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Tokarev: Difference between revisions

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Costume 1 changed to the official English name
Migration to new template
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|title = Tokarev
|nationality = Soviet Union<ref name= "wiki">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TT_pistol Wikipedia entry on Tokarev]</ref>
|nationality = Soviet Union<ref name= "wiki">[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TT_pistol Wikipedia entry on Tokarev]</ref>
|classification = HG
|classification = HG
Line 6: Line 5:
|index = 6
|index = 6
|manufacturer = Tula Arsenal, Izhevsk Arsenal, Norinco, Femaru, FB „Radom”, Cugir Arsenal, Zastava Arms, FÉG<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|manufacturer = Tula Arsenal, Izhevsk Arsenal, Norinco, Femaru, FB „Radom”, Cugir Arsenal, Zastava Arms, FÉG<ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|artist = [http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2668318 废人]
|fullname = 7.62 mm Tokarev self-loading pistol <ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|fullname = 7.62 mm Tokarev self-loading pistol <ref name= "wiki"></ref>
|chname = 托卡列夫
|voiceactor = Sakuma Hiromi
|faction=[[Griffin & Kryuger]]
|artist = {{artist name|废人}}
|voiceactor = {{voice actor name|Sakuma Hiromi}}
|releasedon= {{doll_server_alias|server=CN|alias=托卡列夫}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=TW|alias=托卡列夫}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=KR|alias=토카레프}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=EN|alias=Tokarev}}, {{doll_server_alias|server=JP|alias=Tokarev}}

| weaponinfo =
| weaponinfo =
Line 18: Line 22:
But even as the TT-30 was being put into production, design changes were made to simplify manufacturing. Minor changes to the barrel, disconnector, trigger and frame were implemented, the most notable ones being the omission of the removable backstrap and changes to the full-circumference locking lugs. This redesigned pistol was the TT-33. Most TT-33s were issued to officers. The TT-33 was widely used by Soviet troops during World War II, but did not completely replace the Nagant. <ref name= "wiki"></ref>
But even as the TT-30 was being put into production, design changes were made to simplify manufacturing. Minor changes to the barrel, disconnector, trigger and frame were implemented, the most notable ones being the omission of the removable backstrap and changes to the full-circumference locking lugs. This redesigned pistol was the TT-33. Most TT-33s were issued to officers. The TT-33 was widely used by Soviet troops during World War II, but did not completely replace the Nagant. <ref name= "wiki"></ref>

| characterinfo =
=== Design ===
=== Personality ===
=== In-Game ===

|min_dmg= 12
|min_dmg= 12
Line 36: Line 35:
|max_hp= 86
|max_hp= 86
|mov= 15
|mov= 15
|skillname=Cover Command
|craft= 0:45:00
|craft= 0:45:00
|drop=Common drop on maps.
|aura1= Affects all guns
|aura1= Affects all guns
|aura2= Increases rate of fire by {{HG aura|20}}
|aura2= Increases rate of fire by {{HG aura|20}}
Line 50: Line 51:
|tile9= 1
|tile9= 1
|tile5 = 0  
|tile5 = 0  
|costume1=A Couple's Journey
|costume1=A Couple's Journey
| characterid = TT33
| GAIN_CN = 您就是我的指挥官吗?今后请您多多照顾了。
| GAIN_JP =あ、指揮官、よろしくお願いしますね。
File:Tokarev_S.png|Profile image
| GAIN_EN = Ah. commander. I'll be under your care.
File:Tokarev.png|Full artwork
| GAIN_KR = 아, 지휘관, 잘 부탁드립니다.
File:Tokarev_D.png|Full damaged artwork
| INTRODUCTION_CN =为了接替纳甘小姐完成战斗使命,TT-33由托卡列夫同志研制完成,并成为本国军方的防身武器。在日后的卫国战争中,我很荣幸地成为官兵们的战友,并见证了无数牺牲和胜利……感谢您给我的机会,我会继续保护好大家的。
File:Tokarev_costume1.png|"A Couple's Journey" artwork
File:Tokarev_costume1_D.png|"A Couple's Journey" damaged artwork
| INTRODUCTION_KR = 나강씨의 전투사명을 끝내고 대체하기 위해서, TT-33은 토카레프 동지에 의해 연구 및 제작을 거쳤습니다. 완성됨과 동시에 국군의 호신용 무기로 채택되었죠. 그후 대조국전쟁 중, 매우 영광스럽게도 장교와 병사들의 전우가 됨과 동시에 무수한 희생과 승리를 목격했어요…. 지휘관이 나에게 준 기회에는 감사하고 있어. 내가 계속해서 모두를 지킬 수 있을 테니까요.
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 指挥官,听好,作为绅士是不能随便乱摸别人的。
| DIALOGUE1_JP =指揮官、ちょっとよろしいですか?紳士たるもの、ボディータッチは謹んでください。
| DIALOGUE1_EN = Commander, can I speak to you for a second? If you are a so-called gentleman then you can't go around touching people like that.
| DIALOGUE1_KR = 잠깐만요, 지휘관. 신사된 자로써 몸을 더듬는 것은 조심해주세요.
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 真是……不守规矩呢……
| DIALOGUE2_JP =鼻の下、伸びてますよ?
| DIALOGUE2_EN = Commander, you're such a lecher...
| DIALOGUE2_KR = 표정이...호색한처럼 보이는데요?
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官,还是请您专心工作吧。
| DIALOGUE3_JP =指揮官、仕事に集中してください。
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Commander, focus on your WORK!
| DIALOGUE3_KR = 지휘관! 일에 집중해 주세요!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN =如果今晚您还是不肯安心休息,我是不会离开的。既然和您约定好了,我就一定要为您负责到底。
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = I'm not leaving until you go to bed. I'm going to make sure that I take good care of you, because after all, we made vows to each other.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_KR = 혹시 오늘 밤도 쉴 생각 없으시다면 저도 곁에 있을게요. 약속했는걸요. 당신을 위해 끝까지 책임질 거예요.
| SOULCONTRACT_CN =诶,指挥官,您怎么在这儿?这里有我一个人就好了……诶?您说什么?两个人之间的事?我不太懂。不过,您会教给我吧?
| SOULCONTRACT_JP =あら、指揮官、ここは私一人で平気ですよ。え?なんですって?二人の間の事?よく分からないですけど、教えて下さいますか?
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Huh, Commander, what are you doing here? I can handle it here by myself... Huh? Pardon? "Business" between two people? I don't really get what you mean, but you'll show me, right?
| SOULCONTRACT_KR = 어라, 지휘관, 여기는 저 혼자니까 괜찮아요. 예? 뭐라고요? 둘 사이의 일? 잘 모르겠지만, 가르쳐 주시겠어요?
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、お元気のようで、何よりです。
| HELLO_EN = <!-- very polite, old school japanese --> Commander. May a nice day come upon us.
| HELLO_KR = 지휘관, 건강한 것 같아서 다행입니다.
| BUILDOVER_JP = 製造が完了したようです。新しいチームメンバーは何方でしょう?
| BUILDOVER_EN = Crafting is complete. A new team member... Who could it be ?
| BUILDOVER_KR = 제조가 완료된 것 같습니다. 새로운 팀 멤버는 어떤 분일까요?
| FORMATION_JP = 私でいいですか?
| FORMATION_EN = Are you fine with me ?
| FORMATION_KR = 저로 괜찮습니까?
| FEED_JP = 強化が完了したみたいです、一歩前進ですね。
| FEED_EN = It seems perfect for today. Little by little isn't it ?
| FEED_KR = 강화가 완료된 것 같습니다, 한 걸음 더 나아갔네요.
| COMBINE_JP = 編成拡大…ですか?では指揮官、お願いしますね。私、ちゃんと嬉しますから。
| COMBINE_EN = Dummy-linking isn't it ? Then, Commander, please make me happy.
| COMBINE_KR = 편성확대…입니까? 그러면 지휘관. 부탁드립니다. 저, 제대로 감사드릴 테니까요.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = ダスヴィダーニィヤ。指揮官、ご安心を。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = до свидания。 See you~ ! Commander, don't worry.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_KR = 다시 만날 때까지. 지휘관, 안심하시길.
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = ハラショー!指揮官、留守中はご無事ですか?
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = хорошо! Commander, did you do well too ?
| OPERATIONOVER_KR = 좋아요! 지휘관, 부재중에 무사하셨나요?
| BLACKACTION_JP = 今回は、私が皆を守ります。
| BLACKACTION_EN = It'll be my turn to protect everybody !
| BLACKACTION_KR = 이번에는 제가 모두를 지키겠습니다.
| GOATTACK_JP = トカレフTT-33自動拳銃、参ります!
| GOATTACK_EN = Tokarev TT-30 Handgun, advancing.
| GOATTACK_KR = 토카레프 TT-33 자동권총, 갑니다!
| MEET_JP = 敵軍です!目を開えて、よく狙って撃ってください!
| MEET_EN = Those are enemy troops. Open your eyes well and once you get a good angle, shoot.
| MEET_KR = 적군입니다! 눈을 뜨고 잘 노려서 사격해 주세요!
| SKILL1_JP = 自由射撃、開始!
| SKILL1_EN = Safety. Unlocked !
| SKILL1_KR = 자유사격 개시!
| SKILL2_JP = 悪いけど、私は安いだけが取り柄じゃないですからね。
| SKILL2_EN = I'm terribly sorry, but i cannot afford to let you pass, you know.
| SKILL2_KR = 미안하지만 싸다는 장점만 있는 게 아니니까요.
| SKILL3_JP = ここだけの話、一応かの時代にはスタンダードとして実力を認められていたんですよ。
| SKILL3_EN = I'll say it only this time.. at least I was used for a century.
| SKILL3_KR = 여기에서만 말하는 건데, 일단 한 시대의 제식으로서 실력을 인정받았다고요.
| BREAK_JP = ぎゃ!い…痛いです…
| BREAK_EN = Kyaa~ ! It- ... It hurts !
| BREAK_KR = 꺄! 아…아픕니다…
| RETREAT_JP = 力不足て、ごめんなさい…
| RETREAT_EN = I'm not strong enough. I'm sorry.
| RETREAT_KR = 힘이 모자라서, 죄송합니다…
| WIN_JP = 指揮官のおかげで、勝てました!
| WIN_EN = I won for Commander !
| WIN_KR = 지휘관 덕분에 이겼습니다!!
| FIX_JP = ごめんなさい、迷惑…掛けましたね。ちゃんと、お返ししますから……
| FIX_EN = I'm sorry. I am... only causing you trouble, isn't it ? I'll be sure to repay you.
| FIX_KR = 죄송합니다. 폐를…끼쳐 버렸네요. 답례는 제대로 해드릴 테니까요…
| ALLHALLOWS_CN = 倒不是害怕妖怪什么的……指挥官,今天能陪在我身边吗?
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = お化けは苦手じゃないですよ?……あの!指揮官、今日はお傍に居ても、宜しいですか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = Monsters don't make me run away. Commander ?.. Is it ok... if i stay... close to you today ?
| ALLHALLOWS_KR = 몬스터 정도로는 저를 달아나게 할 수는 없어요. 지휘관...? 괜찮다면.. 같이 가까이 있어도 될까요?
| CHRISTMAS_JP = もうすぐクリスマスですね、指揮官。私… クッキー開いたんです。はい、ああんん…
| CHRISTMAS_EN = It'll be Christmas soon, Commander. I brought some cookies. Haaa~
| CHRISTMAS_KR = 크리스마스가 얼마 안 남았네요, 그래서 쿠키를 가져왔답니다. 아~
| NEWYEAR_JP = 指揮官お掃除は終わりました。はああん… 少し休ませてください。ごめんなさい、指揮官のベッド使っちゃって。
| NEWYEAR_EN = Commander, i came back to sleep. Yaawnn~ Let me rest a little, please. Sorry, i end up using your bed.
| NEWYEAR_KR = 지휘관, 다시 잠들어버렸네요. 조금 쉬게 해주세요. 지휘관님의 침대를 사용한 건 죄송하지만요...
| VALENTINE_JP = 指揮官。今日は… これをどうぞ!大した物じゃないけど、受け取っていただけますか?ふあああ… 良かった… 私嬉しいです。
| VALENTINE_EN = Commander, today is... Please take this! It's nothing fancy, but... I hope you'll accept it. Haaah, thank goodness! I'm so happy!
| VALENTINE_KR = 지휘관... 이걸 부디! 대단하지는 않지만 받아... 주시겠어요? 아아... 다행이다. 너무 기뻐요!
| trivia = <!-- content under trivia header-->
| trivia = <!-- content under trivia header-->
* Several Tokarev pistols captured by the German Army were later rechambered with 7.63x25 Mauser(also known as .30 Mauser) without issue, since the ammo itself is near identical with 7.62x25 model 1930 type P. 7.63x25 Mauser is a primary ammo for [[C96|C96]].<ref>[https://books.google.co.id/books?id=SZQyBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT6&lpg=PT6&dq=tt+pistol&source=bl&ots=Umso9USDpb&sig=dqsU6SCcJGVB7AThpR3Y2OsYJgs&hl=id&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr15a1ptXYAhUE448KHfLECDUQ6AEIXjAI#v=onepage&q=mauser&f=false Erik Lawrence. Practical Guide to the Operational Use of the TT-33 Tokarev Pistol]</ref>
* Several Tokarev pistols captured by the German Army were later rechambered with 7.63x25 Mauser(also known as .30 Mauser) without issue, since the ammo itself is near identical with 7.62x25 model 1930 type P. 7.63x25 Mauser is a primary ammo for [[C96|C96]].<ref>[https://books.google.co.id/books?id=SZQyBwAAQBAJ&pg=PT6&lpg=PT6&dq=tt+pistol&source=bl&ots=Umso9USDpb&sig=dqsU6SCcJGVB7AThpR3Y2OsYJgs&hl=id&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjr15a1ptXYAhUE448KHfLECDUQ6AEIXjAI#v=onepage&q=mauser&f=false Erik Lawrence. Practical Guide to the Operational Use of the TT-33 Tokarev Pistol]</ref>
** Generally, the 7.62x25mm Tokarev is ill-suited for firearms chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser because of the extreme over-pressure from the stronger powder charge, resulting in parts damage or even ammo detonation. While the 7.63x25mm Mauser can be safely chambered with any type of .30 Tokarev firearms. The importance of ammo compatibility became a major factor on Eastern Front for Soviet and German forces.
** Generally, the 7.62x25mm Tokarev is ill-suited for firearms chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser because of the extreme over-pressure from the stronger powder charge, resulting in parts damage or even ammo detonation. While the 7.63x25mm Mauser can be safely chambered with any type of .30 Tokarev firearms. The importance of ammo compatibility became a major factor on Eastern Front for Soviet and German forces.
| references =<references/>

Revision as of 23:42, 24 August 2018

Tokarev Story Quotes
Gun Information
Full name 7.62 mm Tokarev self-loading pistol [1]
Country of origin Soviet Union[1]
Manufacturer Tula Arsenal, Izhevsk Arsenal, Norinco, Femaru, FB „Radom”, Cugir Arsenal, Zastava Arms, FÉG[1]
Game Information
Faction Griffin & Kryuger
Manufactured /
Revised by
Voice actor Sakuma Hiromi
Artist 废人
Released on CN (托卡列夫), TW (托卡列夫), KR (토카레프), EN, JP
Chibi Animation

Click the marked area to switch between animations. For details regarding animations, please see Animations on the Wiki.

View page template

How to obtain

NORMALHEAVY Timer 0:45:00. See T-Doll Production for details.

DROP Common drop on maps.

REWARD Not obtained as a reward

Exclusive Equipment

There is no exclusive equipment for this T-Doll.

Union Skill

There is no union skill for this T-Doll.

Stats / Data

48(x1)86(x1) / 430(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5) 10(x1) / 30(x5)
12 31
10 66
7 47
Rate of Fire
Rate of Fire
 Rate of Fire
36 52
Movement Speed
Movement Speed
 Move Speed
Critical Hit Rate
Critical Hit Rate
 Crit. Rate
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Damage
 Crit. Damage
Armor Penetration
Armor Penetration
 Armor Pen.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to other Dolls of the same type.

Ranking of this Doll's specs relative to every other Doll.

Affects all guns
Increases rate of fire by
10%(x1) / 12%(x2) / 15%(x3) / 17%(x4) / 20%(x5)
Increases accuracy by
25%(x1) / 31%(x2) / 37%(x3) / 43%(x4) / 50%(x5)
How to edit skills

Weapon Background

The TT-30 (Russian: 7,62-мм самозарядный пистолет Токарева образца 1930 года, 7,62 mm Samozaryadnyj Pistolet Tokareva obraztsa 1930 goda, "7.62 mm Tokarev self-loading pistol model 1930") is a Russian semi-automatic pistol. It was developed in the early 1930s by Fedor Tokarev as a service pistol for the Soviet military to replace the Nagant M1895 revolver that had been in use since Tsarist times, though it ended up being used in conjunction with rather than replacing the M1895. It served until 1952, when it was replaced by the Makarov pistol.

In 1930, the Revolutionary Military Council approved a resolution to test new small arms to replace its aging Nagant M1895 revolvers. During these tests, on 7 January 1931, the potential of a pistol designed by Fedor Tokarev was noted. A few weeks later, 1,000 TT-30s were ordered for troop trials, and the pistol was adopted for service in the Red Army.

But even as the TT-30 was being put into production, design changes were made to simplify manufacturing. Minor changes to the barrel, disconnector, trigger and frame were implemented, the most notable ones being the omission of the removable backstrap and changes to the full-circumference locking lugs. This redesigned pistol was the TT-33. Most TT-33s were issued to officers. The TT-33 was widely used by Soviet troops during World War II, but did not completely replace the Nagant. [1]


Main artwork

Gallery consisting of artworks used primarily in-game. For information on how to obtain certain costumes, see Skin Catalogue.


  • Several Tokarev pistols captured by the German Army were later rechambered with 7.63x25 Mauser(also known as .30 Mauser) without issue, since the ammo itself is near identical with 7.62x25 model 1930 type P. 7.63x25 Mauser is a primary ammo for C96.[2]
    • Generally, the 7.62x25mm Tokarev is ill-suited for firearms chambered in 7.63x25mm Mauser because of the extreme over-pressure from the stronger powder charge, resulting in parts damage or even ammo detonation. While the 7.63x25mm Mauser can be safely chambered with any type of .30 Tokarev firearms. The importance of ammo compatibility became a major factor on Eastern Front for Soviet and German forces.
