soon returned to the battlefield! The Wheel of Time sure keeps turning! Hehe...
Secretary 刚刚你摸了吧?摸了吧! 今、触ったよね?!触りましたよね!Play 지금 만졌죠! 만지신 거죠!! You touched me just now, didn't you!
“胜利”这个词,真是很棒呢! 勝利って、いい響きですよね!Play "승리"라는 거, 듣기 좋은 말이지요! "Victory", it has such a nice ring to it!
撒!一鼓作气上吧!获得胜利! さあ、張り切って行きましょう!勝利を手に入れるのです!Play 자, 힘내서 가볼까요, 승리를 손에 넣기 위해서요! Come on! Let us charge with determination and obtain victory!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, Commander! Wanna hear a joke? It's a bit embarrassing, but...you're used to it, right? Heheh...
아아, 지휘관. 드디어 이 날이 왔네요! 계속 기다렸어요. 언제 깨달아 주시는 걸까 하고. 지금껏 살아오면서... 지금, 제일 기뻐요!
Commander, the day has finally come. I've always been wondering when can you take notice of me... But now, I'm at the happiest point of my life!
Greeting 指揮官,元気でしたか?待ってましたよ。Play 지휘관, 아무 일 없었어요? 기다렸어요~ Feeling good, commander? I've been waiting for you.
T-Doll Produced 製造が終わりましたよ。Play 제조가 완료되었어요. Construction is finished.
Joining an echelon M14,頑張ります。Play M14, 열심히 하겠습니다! M14 here, I'll do my best.
Enhancement なんか,体がポカポカしてきた。Play 뭔가 따끈따끈해지고 있어~ Somehow, I'm feeling warmer.
Dummy-linking よーーし!これで皆んなもっと強くなれますね。Play 좋았어! 이걸로 모두 더욱 강해질 수 있겠네! O--kay! From this everyone will become even stronger.
Logistics (start) 指揮官,了解です,良い知らせを待っててくださいね。Play 지휘관, 알았슴다! 낭보를 기대해 주세요! Understood, commander. Please wait for good news.
Logistics (end) 只今戻りました,指揮官。Play I just got back, commander.
Autobattle 皆のバックアップは,このМ14に任せてください。Play 모두의 백업은 이 M14에게 맡겨 주세요! Please leave it to M14 to backup everyone.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission やっと出撃ですね,待ちくたびれました。Play 드디어 출격이네요~, 기다리다 지쳤다고요! Finally it's time to sortie, I was tired of waiting.
Starting a battle 敵軍だよ,気をつけて。Play 적군이야, 조심해! It's the enemy, be careful.
Skill activation 狙って…攻撃!Play 조준해서, 공격! Aiming... attack!
そろそろ本気だしちゃうかな?Play 슬슬 본 실력을 내 볼까~.
民間用の武器の威力を,思い知らせてあげるわ。Play 민간용 무기의 위력을 뼈저리게 느끼게 해 주겠어! I'll let you know the power of civilian weaponry.
Heavily damaged っく…うぅ,こんな目に遭うなんて,聞いてませんよ!Play 아앗! 이런 모습이 되어 버리다니... 말해 주시지 않으셨잖아요!
Retreat くぅ…くぅ…次は,次こそは必ず…Play 핫...싫어...다음에는, 다음에는 반드시... Kuu... Kuu... next time, I will definitely...
MVP 指揮官,聞こえました?勝利の鐘が鳴ってます。Play 지휘관, 들려요? 승리의 종소리가 울리고 있어요! Commander, do you hear that? The victory bell is ringing.
Restoration あら,こっそり休憩できるなんて,ふふん~~Play 어라, 몰래 쉴 수 있겠는데..우후후. Oh, I can take a quiet break now, fufu~
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 要捣蛋了哦~嘿!嘿!……早点把糖果拿出来不就没事了嘛。 悪戯しちゃうぞ!えっえ!うんふふ、さっさとお菓子をくれればよかったのにPlay I'm going to cause some trouble! Hey! Hey! ...There'll be no trouble if you give me the candy early~
Christmas 圣诞快乐!指挥官,圣诞老人会来的吧?会的吧? メリークリスマス~!指揮官、サンタンさん来ますよね!来ますよね!Play 메리 크리스마스! 지휘관. 산타 오는 거죠?! 오는 거죠! Merry Christmas! Commander, Santa surely will come right ? Right ?
New Year's Day 指揮官〜!あけおめです!


지~휘관~! 새해 복 많이 받으세요! Com-man-der~! Happy New Year!
Valentine's day チョコは私が食べるの!指揮官の分はありませんからね!


초코는 제가 먹는 거예요! 지휘관의 몫은 없으니까요! The chocolates are all mine! None for you, Commander!
Tanabata 織姫と彦星の話…ロマンチックですね…泣けちゃうよぉ…


Orihime and Hikoboshi... how romantic! I'm gonna cry!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,我们是不是也稍微变得成熟一点了呢?现在的我们,感觉什么都能做得到哦~ 指揮官!あたし少しは成長しましたよね?今なら、何でも出来る気がしますよ!Play Commander, Haven't we matured a little? I feel like we can now accomplish anything!
Introduction 在M1加兰德小姐的基础上改进的步枪武器,正是我们,M14。通过调整快慢机可以进行半自动或全自动射击哦。取代了加兰德1小姐之后,我后来也被M16取代,不过由我衍生的M21日后又重返了战场,真是时运流转啊,哈哈…… Developed and improved on Miss M1 Garand design, it's me, M14 rifle! With selective fire capability, we can be used as a semi-automatic or fully-automatic weapon~ After succeeding Miss Garand, I was also replaced by the M16... But my spiritual successor, the M21 , soon returned to the battlefield! The Wheel of Time sure keeps turning! Hehe...
Secretary 指挥官,我们这次又有很多有趣的冒险哦,想听听看吗? 指揮官、まったいっぱい面白い冒険をしてきましたよ!あたしの話、聞いて見たくありませんか?Play Commander, we had so much fun this time! Wanna hear about it?
遇上什么难题了吗?这种时候就需要一点点民间智慧了,交给我们吧! 何かお困りですか?こういう時は、ちょっとした民間の知恵を使かうべきです!任せてください!Play Having trouble with something? This calls for some street smarts! Leave it to me!
指挥官,您的问候有点太热烈了,我们……还要适应一会儿…… 指揮官?これは挨拶代わりとしては、あまりにも情熱的過ぎます。まだ…慣れていません…Play Commander, your greeting was a little too enthusiastic, I still need time to get used to it...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, Commander! Wanna hear a joke? It's a bit embarrassing, but...you're used to it, right? Heheh...
아아, 지휘관. 드디어 이 날이 왔네요! 계속 기다렸어요. 언제 깨달아 주시는 걸까 하고. 지금껏 살아오면서... 지금, 제일 기뻐요!
Commander, the day has finally come. I've always been wondering when can you take notice of me... But now, I'm at the happiest point of my life!
Greeting おはようございます。待ってたよ。Play 지휘관, 아무 일 없었어요? 기다렸어요~
T-Doll Produced 新入りの子を見せてください!Play
Joining an echelon んん、たまに新しい陣形も試したいですね。Play
Enhancement えへへ、また強くなりましたね!ありがとうございます!Play
Dummy-linking よーーし!これで皆んなもっと強くなれますね。Play 좋았어! 이걸로 모두 더욱 강해질 수 있겠네! O--kay! From this everyone will become even stronger.
Logistics (start) 指揮官,了解です,良い知らせを待っててくださいね。Play 지휘관, 알았슴다! 낭보를 기대해 주세요! Understood, commander. Please wait for good news.
Logistics (end) 只今戻りました,指揮官。Play I just got back, commander.
Autobattle 皆のバックアップは,このМ14に任せてください。Play 모두의 백업은 이 M14에게 맡겨 주세요! Please leave it to M14 to backup everyone.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出撃ですね。行きます!Play
Starting a battle 絶対負けない!Play
Skill activation さて、用意したものを見せてあげようっか!Play
Heavily damaged おっと、どれぐらい持つのかな。Play
Retreat もうこうするしか…でも次は、絶対負けない!Play
MVP へへ!これがM14の力!あたしの勝ちが認められる日は必ず来る!Play
Restoration あら,こっそり休憩できるなんて,ふふん~~Play 어라, 몰래 쉴 수 있겠는데..우후후. Oh, I can take a quiet break now, fufu~
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 要捣蛋了哦~嘿!嘿!……早点把糖果拿出来不就没事了嘛。 悪戯しちゃうぞ!えっえ!うんふふ、さっさとお菓子をくれればよかったのにPlay I'm going to cause some trouble! Hey! Hey! ...There'll be no trouble if you give me the candy early~
Christmas 圣诞快乐!指挥官,圣诞老人会来的吧?会的吧? メリークリスマス~!指揮官、サンタンさん来ますよね!来ますよね!Play 메리 크리스마스! 지휘관. 산타 오는 거죠?! 오는 거죠! Merry Christmas! Commander, Santa surely will come right ? Right ?
New Year's Day 指揮官〜!あけおめです!


지~휘관~! 새해 복 많이 받으세요! Com-man-der~! Happy New Year!
Valentine's day チョコは私が食べるの!指揮官の分はありませんからね!


초코는 제가 먹는 거예요! 지휘관의 몫은 없으니까요! The chocolates are all mine! None for you, Commander!


Orihime and Hikoboshi... how romantic! I'm gonna cry!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play