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"We're not at an optimal state yet, commander."

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Alchemist Assimilated Quotes
Full name SP7C Alchemist
Affiliation Sangvis Ferri
Voice actor Satou Arise
Released on CN, TW, KR, EN, JP
Chibi animation

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Special Operations Doll, Model SP7C

Skilled in myriad tactics, and particularly well-versed in interrogation. She is one of Sangvis Ferri's elite operators and is occasionally paired with Destroyer. Egomaniacal, haughty, and cruel, she is ruthless in achieving her goals. She has sadistic tendencies and views Griffin dolls as toys to satisfy her desires, but is mentally mature and is willing to go the extra mile for her Sangvis Ferri comrades. Her primary armament consists of a pair of gunblades, allowing her to fulfill the same role as Hunter while giving her an edge in melee combat.


Players first encounter Alchemist as the boss of Chapter 6-6, 6-4E and 6-4M. Alchemist also makes her presence known in several Major Event's EX Maps.


In battle, Alchemist will snipe at your dolls from a distance. Her skill will give her super speed, appearing to vanish and "teleport" while firing at your dolls with her gun-blades. In this state she can be difficult but not impossible to hit, with the bigger danger being the super-accurate fire she's laying down on your dolls the entire time. ARSMG teams are recommended for fighting against her, as ARs with enough DPS can eliminate her before she can activate her skill.

Lore / Story involvement

