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SUB-2000/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "{{QuotesSubPage |character = SUB2000 |GAIN_EN = |GAIN_JP = |GAIN_CN = 你好啊,指挥官!初次见面,我就大方地将这两枚子弹送给你了。 |GAIN_KR = |IN..."
Parovoz (talk | contribs)
Added the translated English quotes from the game
Line 1: Line 1:
|character = SUB2000
|character = SUB2000
|GAIN_EN =  
|GAIN_EN = Hello, Commander! Nice to meet you! These two bullets are my generous gift to you.
|GAIN_JP =  
|GAIN_JP =  
|GAIN_CN = 你好啊,指挥官!初次见面,我就大方地将这两枚子弹送给你了。
|GAIN_CN = 你好啊,指挥官!初次见面,我就大方地将这两枚子弹送给你了。
Line 9: Line 9:
|DIALOGUE1_EN = Good morning, Commander! Now don't stare at me like that. I was just doing my daily awakening routine...
|DIALOGUE1_CN = 指挥官,早安啊!不要用这么诡异的眼神看着我嘛,我只是在进行每日的唤醒练习而已……
|DIALOGUE1_CN = 指挥官,早安啊!不要用这么诡异的眼神看着我嘛,我只是在进行每日的唤醒练习而已……
|DIALOGUE2_EN = Miss Kalina, are you free at the moment? I've recently come up with a new saving plan, but there are some details that I'm not too sure about, so I thought I'd discuss them with you!
|DIALOGUE2_CN = 格琳娜小姐!你现在有空吗?我最近思考出了新的省钱计划,但有些小项目我还不太确定,想跟你讨论一下!
|DIALOGUE2_CN = 格琳娜小姐!你现在有空吗?我最近思考出了新的省钱计划,但有些小项目我还不太确定,想跟你讨论一下!
|DIALOGUE3_EN = Now stretch out your arms and shift your center of gravity to your hips... Oh dear, got another cramp, Commander? I'll give it a rub for you. By the way, the massage and the lesson are charged separately.
|DIALOGUE3_CN = 来,把双臂展开,重心移到两腿中间……啊呀,又抽筋了吗,指挥官?让我帮你揉揉吧,对了,按摩费和指导费是分开算的哦♪
|DIALOGUE3_CN = 来,把双臂展开,重心移到两腿中间……啊呀,又抽筋了吗,指挥官?让我帮你揉揉吧,对了,按摩费和指导费是分开算的哦♪
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Relax and follow my rhythm. Inhale, exhale... Can you feel the energy surging through your body? Have you come to enjoy to this feeling?
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 放轻松,跟着我的节奏,吸气,呼气——感觉到能量在你的身体里涌动了吗?是不是渐渐喜欢上了这种感觉?
|DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 放轻松,跟着我的节奏,吸气,呼气——感觉到能量在你的身体里涌动了吗?是不是渐渐喜欢上了这种感觉?
|SOULCONTRACT_EN = I know how valuable this ring is, but you're not trying to buy a lifetime's worth of yoga lessons with this, are you? It's not exactly good for business, but you have a deal. ♪ But just so we're clear, other services will cost extra!
|SOULCONTRACT_CN = 我知道这枚指环有多贵重,可是,你该不会想用这个来买断我的终生指导服务吧?……虽然有点亏本,但是我愿意哦♪话先说在前面,其他服务可是另收费的!
|SOULCONTRACT_CN = 我知道这枚指环有多贵重,可是,你该不会想用这个来买断我的终生指导服务吧?……虽然有点亏本,但是我愿意哦♪话先说在前面,其他服务可是另收费的!

Revision as of 16:26, 20 November 2021

SUB-2000 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 你好啊,指挥官!初次见面,我就大方地将这两枚子弹送给你了。 Play Hello, Commander! Nice to meet you! These two bullets are my generous gift to you.
Secretary 指挥官,早安啊!不要用这么诡异的眼神看着我嘛,我只是在进行每日的唤醒练习而已…… Play Good morning, Commander! Now don't stare at me like that. I was just doing my daily awakening routine...
格琳娜小姐!你现在有空吗?我最近思考出了新的省钱计划,但有些小项目我还不太确定,想跟你讨论一下! Play Miss Kalina, are you free at the moment? I've recently come up with a new saving plan, but there are some details that I'm not too sure about, so I thought I'd discuss them with you!
来,把双臂展开,重心移到两腿中间……啊呀,又抽筋了吗,指挥官?让我帮你揉揉吧,对了,按摩费和指导费是分开算的哦♪ Play Now stretch out your arms and shift your center of gravity to your hips... Oh dear, got another cramp, Commander? I'll give it a rub for you. By the way, the massage and the lesson are charged separately.
Secretary (post OATH)
Relax and follow my rhythm. Inhale, exhale... Can you feel the energy surging through your body? Have you come to enjoy to this feeling?
I know how valuable this ring is, but you're not trying to buy a lifetime's worth of yoga lessons with this, are you? It's not exactly good for business, but you have a deal. ♪ But just so we're clear, other services will cost extra!
Greeting 早安,指挥官,今天我们从哪一式开始练起呢? Play
T-Doll Produced 不知道新人的工资会比我高多少呢…… Play
Joining an echelon 唤醒体内的能量,让能量流动起来。 Play
Enhancement 替换下来的零件可以让我带走吗? Play
Dummy-linking 存在于这世界上的我,又多了一个。 Play
Logistics (start) 说不定这一次探险能让我大赚一笔呢…… Play
Logistics (end) 我回来了,指挥官!赚了多少?才不告诉你呢。 Play
Autobattle 可爱的小姐们,最近有练瑜伽的需求吗? Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 充盈的能量终于派上了用场。 Play
Starting a battle 你们身上的每一分每一厘都将属于我! Play
Skill activation 没有子弹能追上柔软的我。 Play
好好体会真正的绝望吧。 Play
一切已经无法挽回。 Play
Heavily damaged 又要被扣奖金了吗…… Play
Retreat 从我嘴边溜走的肥羊,给我等着! Play
MVP 哼哼,不过是一次畅快的练习罢了。 Play
Restoration 哎,又浪费了一些材料呢…… Play
Attack 趁现在发起攻势! Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不给糖就捣乱!没有糖了?其他的物资也可以,总之指挥官今天不填满我的口袋的话,我是不会离开的! Play
Christmas 不要打扰我了,指挥官,我正在蹲守圣诞老人。听说圣诞老人会从烟囱钻进来送礼物,我想看看他是怎么做到钻烟囱不被卡住的…… Play
New Year's Day 指挥官,你说红包这种东西真的需要包装袋吗?反正大家拿到的钱都是一样的嘛……诶,不是这样吗?!


Valentine's day 当当当——情人节快乐,指挥官!是不是没想到我会藏在箱子里给你惊喜?什么,箱子里的巧克力?我没看见呢……


Tanabata 指挥官,快看看我为今天准备的节目——劈叉对月穿针!一次性就穿完七根针了呢!是不是很厉害?


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 敌人的攻势变强了! Play
Phrase 这项服务是另收费的! Play
Tip 呜呜……这个月的攒钱指标又没有完成!还有谁能被我搜刮一下呢……诶,指挥官,别跑啊! Play
Loading 惊险刺激的冒险,也是需要好好准备的♪ Play