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name Idol Talent
icon Skill_VepleySSR_Passive_4
text At the start of the action, gains 1 point of Confectance Index. For each instance of damage dealt, gains 1 point of Confectance Index. Damage dealt to targets with movement debuffs is increased to 20%. If this unit moved ($move) or more tiles, applies Movement Down II to the target for 2 turns before attacking.

No matter how demanding the audience, Vepley will always win their applause!


move 5 3 3
skilllevelcount 3
extraeffect If this unit moved 3 or more tiles, applies Movement Down II to the target before attacking. If this unit moved 3 or more tiles, applies Movement Down II to the target before attacking. If the target has movement debuffs, applies Movement Denied to them for 1 turn.