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AK-15 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 初次问候,指挥官。我是AK-15,现役战术人形,请更加有效率地对我发布指令吧。 始めまして、指揮官。AK-15、現役戦術人形です。効率よく命令ください。Play My regards, Commander. I am AK-15, active tactical doll, please deliver your orders to me more efficiently.
Introduction (同上)
Secretary ……您刚才在跟我说话吗?抱歉,我在休眠,没有听见。能请您再重复一遍吗?不是什么重要的事?我坚持要您再说一次。 なにか言いましたか?申し訳ありません、休眠中でしたので聞き取れませんでした。もう一度お願いできますか?重要なことではないと?それでももう一度お願いします。Play ...Were you talking to me just now? Sorry, I was asleep and couldn't hear you. Could you please repeat that? Was it important? I insist that you say that it again.
我闭上眼睛的话看到的就只是普通的黑暗而已,我并不讨厌黑暗,也谈不上喜欢。……只是会享受那种安静。 目を閉じて見えるのはただの暗闇。闇は嫌いではないのですが、好きとも言えません。ただこの静けさを楽しむだけです。Play When I close my eyes, I see only plain darkness. I don't dislike the dark, but there's nothing I really like about it either...just the peace and quiet.
12?……失礼了,我们之间并没有除却同厂关系以外的联系。我对她的作风也无法理解……为了行动的效率考虑,最好不要让我们协同工作。 AK-12?失礼、私たちは同じ工場の執心の言うこと以外、何の関係もありません。私も彼女のやり方が理解できませんし。効率を考えるのなら、一緒に仕事をしない方がいいと思います。Play 12? ...I beg your pardon, but we have no relationship with each other outside of our connection to the factory. I can't understand her style... For the sake of efficiency, it would be best if you did not put us together.
Secretary (post OATH)
It is quite infuriating. Why does 12 always like to do all of these meaningless things that are wasteful of resources. In any case, I don't agree with her one bit...no, sorry, I shouldn't be complaining about these trivial matters to you. Please forget it.
...I don't understand, this order makes no sense whatsoever. Even if you hadn't added this new layer of relationship, I would have obeyed your commands. Well, it's fine...since it was your request, of course I will obey it unconditionally. As my Commander, you have always been trusted.
Greeting 遅刻です。これはスケジュールの管理に響きますので、ペースアップして行きます。とりあえず不必要事項は取り除きました。目を通してください。Play You're late. This affects the management of the schedule, so you'll need keep pace. In the meantime, I have removed some unnecessary items from your itinerary. Please review it.
T-Doll Produced 新人がチームに入りました。指揮官、ご確認をPlay Newcomers have joined the team. Commander, please confirm.
Joining an echelon 指示に従います。くれぐれも足を引っ張らないようにお願いします。Play Please follow your instructions. Do your best not to fall behind.
Enhancement 性能の優れていれば、あらゆる状況に多様出来ます。Play Excellent performance means more options in various situations.
Dummy-linking ご安心ください。彼女たちの実力を、200%まで発揮させます。Play Rest assured. These girls will demonstrate their capabilities at 200%.
Logistics (start) 了解。必ず任務を遂行します。Play Roger. Be sure to carry out your duties.
Logistics (end) 報告します。任務完了しました。Play Reporting. Mission complete.
Autobattle 行ってきます。私がいないからと言って、羽を伸ばし過ぎご注意お願いしますPlay Heading out. Try not to stretch your wings out too much while I'm away.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 任務開始。みなさん、集中してください。Play Mission start. Everyone, stay focused.
Starting a battle 命令、ごみ掃除。Play Orders, garbage disposal.
Skill activation 邪魔。Play You're in the way.
もういい。Play Enough.
死ね。Play Die.
Heavily damaged チームの足を引っ張り…申し訳ありませんでした。Play I'm holding the team back...my apologies.
Retreat 任務失敗。全員順番に撤退製よ。Play Mission failed. All units withdraw in order.
MVP 任務完了。休む暇などありません。次の命令をください。Play Mission complete. There's no time for rest. Your next set of orders, please.
Restoration うぐ…休眠とチャージを同時に進行してもらいませんか?だめですか?でしたら、時間を無駄にしないために、ダシュ「」をお願いします。Play Ack...would it be possible to sleep and charge at the same time? No good? Then, as to not waste time, please place me on the Quick Repair queue.
Attack Play Advance.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 甘いものは嫌いなので、お菓子は用意していません。ついでに調べてみたのですが、ハロウィーンと言う行事は創造遥かに超える、重大な意味を持っていりょうです。それがなぜこんな滑稽な有様に…はぁ…理解出来ません。Play I didn't prepare sweets because I hate sweets. By the way, I did some research, and the event known has Halloween has a special meaning that goes far beyond creativity. *sigh* I don't understand what makes it such a humorous situation.
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス。人形たちはサンタが待ち遠しいようですが、なぜ存在しない人物からプレゼントをもらおうとするのですか?Play Commander, Merry Christmas. The dolls can't wait for Santa, but why would you want to receive a gift from someone who doesn't exist?
New Year's Day 指揮官、明けましておめでとうございます。こういう特集な時間概念の存在には理解出来ませんが、これからもいつも通り、仕事を共に出来るのはないでしょうか?


Happy New Year, Commander. I don't understand why such a special concept of time exists to begin with, but would it be possible for us to continue working together as is?
Valentine's day 指揮官、これは私が作ったチョコレートです、受け取ってください。レシピに気さえされたはいぶを厳守して作りました。なぜか…ですか?そういう決まりだと聞いたもので。


Commander, here's the chocolate that I made, please accept it. It was made with strict adherence to the recipe, despite the annotations that were made. Why is that...you ask? I heard there was a rule for that, apparently.
Tanabata 願い事ですか?意味のないことはしない趣味です。不確定な存在に祈るよりも、自分がしっかりした方がいいと思っています。それに、私にとって頼りになるのは、上司の知恵だけです。


My wish? A hobby that doesn't amount to meaningless things. I believe it's better to become stronger than pray for an uncertain existence. What's more, the only thing that I can rely on is the wisdom of my superior.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play Incomprehensible.
Tip Play
Loading Play Commander, I must ask you to please exercise patience.

MOD3 Voice Lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ……AK15,已就位。 Play ...AK-15, in position.
Secretary 请待在我身边,指挥官。我会确保你的安全,防止任何可能对你带来伤害的东西……任何东西。 Play Please stay by my side, Commander. I will keep you safe and stop anything that might try to harm you... No matter what it might be.
衣服?……对人形而言并不算重,这是必要的装具,而我是战士。 Play My outfit? ...It isn't particularly heavy for a Doll. It is essential gear, and I am a warrior.
与AN94的合作令人放松,她是合格的指挥者,也拥有优异的作战能力,可以很好地配合我的行动……而且,她令人安心。 Play Working with AN-94 is relaxing. She is a competent leader and she has excellent combat skills, so she works well with me... and also, she puts me at ease.
Secretary (post OATH)
I'm not bothered by how my commander uses me. When I question my orders, it is usually because I cannot see how they lead to the completion of the objective... However, nothing good ever comes of questioning them. You, on the other hand, have never given me cause to question you. That is ample proof of your superiority.
...I do not understand. This order makes no sense. I will still follow your orders even if our relationship did not proceed to this new level. However, it's alright... Since it is your request, then I will comply with it unconditionally. After all, you have always been a trustworthy commander.
Greeting 已经等待您多时了,指挥官,请您下达指令吧。 Play I've been waiting a long time for you, Commander. Your orders, please.
T-Doll Produced ……新型人形已就位,指挥官,需要进行质量检测吗? Play ...The new Doll has arrived, Commander. Do you wish to perform a QA inspection?
Joining an echelon 团队配合……我会尽力而为。 Play Work with the group... I will try.
Enhancement 肖博士的设计没有极限……我能创造的价值还有更多。 Play There are no limits to Professor Shaw's design... I can do much more than this.
Dummy-linking 我会让她们发挥出百分之二百的实力,请放心吧。 Play I'll make sure they operate at 200% of their strength, so don't worry.
Logistics (start) 收到,保证完成任务。 Play Understood. I will complete the mission.
Logistics (end) 报告,任务已经完成。 Play Reporting, mission complete.
Autobattle 我去去就回,请您不要过分懈怠。 Play I'll be back. Don't slack off too much.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我将以最强姿态出击。 Play I will head out in my strongest form.
Starting a battle 目标已确认,将进行歼灭工作。 Play Target confirmed. Commencing extermination.
Skill activation 正在锁定目标。 Play Target locked.
我已就绪。 Play I'm ready.
……歼灭进行中。 Play ...Commencing extermination.
Heavily damaged 你们哪都……别想去! Play None of you... are getting away!
Retreat 我还会回来的……下一次。 Play I'll be back... next time.
MVP 还没有结束,不能放松警惕。 Play It's not over yet. Don't lower your guard.
Restoration 咳……休眠和充能可以同步进行吗?不能?那好吧,请快些,不要浪费时间。 Play Ahem... Can I charge myself while I'm being repaired? No? Alright, then please be quick about it and don't waste time.
Attack 可以上了。 Play Let's go.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 我正在寻找机会,注意防守反击。 Play I'm looking for a chance. Mind your defense and prepare to counterattack.
Phrase 我不明白。 Play I don't understand.
Tip 与其问我,不如自行思考。 Play Instead of asking me, you should think about it yourself.
Loading 指挥官,下次请不要迟到。 Play Commander, please do not be late next time.