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ST AR-15/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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added event english lines
m improved MOD3 and event lines
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| INTRODUCTION_CN = 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。
| INTRODUCTION_EN = Small calibre rifle formed after the end of the war, AR15, after all kinds of trouble entered military service under M16. However the name AR15 is widely used by various civilian weapon companies. I'm a brand new product right now, don't take me for some antiques like M16.
| INTRODUCTION_EN = AR-15 was created as a small caliber rifle after the end of the war. After numerous setbacks, I finally entered military service as the M16. However, the name AR-15 is used when I'm produced for the civilian sector. I have been updated as a modern weapon, so please don't confuse me with antiquated things like the M16.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 什么时候……才能轮到我呢?
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 什么时候……才能轮到我呢?
| DIALOGUE1_JP = いつになったら、私の出番が来るのかしら。
| DIALOGUE1_JP = いつになったら、私の出番が来るのかしら。
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| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander, is my performance today acceptable? Everyone is one step closer to their goal, one day, our dreams... shall all come true.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander, is my performance today acceptable? Everyone is one step closer to their goal, one day, our dreams... shall all come true.
| CHRISTMAS_JP =指揮官!メリクリスマス!今飾りをつけているんですよ。素朴の方がお好きですか?
| CHRISTMAS_JP =指揮官!メリクリスマス!今飾りをつけているんですよ。素朴の方がお好きですか?
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander! Merry Christmas! I'm putting up some decorations! ...Do you prefer something simpler?
| NEWYEAR_JP =指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も私にもっとチャンスを恵んてください。
| NEWYEAR_JP =指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も私にもっとチャンスを恵んてください。
| NEWYEAR_EN = Happy New Years, Commander! Please bless me with more opportunities in this coming year!
| TANABATA_JP =私のお願いはM16がもっと仕事をしてくれるようになって、M4A1がもう過ごし頼れるになって。えっ、あぁ、そうですね、まずは短冊を用意しましょう。
| TANABATA_JP =私のお願いはM16がもっと仕事をしてくれるようになって、M4A1がもう過ごし頼れるになって。えっ、あぁ、そうですね、まずは短冊を用意しましょう。
| TANABATA_EN = I wish M16 would do some more work. I wish M4A1 would become more dependable... Ah, yes. We should write these wishes down first.
| VALENTINE_JP =他の子も指揮官にチョコを贈ったの、私も頑張ります。戦いも、恋も、負けませんから。
| VALENTINE_JP =他の子も指揮官にチョコを贈ったの、私も頑張ります。戦いも、恋も、負けませんから。
| VALENTINE_EN = Have the other girls given you chocolate, Commander? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield.
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唔……可以的话,我倒是只想发发糖果,指挥官,你要软糖,还是硬糖呢?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ヘェ、私はキャンディだけで十分ですよ。指揮官、あなたはゼリーが欲しい、それどもクッキーがほしいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ヘェ、私はキャンディだけで十分ですよ。指揮官、あなたはゼリーが欲しい、それどもクッキーがほしいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ermm... If it's allowed, I'd like to distribute some candies, Commander would you like soft or hard candies?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Umm, Just candy is enough for me. Commander, would you like some gummy candy? Or would you rather have some cookies?
| BLACKACTION_CN = 我的机会……终于来了吗!  
| BLACKACTION_CN = 我的机会……终于来了吗!  
| BLACKACTION_JP = チャンスがわたしに巡ってきた!?
| BLACKACTION_JP = チャンスがわたしに巡ってきた!?
Line 112: Line 114:
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。
| INTRODUCTION_CN = 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。
| INTRODUCTION_EN = Small calibre rifle formed after the end of the war, AR15, after all kinds of trouble entered military service under M16. However the name AR15 is widely used by various civilian weapon companies. I'm a brand new product right now, don't take me for some antiques like M16.
| INTRODUCTION_EN = AR-15 was created as a small caliber rifle after the end of the war. After numerous setbacks, I finally entered military service as the M16. However, the name AR-15 is used when I'm produced for the civilian sector. I have been updated as a modern weapon, so please don't confuse me with antiquated things like the M16.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 在大家需要我的时候,我不会有任何的保留。  
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 在大家需要我的时候,我不会有任何的保留。  
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| DIALOGUE2_CN = 最近加强了一下近战方面的训练,也许会有新的战术成果,请指挥官留意一下。  
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 最近加强了一下近战方面的训练,也许会有新的战术成果,请指挥官留意一下。  
| DIALOGUE2_EN = I've set some additional close quarter combat training, maybe there will be new tactical effects, please keep an eye on it Commander.
| DIALOGUE2_EN = My improved CQC capabilities may change the outcome of battles to come. Please keep your eyes on me, Commander.
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,不管我变成了什么样子……我只希望能得到您的认可。  
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,不管我变成了什么样子……我只希望能得到您的认可。  
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander, no matter what I become... I only wish for your recognition.
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander, no matter what form I take... I only wish for your recognition.
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官……这是梦吗?(笑)我之前的迷茫……到底是为了什么呢?……请让我一直看着您吧,因为一闭上眼睛……我就担心自己会醒来……
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官……这是梦吗?(笑)我之前的迷茫……到底是为了什么呢?……请让我一直看着您吧,因为一闭上眼睛……我就担心自己会醒来……
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、これは、夢ですかどうか私を貴方のそばにおいでください。夢から覚めたくないです。
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官、これは、夢ですかどうか私を貴方のそばにおいでください。夢から覚めたくないです。
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| CHRISTMAS_JP =指揮官!メリクリスマス!今飾りをつけているんですよ。素朴の方がお好きですか?
| CHRISTMAS_JP =指揮官!メリクリスマス!今飾りをつけているんですよ。素朴の方がお好きですか?
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander, Merry Christmas~ I'm putting up the decorations! Do you like simple ones?
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Commander! Merry Christmas! I'm putting up some decorations! ...Do you prefer something simpler?
| NEWYEAR_JP =指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も私にもっとチャンスを恵んてください。
| NEWYEAR_JP =指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も私にもっとチャンスを恵んてください。
| NEWYEAR_EN = Eh? Happy new year, Commander! Please bless me with more chances this year.
| NEWYEAR_EN = Happy New Years, Commander! Please bless me with more opportunities in this coming year!
| TANABATA_JP =私のお願いはM16がもっと仕事をしてくれるようになって、M4A1がもう過ごし頼れるになって。えっ、あぁ、そうですね、まずは短冊を用意しましょう。
| TANABATA_JP =私のお願いはM16がもっと仕事をしてくれるようになって、M4A1がもう過ごし頼れるになって。えっ、あぁ、そうですね、まずは短冊を用意しましょう。
| TANABATA_EN = I wish M16 would do some more work. I wish M4A1 would become more dependable... Ah, yes. We should write these wishes down first.
| VALENTINE_JP =他の子も指揮官にチョコを贈ったの、私も頑張ります。戦いも、恋も、負けませんから。
| VALENTINE_JP =他の子も指揮官にチョコを贈ったの、私も頑張ります。戦いも、恋も、負けませんから。
| VALENTINE_EN = Have the other girls given you chocolate, Commander? I... I'll do my best too! I won't lose, whether in love or in war!
| VALENTINE_EN = Have the other girls given you chocolate, Commander? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield.
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 唔……可以的话,我倒是只想发发糖果,指挥官,你要软糖,还是硬糖呢?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ヘェ、私はキャンディだけで十分ですよ。指揮官、あなたはゼリーが欲しい、それどもクッキーがほしいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = ヘェ、私はキャンディだけで十分ですよ。指揮官、あなたはゼリーが欲しい、それどもクッキーがほしいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Ermm... If it's allowed, I'd like to distribute some candies, Commander would you like soft or hard candies?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Umm, Just candy is enough for me. Commander, would you like some gummy candy? Or would you rather have some cookies?

| BLACKACTION_CN = 我的机会……终于来了吗!  
| BLACKACTION_CN = 我的机会……终于来了吗!  

Revision as of 20:58, 27 June 2019

ST AR-15 Strategy Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ST AR-15,正式加入,请注视着我,好好认清我的价值吧。 コルトAR15よ、正式に綺麗の部隊に加わります、私の活躍をしっかりと目に預けてください。Play ST AR-15. Please allow me to formally join this honorable squad and watch me as I bring you victory.
Introduction 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。 AR-15 was created as a small caliber rifle after the end of the war. After numerous setbacks, I finally entered military service as the M16. However, the name AR-15 is used when I'm produced for the civilian sector. I have been updated as a modern weapon, so please don't confuse me with antiquated things like the M16.
Secretary 什么时候……才能轮到我呢? いつになったら、私の出番が来るのかしら。Play When... will it be my turn?
指挥官,你在看哪里,不、不是商标吧? 指揮官、どこを見てるの?トッ、トレードマークではないですよね。Play Commander, what are you looking at? It- it's not my trademark, is it?
不要以为我是民用武器就可以……总之!在我生气之前,请停手吧! コマーシャルモデルだからと言って、私のことを、アぁッ、私が怒る前にやめてください。Play Don't think that just because I'm a civilian firearm you can... Anyway! Please stop before I get angry!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, is my performance today acceptable? Everyone is one step closer to their goal, one day, our dreams... shall all come true.
Commander... is this a dream ? (laughs) What was...I lost for all this time ? ...Please allow me to keep looking at you, as I'm afraid... that I'll wake up from this reverie if I close my eyes...
Greeting 指挥官,准备好今天的行动吗?我随时都在等待。 指揮官、今日の作戦指示まだ頂いてません。わたしはいつでもいけますよ。Play Commander are today's operations prepared? I'm available on standby.
T-Doll Produced 这次的战术人形……是哪一边的呢? 今回の戦術用の娘(こ)はこれですか?Play The new T-doll... which side will she be from?
Joining an echelon 卡尔特AR15,加入!去赢得胜利吧! コルトAR15(えいあーるじゅうご)が勝利を勝ち取る!Play Colt AR15, entering formation! Let us bring back victory!
Enhancement 这就是我……一直渴望的力量吗…… これがわたしがずっと望んでた力(ちから)か…。Play This is... the power I always craved for...
Dummy-linking 增加多少都无所谓,她们只会被同一份意志所驱使…… ダミーはいくら増やしても構いません、わたしの意志で彼女たちを動かしているから。Play No matter how many you add, they will always be driven by one will...
Logistics (start) 我出发了,指挥官,请保重。 指揮官、物資の調達に行って参ります。Play Commander, please take care while I'm escorting the logistics.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,指挥官,接下来的命令是? ただいま戻りました。指揮官、次の指示を。Play I've returned, Commander your next orders?
Autobattle 我的机会……终于来了吗! チャンスがわたしに巡ってきた!?Play My chance... is it finally here?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出击!真正的荣誉……在等待着我! 出撃です。真の名誉がわたしを待っています!Play Engage! Honour and glory awaits me!
Starting a battle 来吧……不会输给你们的! 来い…!わたしは負けませんから!Play Come... I won't lose to you!
Skill activation 认清自己的命运吧! おのれの運命を受け入れなさい。Play This is your fate!
这就是……我们的差距! これがわたしとあなたの差です!Play This... this is the difference between us!
给你们致命一击的...是我! あなたにとどめを刺すのは…わたしです!Play I'll will be the one... who delivers the fatal blow!
Heavily damaged 诶?……从哪边?我……我该怎么办! え、どこからの流れ弾…?くっ…不覚…。Play Eh? ...Where? What do I do!
Retreat 好黑……好暗……谁来……救救我…… 真っ暗で怖いよ…誰か…助けて…。Play Dark... so dark... somebody... save me...
MVP 指挥官,这次的表现符合军人的要求了吗?或者,我能够超越了她们吗? 指揮官、わたしなら…彼女たちを超えられるでしょうか…。Play Commander, are my performances up to military standard? Or was I able to exceed them?
Restoration 我绝对不会……原谅它们! ぜっ、ぜったい…許さない!Play I'll never... forgive them!
Attack 快一点,提高效率! 私についてきて、戦場では、効率が第一よ。Play Hurry up, improve the efficiency!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ヘェ、私はキャンディだけで十分ですよ。指揮官、あなたはゼリーが欲しい、それどもクッキーがほしいですか?Play Umm, Just candy is enough for me. Commander, would you like some gummy candy? Or would you rather have some cookies?
Christmas 指揮官!メリクリスマス!今飾りをつけているんですよ。素朴の方がお好きですか?Play Commander! Merry Christmas! I'm putting up some decorations! ...Do you prefer something simpler?
New Year's Day 指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も私にもっとチャンスを恵んてください。


Happy New Years, Commander! Please bless me with more opportunities in this coming year!
Valentine's day 他の子も指揮官にチョコを贈ったの、私も頑張ります。戦いも、恋も、負けませんから。


Have the other girls given you chocolate, Commander? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield.
Tanabata 私のお願いはM16がもっと仕事をしてくれるようになって、M4A1がもう過ごし頼れるになって。えっ、あぁ、そうですね、まずは短冊を用意しましょう。


I wish M16 would do some more work. I wish M4A1 would become more dependable... Ah, yes. We should write these wishes down first.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 停下,自由射击! 止まって、作戦プランの建て直しよ。Play Halt, free fire!
Phrase 私の予想通りです。Play
Tip 私が教えしましょうか。Play
Loading 待ってください、まだ全員揃っていません。Play

MOD3 Voice lines

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition ST AR-15,正式加入,请注视着我,好好认清我的价值吧。 コルトAR15よ、正式に綺麗の部隊に加わります、私の活躍をしっかりと目に預けてください。Play ST AR-15. Please allow me to formally join this honorable squad and watch me as I bring you victory.
Introduction 战争结束后成型的小口径步枪,AR15。经过各种波折后,最终以M16的名字被军方采用。而AR15这个名字,则作为民用武器被各大公司仿制。现在的我已经是全新的产品了,别把我当成M16那种老家伙。 AR-15 was created as a small caliber rifle after the end of the war. After numerous setbacks, I finally entered military service as the M16. However, the name AR-15 is used when I'm produced for the civilian sector. I have been updated as a modern weapon, so please don't confuse me with antiquated things like the M16.
Secretary 在大家需要我的时候,我不会有任何的保留。 Play I won't be holding back, when everyone needs me.
最近加强了一下近战方面的训练,也许会有新的战术成果,请指挥官留意一下。 Play My improved CQC capabilities may change the outcome of battles to come. Please keep your eyes on me, Commander.
指挥官,不管我变成了什么样子……我只希望能得到您的认可。 Play Commander, no matter what form I take... I only wish for your recognition.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, is my performance today acceptable? Everyone is one step closer to their goal, one day, our dreams... shall all come true.
Commander... is this a dream ? (laughs) What was...I lost for all this time ? ...Please allow me to keep looking at you, as I'm afraid... that I'll wake up from this reverie if I close my eyes...
Greeting 指挥官,准备好今天的行动吗?我随时都在等待。 指揮官、今日の作戦指示まだ頂いてません。わたしはいつでもいけますよ。Play Commander are today's operations prepared? I'm available on standby.
T-Doll Produced 这次的战术人形……是哪一边的呢? 今回の戦術用の娘(こ)はこれですか?Play The new T-doll... which side will she be from?
Joining an echelon 这也是,大家所期望的吗? Play Is this, what everybody wishes for?
Enhancement 只有这个感觉能让我安心下来。 Play Only this feeling can soothe me.
Dummy-linking 增加多少都无所谓,她们只会被同一份意志所驱使…… ダミーはいくら増やしても構いません、わたしの意志で彼女たちを動かしているから。Play No matter how many you add, they will always be driven by one will...
Logistics (start) 我出发了,指挥官,请保重。 指揮官、物資の調達に行って参ります。Play Commander, please take care while I'm escorting the logistics.
Logistics (end) 我回来了,指挥官,接下来的命令是? ただいま戻りました。指揮官、次の指示を。Play I've returned, Commander your next orders?
Autobattle 我的机会……终于来了吗! チャンスがわたしに巡ってきた!?Play My chance... is it finally here?
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 我所期望的荣誉,就在这场战斗之中! Play The glory I wanted is in this battle!
Starting a battle 确认敌军数量! Play Confirm the amount of enemies!
Skill activation 我已经有所改变了! Play I've changed myself!
我只有一个目标! Play I only have one goal!
让我把你们从痛苦中解放吧! Play I'll free you from your suffering!
Heavily damaged 不行。我不能在这里倒下... Play No. I cannot fall here...
Retreat 又是这种结果吗?但是,我不会放弃的! Play This result again? But I will never give up!
MVP 指挥官,这次的胜利,能称得上是优秀吗? Play Commander, can this victory be considered 'spectacular'?
Restoration 我绝对不会……原谅它们! ぜっ、ぜったい…許さない!Play I'll never... forgive them!
Attack 快一点,提高效率! 私についてきて、戦場では、効率が第一よ。Play Hurry up, improve the efficiency!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ヘェ、私はキャンディだけで十分ですよ。指揮官、あなたはゼリーが欲しい、それどもクッキーがほしいですか?Play Umm, Just candy is enough for me. Commander, would you like some gummy candy? Or would you rather have some cookies?
Christmas 指揮官!メリクリスマス!今飾りをつけているんですよ。素朴の方がお好きですか?Play Commander! Merry Christmas! I'm putting up some decorations! ...Do you prefer something simpler?
New Year's Day 指揮官、あけましておめでとうございます。来年も私にもっとチャンスを恵んてください。


Happy New Years, Commander! Please bless me with more opportunities in this coming year!
Valentine's day 他の子も指揮官にチョコを贈ったの、私も頑張ります。戦いも、恋も、負けませんから。


Have the other girls given you chocolate, Commander? I... I'll do my best too! I won't admit defeat, whether in love or on the battlefield.
Tanabata 私のお願いはM16がもっと仕事をしてくれるようになって、M4A1がもう過ごし頼れるになって。えっ、あぁ、そうですね、まずは短冊を用意しましょう。


I wish M16 would do some more work. I wish M4A1 would become more dependable... Ah, yes. We should write these wishes down first.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 停下,自由射击! 止まって、作戦プランの建て直しよ。Play Halt, free fire!
Phrase 私の予想通りです。Play
Tip 私が教えしましょうか。Play
Loading 待ってください、まだ全員揃っていません。Play