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Carcano M1891/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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m 8/10 Children's day voice lines listed, 2 more to go...
jp children day quotes added
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| DIALOGUE3_EN = Be careful around the bayonet, Commander. You'll be in quite a mess if it stabs you.
| DIALOGUE3_EN = Be careful around the bayonet, Commander. You'll be in quite a mess if it stabs you.
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,下次约会的时候穿上我设计的那套服装吧~
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,下次约会的时候穿上我设计的那套服装吧~
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_JP = 指揮官、次のデートでは、私の作った服着てください~
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_EN = Commander. Please wear the clothes I made for our next date!
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,您一直是我心里最信赖的人……<>哈哈……抱歉,“人形的心里”这种说法很奇怪吧?<>但是,只要您的心里有我的话,那么……就足够了❤
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,您一直是我心里最信赖的人……<>哈哈……抱歉,“人形的心里”这种说法很奇怪吧?<>但是,只要您的心里有我的话,那么……就足够了❤
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官は、私が心の中で一番信頼している人ですから。……えへへ、すみません。人形の心の中って、やっぱりおかしいですよね?でも、指揮官が私のことを気にかけてくれるなら、それで十分だと思います!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官は、私が心の中で一番信頼している人ですから。……えへへ、すみません。人形の心の中って、やっぱりおかしいですよね?でも、指揮官が私のことを気にかけてくれるなら、それで十分だと思います!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, in my mind you're the person I trust more than anyone else. ...Eheh, sorry, I guess it's kind of silly for a doll to be talking about their mind. Still... if I'm that important to you, Commander, then that's all I could ask for!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, in my mind you're the person I trust more than anyone else. ...Eheh, sorry, I guess it's kind of silly for a doll to be talking about their mind. Still... if I'm that important to you, Commander, then that's all I could ask for!
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 今回のハロウィンの衣装は結構頑張りましたよ!指揮官、どれが私の作品か分かりますか?
| HELLO_CN =  
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = I put a lot of effort into the costumes this Halloween! Commander, can you tell which ones are mine?
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、今日も絶好調ですね!私も負けませんよ!
| HELLO_EN = You're looking as lively as ever, Commander! I won't lose to you!
| CHRISTMAS_JP = メリークリスマス、指揮官!今日はいっぱい食べて、いっぱい飲んで、悩みを吹っ飛ばしましょう!
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry Christmas, Commander! Let's eat a ton, drink a ton and blow all of our worries away today!
| BUILDOVER_JP = 指揮官、新人さんが待っていますよ!
| BUILDOVER_EN = The new recruit's waiting, Commander!
| NEWYEAR_JP = 指揮官も新年の服が欲しいですか?デザインしてあげてもいいですよ!
| NEWYEAR_EN = Do you want some New Year's clothes, too, Commander? I'll design some for you!
| FORMATION_JP = うん、私もこのポジションがいいと思います!
| FORMATION_EN = Yes, I think this is a pretty good position!
| VALENTINE_JP = えへへ……すみません、チョコ作りがあまり得意ではなくて。気にせず受け取ってもらえたら嬉しいです!
| VALENTINE_EN = Ehehe... sorry, I'm not very good at making chocolates. It would make me happy if you'd accept them anyway!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 何度もシミュレーションしましたから、きっと大丈夫です。
| BLACKACTION_EN = I've gone through simulations of this many times. I should be fine.
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_JP = 指揮官のおかげで強くなりましたね!
| FEED_JP = 指揮官のおかげで強くなりましたね!
Line 49: Line 42:
| COMBINE_JP = まさか私の服まで完璧にコピーされてるなんて、すごい技術ですね!
| COMBINE_JP = まさか私の服まで完璧にコピーされてるなんて、すごい技術ですね!
| COMBINE_EN = Wow, even my clothes have been perfectly copied... what incredible technology!
| COMBINE_EN = Wow, even my clothes have been perfectly copied... what incredible technology!
| BUILDOVER_JP = 指揮官、新人さんが待っていますよ!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 物資援助ですか?了解です。さっそく行ってきます。
| BUILDOVER_EN = The new recruit's waiting, Commander!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = You need me to help gather supplies? Understood. I'll be right on my way.
| FIX_CN =  
| FIX_JP = 服ぐらいは自分で直せます。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 指揮官、お待たせしました。早く物資を倉庫に入れましょう。
| FIX_EN = I can repair my clothes on my own, at least.
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = Sorry for the wait, Commander. Let's hurry and get these supplies into the warehouse.
| FORMATION_JP = うん、私もこのポジションがいいと思います!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 何度もシミュレーションしましたから、きっと大丈夫です。
| FORMATION_EN = Yes, I think this is a pretty good position!
| BLACKACTION_EN = I've gone through simulations of this many times. I should be fine.
| GOATTACK_JP = みなさん、大勝利を持ち帰りましょう!
| GOATTACK_JP = みなさん、大勝利を持ち帰りましょう!
| GOATTACK_EN = Let's come back with a major victory, everyone!
| GOATTACK_EN = Let's come back with a major victory, everyone!
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、今日も絶好調ですね!私も負けませんよ!
| HELLO_EN = You're looking as lively as ever, Commander! I won't lose to you!
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_JP = あなた達がお相手ですね。
| MEET_JP = あなた達がお相手ですね。
| MEET_EN = So you all are our opponents.
| MEET_EN = So you all are our opponents.
| WIN_CN =
| WIN_JP = 見事な戦術式ですね!さすが指揮官です!
| WIN_EN = What amazing tactical guidance! That's our Commander!
| RETREAT_JP = 指揮官、このままだと危ないです。
| RETREAT_EN = Commander, we'll be in danger if we stay here like this.
| BREAK_JP = えへへっ……ちょっと怒らせてしまったみたいです。
| BREAK_EN = Eheh... seems like I've angered them a bit.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 物資援助ですか?了解です。さっそく行ってきます。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = You need me to help gather supplies? Understood. I'll be right on my way.
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 指揮官、お待たせしました。早く物資を倉庫に入れましょう。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = Sorry for the wait, Commander. Let's hurry and get these supplies into the warehouse.
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_JP = 妹にお手本を見せてあげないと!
| SKILL1_JP = 妹にお手本を見せてあげないと!
Line 91: Line 67:
| SKILL3_JP = ごめんなさい、これは私の仕事ですから。
| SKILL3_JP = ごめんなさい、これは私の仕事ですから。
| SKILL3_EN = Sorry, I'm just doing my job.
| SKILL3_EN = Sorry, I'm just doing my job.
| BREAK_JP = えへへっ……ちょっと怒らせてしまったみたいです。
| BREAK_EN = Eheh... seems like I've angered them a bit.
| RETREAT_JP = 指揮官、このままだと危ないです。
| RETREAT_EN = Commander, we'll be in danger if we stay here like this.
| WIN_CN =
| WIN_JP = 見事な戦術式ですね!さすが指揮官です!
| WIN_EN = What amazing tactical guidance! That's our Commander!
| FIX_CN =
| FIX_JP = 服ぐらいは自分で直せます。
| FIX_EN = I can repair my clothes on my own, at least.
| ALLHALLOWS_JP = 今回のハロウィンの衣装は結構頑張りましたよ!指揮官、どれが私の作品か分かりますか?
| ALLHALLOWS_EN = I put a lot of effort into the costumes this Halloween! Commander, can you tell which ones are mine?
| CHRISTMAS_JP = メリークリスマス、指揮官!今日はいっぱい食べて、いっぱい飲んで、悩みを吹っ飛ばしましょう!
| CHRISTMAS_EN = Merry Christmas, Commander! Let's eat a ton, drink a ton and blow all of our worries away today!
| NEWYEAR_JP = 指揮官も新年の服が欲しいですか?デザインしてあげてもいいですよ!
| NEWYEAR_EN = Do you want some New Year's clothes, too, Commander? I'll design some for you!
| VALENTINE_JP = えへへ……すみません、チョコ作りがあまり得意ではなくて。気にせず受け取ってもらえたら嬉しいです!
| VALENTINE_EN = Ehehe... sorry, I'm not very good at making chocolates. It would make me happy if you'd accept them anyway!
| TANABATA_JP = 指揮官妹は短冊になんて書えてのか知ていますか?何も書えてないって言ってだけど、そんな訳ないですよね?

== Children's Day Voice lines ==
== Children's Day Voice lines ==
| character = Carcano M1891 0
| character = Carcano1891 0
| GAIN_CN = 卡尔卡诺M1891报到!终于和您见面了指挥官,您想要的正义和理想,我一定会和您一起见证!
| GAIN_CN = 卡尔卡诺M1891报到!终于和您见面了指挥官,您想要的正义和理想,我一定会和您一起见证!
| GAIN_JP = カルカノライフルが入隊します!ようやくお会い出来ましたね、指揮官!あなたが望んでいる正義と理想、共に見届けましょう!
| GAIN_JP = カルカノライフルが入隊します!ようやくお会い出来ましたね、指揮官!あなたが望んでいる正義と理想、共に見届けましょう!
Line 103: Line 107:
| INTRODUCTION_EN = Carcano M1891, this name comes from my chief design engineer, but some people call me M91. I've endured the three of the most brutal wars in the history of mankind, I brought smiles to the victors and pains to the defeated... So Commander, have you thought of what I can bring for you?
| INTRODUCTION_EN = Carcano M1891, this name comes from my chief design engineer, but some people call me M91. I've endured the three of the most brutal wars in the history of mankind, I brought smiles to the victors and pains to the defeated... So Commander, have you thought of what I can bring for you?
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 希诺~我在这边哦!要好好跟着,不然就丢下你了哦!
| DIALOGUE1_CN = 希诺~我在这边哦!要好好跟着,不然就丢下你了哦!
| DIALOGUE1_JP = シノ~こっちだよ~来ないと一人にしちゃうよ!
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 这次我和希诺(Cino)的服装也完成得很不错!童装的设计也不简单呢。
| DIALOGUE2_CN = 这次我和希诺(Cino)的服装也完成得很不错!童装的设计也不简单呢。
| DIALOGUE2_JP = 今回のワタシとシノの服も上出来!子供服ってデザインが結構難しいだよね。
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官的手有多大呢?来和我的手掌比一比吧!
| DIALOGUE3_CN = 指挥官的手有多大呢?来和我的手掌比一比吧!
| DIALOGUE3_JP = 指揮官の手とワタシの手、どっちが大きいか手を合わせて比べてみましょう!
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,每天的好心情可是很重要的呢!不过只要有我在的话,也没道理不开心吧?嘿嘿~
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_CN = 指挥官,每天的好心情可是很重要的呢!不过只要有我在的话,也没道理不开心吧?嘿嘿~
| DIALOGUEWEDDING_JP = 指揮官、毎日楽しく過ごすのは大事ですよ!まぁワタシがいれば、楽しくないわけ無いですよね?えへへ~
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,您一直是我心里最信赖的人……<>哈哈……抱歉,“人形的心里”这种说法很奇怪吧?<>但是,只要您的心里有我的话,那么……就足够了❤
| SOULCONTRACT_CN = 指挥官,您一直是我心里最信赖的人……<>哈哈……抱歉,“人形的心里”这种说法很奇怪吧?<>但是,只要您的心里有我的话,那么……就足够了❤
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官は、私が心の中で一番信頼している人ですから。……えへへ、すみません。人形の心の中って、やっぱりおかしいですよね?でも、指揮官が私のことを気にかけてくれるなら、それで十分だと思います!
| SOULCONTRACT_JP = 指揮官は、私が心の中で一番信頼している人ですから。……えへへ、すみません。人形の心の中って、やっぱりおかしいですよね?でも、指揮官が私のことを気にかけてくれるなら、それで十分だと思います!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, in my mind you're the person I trust more than anyone else. ...Eheh, sorry, I guess it's kind of silly for a doll to be talking about their mind. Still... if I'm that important to you, Commander, then that's all I could ask for!
| SOULCONTRACT_EN = Commander, in my mind you're the person I trust more than anyone else. ...Eheh, sorry, I guess it's kind of silly for a doll to be talking about their mind. Still... if I'm that important to you, Commander, then that's all I could ask for!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 何度もシミュレーションしましたから、きっと大丈夫です。
| HELLO_CN =  
| BLACKACTION_EN = I've gone through simulations of this many times. I should be fine.
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、今日も絶好調ですね!私も負けませんよ!
| HELLO_EN = You're looking as lively as ever, Commander! I won't lose to you!
| BUILDOVER_JP = 指揮官、新人さんが待っていますよ!
| BUILDOVER_EN = The new recruit's waiting, Commander!
| FORMATION_JP = うん、私もこのポジションがいいと思います!
| FORMATION_EN = Yes, I think this is a pretty good position!
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_CN =  
| FEED_JP = 指揮官のおかげで強くなりましたね!
| FEED_JP = 指揮官のおかげで強くなりましたね!
Line 126: Line 137:
| COMBINE_JP = まさか私の服まで完璧にコピーされてるなんて、すごい技術ですね!
| COMBINE_JP = まさか私の服まで完璧にコピーされてるなんて、すごい技術ですね!
| COMBINE_EN = Wow, even my clothes have been perfectly copied... what incredible technology!
| COMBINE_EN = Wow, even my clothes have been perfectly copied... what incredible technology!
| BUILDOVER_JP = 指揮官、新人さんが待っていますよ!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 物資援助ですか?了解です。さっそく行ってきます。
| BUILDOVER_EN = The new recruit's waiting, Commander!
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = You need me to help gather supplies? Understood. I'll be right on my way.
| FIX_CN =  
| FIX_JP = 服ぐらいは自分で直せます。
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 指揮官、お待たせしました。早く物資を倉庫に入れましょう。
| FIX_EN = I can repair my clothes on my own, at least.
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = Sorry for the wait, Commander. Let's hurry and get these supplies into the warehouse.
| FORMATION_JP = うん、私もこのポジションがいいと思います!
| BLACKACTION_JP = 何度もシミュレーションしましたから、きっと大丈夫です。
| FORMATION_EN = Yes, I think this is a pretty good position!
| BLACKACTION_EN = I've gone through simulations of this many times. I should be fine.
| GOATTACK_JP = みなさん、大勝利を持ち帰りましょう!
| GOATTACK_JP = みなさん、大勝利を持ち帰りましょう!
| GOATTACK_EN = Let's come back with a major victory, everyone!
| GOATTACK_EN = Let's come back with a major victory, everyone!
| HELLO_JP = 指揮官、今日も絶好調ですね!私も負けませんよ!
| HELLO_EN = You're looking as lively as ever, Commander! I won't lose to you!
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_CN =  
| MEET_JP = あなた達がお相手ですね。
| MEET_JP = あなた達がお相手ですね。
| MEET_EN = So you all are our opponents.
| MEET_EN = So you all are our opponents.
| WIN_CN =  
| BREAK_CN =  
| WIN_JP = 見事な戦術式ですね!さすが指揮官です!
| BREAK_JP = えへへっ……ちょっと怒らせてしまったみたいです。
| WIN_EN = What amazing tactical guidance! That's our Commander!
| BREAK_EN = Eheh... seems like I've angered them a bit.
| RETREAT_JP = 指揮官、このままだと危ないです。
| RETREAT_JP = 指揮官、このままだと危ないです。
| RETREAT_EN = Commander, we'll be in danger if we stay here like this.
| RETREAT_EN = Commander, we'll be in danger if we stay here like this.
| BREAK_JP = えへへっ……ちょっと怒らせてしまったみたいです。
| BREAK_EN = Eheh... seems like I've angered them a bit.
| OPERATIONBEGIN_JP = 物資援助ですか?了解です。さっそく行ってきます。
| OPERATIONBEGIN_EN = You need me to help gather supplies? Understood. I'll be right on my way.
| OPERATIONOVER_JP = 指揮官、お待たせしました。早く物資を倉庫に入れましょう。
| OPERATIONOVER_EN = Sorry for the wait, Commander. Let's hurry and get these supplies into the warehouse.
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_CN =  
| SKILL1_JP = 妹にお手本を見せてあげないと!
| SKILL1_JP = 妹にお手本を見せてあげないと!
Line 168: Line 168:
| SKILL3_JP = ごめんなさい、これは私の仕事ですから。
| SKILL3_JP = ごめんなさい、これは私の仕事ですから。
| SKILL3_EN = Sorry, I'm just doing my job.
| SKILL3_EN = Sorry, I'm just doing my job.
| WIN_CN =
| WIN_JP = 見事な戦術式ですね!さすが指揮官です!
| WIN_EN = What amazing tactical guidance! That's our Commander!
| FIX_CN =
| FIX_JP = 服ぐらいは自分で直せます。
| FIX_EN = I can repair my clothes on my own, at least.

Latest revision as of 04:01, 14 July 2019

Carcano M1891 Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 卡尔卡诺M1891报到!终于和您见面了指挥官,您想要的正义和理想,我一定会和您一起见证! カルカノライフルが入隊します!ようやくお会い出来ましたね、指揮官!あなたが望んでいる正義と理想、共に見届けましょう!Play Carcano M1891 Reporting in! Finally get to meet you Commander, your dreams and your justices, we will witness them, together.
Introduction 卡尔卡诺M1891,这个名字取自我的首席技师只名,不过也有人叫我M91。我经历过人类史上三次最残酷的战争,给胜者带来了笑容,给败者带去了痛苦……所以指挥官,您有想好我会带来的后果吗? Carcano M1891, this name comes from my chief design engineer, but some people call me M91. I've endured the three of the most brutal wars in the history of mankind, I brought smiles to the victors and pains to the defeated... So Commander, have you thought of what I can bring for you?
Secretary 我和妹妹的服装都是我自己设计的哦,喜欢吗? 自分と妹の服は、すべて私がデザインしたんですよ。どうです?気に入りましたか?Play I designed both mine and my sister's outfits, do you like it?
妹妹太不坦率了,老是说那种蹩脚的谎话,只会给别人添麻烦吧…… 妹は素直じゃなくて、いつも下手な嘘をつくんです。迷惑ばかりかけちゃってますよね?Play My sister is so dishonest, she must be causing people so much trouble with those indecent lies she speaks...
要小心啊指挥官,刺刀可不长眼睛呢。 バヨネットに気を付けてくださいね、指揮官。刺されたら大変ですよ?Play Be careful around the bayonet, Commander. You'll be in quite a mess if it stabs you.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander. Please wear the clothes I made for our next date!
Commander, in my mind you're the person I trust more than anyone else. ...Eheh, sorry, I guess it's kind of silly for a doll to be talking about their mind. Still... if I'm that important to you, Commander, then that's all I could ask for!
Greeting 指揮官、今日も絶好調ですね!私も負けませんよ!Play You're looking as lively as ever, Commander! I won't lose to you!
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、新人さんが待っていますよ!Play The new recruit's waiting, Commander!
Joining an echelon うん、私もこのポジションがいいと思います!Play Yes, I think this is a pretty good position!
Enhancement 指揮官のおかげで強くなりましたね!Play I've grown stronger thanks to you, Commander!
Dummy-linking まさか私の服まで完璧にコピーされてるなんて、すごい技術ですね!Play Wow, even my clothes have been perfectly copied... what incredible technology!
Logistics (start) 物資援助ですか?了解です。さっそく行ってきます。Play You need me to help gather supplies? Understood. I'll be right on my way.
Logistics (end) 指揮官、お待たせしました。早く物資を倉庫に入れましょう。Play Sorry for the wait, Commander. Let's hurry and get these supplies into the warehouse.
Autobattle 何度もシミュレーションしましたから、きっと大丈夫です。Play I've gone through simulations of this many times. I should be fine.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission みなさん、大勝利を持ち帰りましょう!Play Let's come back with a major victory, everyone!
Starting a battle あなた達がお相手ですね。Play So you all are our opponents.
Skill activation 妹にお手本を見せてあげないと!Play I have to be a good example for my sister!
すべては予想通りです。Play Everything is going as expected.
ごめんなさい、これは私の仕事ですから。Play Sorry, I'm just doing my job.
Heavily damaged えへへっ……ちょっと怒らせてしまったみたいです。Play Eheh... seems like I've angered them a bit.
Retreat 指揮官、このままだと危ないです。Play Commander, we'll be in danger if we stay here like this.
MVP 見事な戦術式ですね!さすが指揮官です!Play What amazing tactical guidance! That's our Commander!
Restoration 服ぐらいは自分で直せます。Play I can repair my clothes on my own, at least.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今回のハロウィンの衣装は結構頑張りましたよ!指揮官、どれが私の作品か分かりますか?Play I put a lot of effort into the costumes this Halloween! Commander, can you tell which ones are mine?
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官!今日はいっぱい食べて、いっぱい飲んで、悩みを吹っ飛ばしましょう!Play Merry Christmas, Commander! Let's eat a ton, drink a ton and blow all of our worries away today!
New Year's Day 指揮官も新年の服が欲しいですか?デザインしてあげてもいいですよ!


Do you want some New Year's clothes, too, Commander? I'll design some for you!
Valentine's day えへへ……すみません、チョコ作りがあまり得意ではなくて。気にせず受け取ってもらえたら嬉しいです!


Ehehe... sorry, I'm not very good at making chocolates. It would make me happy if you'd accept them anyway!
Tanabata 指揮官妹は短冊になんて書えてのか知ていますか?何も書えてないって言ってだけど、そんな訳ないですよね?


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Children's Day Voice lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 卡尔卡诺M1891报到!终于和您见面了指挥官,您想要的正义和理想,我一定会和您一起见证! カルカノライフルが入隊します!ようやくお会い出来ましたね、指揮官!あなたが望んでいる正義と理想、共に見届けましょう!Play Carcano M1891 Reporting in! Finally get to meet you Commander, your dreams and your justices, we will witness them, together.
Introduction 卡尔卡诺M1891,这个名字取自我的首席技师只名,不过也有人叫我M91。我经历过人类史上三次最残酷的战争,给胜者带来了笑容,给败者带去了痛苦……所以指挥官,您有想好我会带来的后果吗? Carcano M1891, this name comes from my chief design engineer, but some people call me M91. I've endured the three of the most brutal wars in the history of mankind, I brought smiles to the victors and pains to the defeated... So Commander, have you thought of what I can bring for you?
Secretary 希诺~我在这边哦!要好好跟着,不然就丢下你了哦! シノ~こっちだよ~来ないと一人にしちゃうよ!Play
这次我和希诺(Cino)的服装也完成得很不错!童装的设计也不简单呢。 今回のワタシとシノの服も上出来!子供服ってデザインが結構難しいだよね。Play
指挥官的手有多大呢?来和我的手掌比一比吧! 指揮官の手とワタシの手、どっちが大きいか手を合わせて比べてみましょう!Play
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, in my mind you're the person I trust more than anyone else. ...Eheh, sorry, I guess it's kind of silly for a doll to be talking about their mind. Still... if I'm that important to you, Commander, then that's all I could ask for!
Greeting 指揮官、今日も絶好調ですね!私も負けませんよ!Play You're looking as lively as ever, Commander! I won't lose to you!
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、新人さんが待っていますよ!Play The new recruit's waiting, Commander!
Joining an echelon うん、私もこのポジションがいいと思います!Play Yes, I think this is a pretty good position!
Enhancement 指揮官のおかげで強くなりましたね!Play I've grown stronger thanks to you, Commander!
Dummy-linking まさか私の服まで完璧にコピーされてるなんて、すごい技術ですね!Play Wow, even my clothes have been perfectly copied... what incredible technology!
Logistics (start) 物資援助ですか?了解です。さっそく行ってきます。Play You need me to help gather supplies? Understood. I'll be right on my way.
Logistics (end) 指揮官、お待たせしました。早く物資を倉庫に入れましょう。Play Sorry for the wait, Commander. Let's hurry and get these supplies into the warehouse.
Autobattle 何度もシミュレーションしましたから、きっと大丈夫です。Play I've gone through simulations of this many times. I should be fine.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission みなさん、大勝利を持ち帰りましょう!Play Let's come back with a major victory, everyone!
Starting a battle あなた達がお相手ですね。Play So you all are our opponents.
Skill activation 妹にお手本を見せてあげないと!Play I have to be a good example for my sister!
すべては予想通りです。Play Everything is going as expected.
ごめんなさい、これは私の仕事ですから。Play Sorry, I'm just doing my job.
Heavily damaged えへへっ……ちょっと怒らせてしまったみたいです。Play Eheh... seems like I've angered them a bit.
Retreat 指揮官、このままだと危ないです。Play Commander, we'll be in danger if we stay here like this.
MVP 見事な戦術式ですね!さすが指揮官です!Play What amazing tactical guidance! That's our Commander!
Restoration 服ぐらいは自分で直せます。Play I can repair my clothes on my own, at least.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

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