Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | OTs-14“闪电”,您就是我的指挥官吗?……很好,难得的机会,就让我们愉快相处吧。 | グローザ(Гроза)14だ。あなたが私の指揮官?そう、これから楽しくやりましょう。 | OTs-14"Lighting", Are you my Commander?...... Very good, There aren't many chances like this, so let us get along. | |
Introduction | OTs-14“闪电”是在AKS-74U卡宾枪的基础上研发的,结合了各种近战枪械特点的新式突击步枪。不过,只有结合了榴弹发射器才能称之为完整的“闪电”。这样的我在内务部队和特种部队都曾颇受欢迎,今日也请您多多指教喽。 | OTs-14 "Groza". Designed based on AKS-74U, a new assault rifle designed with reference to attributes of other close-quarter combat weapons. But only when the grenade launcher is mounted should I be called "Groza". I've seen service in secret service and special forces alike, hope we get along together. | ||
Secretary | 今天有什么计划,说来听听吧。 | 今日の計画は?言ってみて。 | What plans do you have today? Let's hear them. | |
让我猜猜.....你的表情,不是要谈工作吧? | 果ててみましょうか?その顔じゃ、仕事ではないのね? | Let me guess... This expression of your, you're not here to talk about work. | ||
哦?不错的气氛呢......再来点音乐配合一下? | いい雰囲気ね、音楽とか掛けてみる? | Oh? The mood isn't too bad... Shall we play some fitting music? | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 今晚想吃点什么?继续让我下厨怎么样?别不好意思哦,前几次不是挺愉快的嘛。
What do you want to eat tonight? How about letting me cook again? Don't be embarrassed, didn't we have fun a few times before.
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OATH | 这是……给我的?一点都不意外呢。
不过,一直以来你有多么辛苦,我也全部都看在眼里哦。 你是值得我托付信念的指挥官,让我们永远地并肩同行吧。 |
This is..... for me? This is hardly a surprise. But, All of the suffering you've endured so far, I've seen it all with my eyes. You are the Commander whom I've deemed worthy to entrust my beliefs to, let us stay side by side forever.
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Greeting | 嘛,别那麽紧张啦。先来喝杯茶吧? | さあ、そんなに緊張しないで。先ずはお茶でも一杯どう? | Don't be so tense, relax, a cup of tea for you? | |
T-Doll Produced | New friend?干一杯吧。 | ニューフレンド?乾杯しましょう。 | New friend? Toast to that. | |
Joining an echelon | Гроза(闪电),悉听尊命。 | グローザ(Гроза)、仰せのままに。 | Groza, awaiting orders. | |
Enhancement | 简单且有效的改造,感觉刚刚好。 | シンプル且つ有効な改造。ちょうどいい感じ。 | Simple and effective modifications, feels just right. | |
Dummy-linking | 谢谢,这样早上就有人能叫我起床了呢。 | ありがとう。これで朝は誰かに起こしもらえるはね。 | Thanks, Now I have someone to wake me up in the morning. | |
Logistics (start) | 差不多该出发了。 | そろそろね | Time to go. | |
Logistics (end) | 我回来了,比预定的时程还快呢。 | ただいま、予想以上に早かったね。 | I'm back, went faster than planned. | |
Autobattle | 让我为你们画上句点吧,蛀虫们。 | これで終わりにしましょう。蛆虫達。 | This means the end for you, filths. | |
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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