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VSK-94 Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition VSK-94,报道。所以,你就是我的BOSS吗?请多指教。 VSK-94、入隊します。私のボスというのはあなたでしょうか?……よろしくお願いします。Play VSK-94가 신고합니다. 그러니까, 당신이 제 보스입니까? 잘 부탁합니다. VSK-94, reporting for duty. So, you're my boss? Nice to meet you.
Secretary ……来自人类的投诉邮件?说我企图诱拐人类的小孩?抱歉,不是我。我好歹为警局工作多年,怎么会做出这种低级的犯罪行为? ……人間からのクレーム?私が人間の子どもを誘拐?すみませんが、それは人違いです。曲がりなりにも警察局で長年働いてた人形が、そんなことするはずないでしょう。Play 민간인에게서 민원 우편이요? 제가 어린이를 유괴했다고요? 아뇨, 저 아니에요. 아무리 그래도 파출소에서 몇 년이나 일했는데, 그런 저열한 범죄를 저지를 리가 없잖아요. ...A complaint letter from a human? Accusing me of trying to kidnap human children? Sorry, but that wasn't me. I worked many years at a police station. Why would I commit such a low-life crime?
我没什么爱好。经常出现在幼儿园附近是因为……恰好路过而已。倒是BOSS你怎么知道?不好好回答可是会被我铐起来审问的…… 趣味なんてありません。幼稚園付近によくいるのは……偶然通りかかっただけですよ。ボスこそ、何故そんなことを知っているんです?真面目に答えないと、拘束して尋問しますよ……?Play 취미 같은 건 없어요. 자주 유치원 근처에서 보인 건 그냥 우연찮게 지나가던 거예요. 그런데 그걸 보스가 어떻게 알고 있죠? 똑바로 대답하세요, 안 그럼 수갑 채우고 심문할 테니까... I don't have any special interests. I'm often in the vicinity of the kindergarten because...I just so happen to be passing by. But how do you know about that, Boss? If you don't answer, I'll have to cuff and interrogate you...
眼睛看了不该看的东西,手摸了不该摸的地方,都应该接受惩罚。你说对吗,BOSS? 見てはならないモノを見る、触れてはならないモノに触れる……どちらも懲罰してしかるべき行為、ですよね?Play 봐선 안 될 걸 보거나, 만져선 안 되는 걸 만지면 응당 벌을 받아야죠, 보스? Seeing something that you shouldn't, touching something that you shouldn't. Both are punishable crimes, don't you think, Boss?
Secretary (post OATH)
제 과거 이야기래봤자 재밌는 건 하나도 없습니다, 거의 다 슬프고 절망적인 일들뿐이니까요. 전... 항상 지키려 했던 걸 지켜내지 못했습니다. 하지만 이번만큼은 절대 실패하지 않겠어요.
There aren't any nice stories from my past. Most of them were filled with sorrow and despair because I kept losing the ones I wanted to protect. But this time, I won't let that happen again.
人类为什么喜欢用这么纤细的指环来作为感情的见证? 既然这是你们的习俗,那我也该好好遵守。 作为我的回礼,这个手铐就送给你了,比你纤细的指环可靠结实多了吧。
人間はなぜ、こんな華奢な指輪を感情の証にしたがるのですか? まぁいいです、それがあなたたちの習わしだというのであれば、大人しく従いましょう。 お返しと言っては何ですが、この手錠を差し上げます。その今にも壊れそうな指輪よりはよっぽど頑丈でしょう。
인간은 왜 이런 작은 반지를 마음의 증표로 삼는 걸까요? 뭐, 인간의 풍습이라니 저도 따를 뿐입니다. 그럼 보답으로, 제 수갑을 드리죠. 그 당장이라도 부러질 것 같은 반지보다 훨씬 튼튼해요.
Why do humans like to use this kind of delicate ring as a token of affection? Since it's your custom, I'll respect and follow it. In return, I'm giving you these handcuffs. They're much sturdier than your flimsy ring.
Greeting 啊,BOSS,来上班了吗? あ、ボス、来たんですね?Play 아, 보스, 출근하셨나요? Ah, Boss, you've arrived for work?
T-Doll Produced 新人来报道了,BOSS。 ボス、新人が来てます。Play 신입이 들어왔어요, 보스. The new arrival has reported in, Boss.
Joining an echelon 又要带四个麻烦鬼了吗…… 面倒な人たちとまた一緒とは……Play 또 귀찮은 애들을 데리고 가야 하나... Do I have to lead four troublemakers around again...
Enhancement 还算不错的体验。 悪くない体験です。Play 썩 괜찮은 체험이네요. That was a pretty good experience.
Dummy-linking 多一个我,是不是工资也该多领一份? 1人増えたということは、給料も倍になるということですよね?Play 제가 한명 늘어났으니까, 급여도 1인분 더 받아도 될까요? Now that there's another me around, does that mean I should be paid an extra salary?
Logistics (start) 要和这么多人形长时间相处吗?真是头疼。我可以在出发之前先把她们的发声部件拆掉吗? 任務中は彼女たちとずっと一緒……?うっ、頭が……出発する前に、彼女たちの声帯モジュールを外しておいてもいいですか?Play 이렇게 많은 인형들과 그렇게 오래 같이 지내야 합니까? 골치 아프네, 가기 전에 발성 모듈을 떼어내도 괜찮을까요? Will I have to hang around so many Dolls for an extended period of time? What a headache. May I remove their voice modules before we set out?
Logistics (end) 我回来了,BOSS。不要这么紧张地看着我,我是不会做出拆队友这么暴力的犯罪行为的。 ボス、戻りました。そう気構えないでください、さすがに戦友を解体するような野蛮な真似はしません。Play 돌아왔습니다, 보스. 그렇게 긴장한 눈으로 보지 마세요, 동료를 뜯는 그런 폭력적인 범죄 행위는 하지 않습니다. I'm back, Boss. Oh, don't give me that nervous look, I wouldn't do anything as violent as scrapping my teammates.
Autobattle 交给我吧。 私にお任せを。Play 맡겨주십시오. Leave that to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发吧,就当饭后散散步。 出発します、まぁ、食後の散歩代わりにはなるでしょう。Play 출발하겠습니다. 뭐, 식사 후 산책이라고 생각하죠. Let's go, think of it as an after-dinner walk.
Starting a battle 出来混就带这些家伙吗? その程度の獲物でいい気になってるなんて。Play 겨우 그만큼 데리고 나대는 거야? So these are the guys you bring with you when you come out?
Skill activation 好好感受生命逝去的痛苦吧。 死の苦痛をとくと味わうがいい。Play 목숨을 잃는 고통을 느껴봐라. Enjoy the pain of your life ebbing away.
你们已经无路可退了…… もはや逃げ場はない……Play 더는 도망칠 곳 없어... You have nowhere to run.
无趣的战斗。 つまらない戦い。Play 시시한 싸움이군. This is a boring battle.
Heavily damaged 别得意太早,这只是一个开始。 調子に乗るには、まだ早い。Play 좋아하기엔 아직 일러. Don't get too cocky, this is just the beginning.
Retreat 我……失败了吗…… 失敗……した……?Play 실패했나...? Did... Did I fail?
MVP 除此以外,我想不到其他的结局。 これ以外の結末は、予想がつきません。Play 이것 말고 다른 결말은 상정하지도 않았습니다. I can't think of any other ending besides this one.
Restoration 世界终于可以安静片刻了…… やっと世界が静かになる……Play 이제야 잠깐 조용해지겠네... Finally, the world is quiet for a moment.
Attack 跟着我进攻! 私に続いて!Play 날 따라 진격해! Follow me and attack!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 伪装成鬼怪袭击我,并企图夺走我的糖果,你知道这是什么罪吗?没关系,我拷你回去,我们慢慢聊…… 化け物に扮してキャンディを奪うことが、どんな犯罪行為に該当するのかわかっているんですか?まぁいいでしょう、逮捕してから、ゆっくり聞くとします……Play 귀신으로 분장해 본관을 습격해 사탕을 뺏으려고 하다니, 그게 무슨 죄인지 아십니까? 괜찮습니다, 서에서 천천히 말하죠... You dressed up as monsters to attack me and steal my candy, do you know what kind of crime that is? Don't worry, I'll slap you in cuffs and we can have a nice long chat back at the station...
Christmas 今天我已经请假了,BOSS。因为要扮成圣诞老人给孩子们送礼物。这可是我一年中最期待的日子。 今日は休暇を頂きました。サンタクロースとして子どもたちにプレゼントを配らなければなりませんので。私が一年で一番楽しみにしている日なんです。Play 오늘은 휴가 신청했습니다, 보스. 오늘은 산타클로스로 분장해서 애들에게 선물을 나눠줄 겁니다, 일년 중에 가장 기대하던 날이죠. I've already applied for leave, Boss. That's because the day I look forward to most in the entire year is the day when I can dress up as Santa and give kids presents.
New Year's Day 哟,BOSS,新年好。听说新年加班的话,工资是要翻倍的……企图靠装傻蒙混过去?门都没有。 ボス、明けましておめでとうございます。正月中の残業は、時給が倍出るらしいですね……え?そ知らぬふりして潜り込む?……何言ってるんですか?


안녕하십니까, 보스, 새해 축하드립니다. 새해에도 근무하면 추가 수당이 붙는다고 들었는데... 얼렁뚱땅 넘어가려고요? 어림 없습니다. Yo, Boss, Happy New year. I heard we get double pay if we do overtime on the new year... So were you thinking of trying to get one past me by acting dumb? Don't even think about it.
Valentine's day 原来今天是情人节,难怪基地的人形们都这么兴奋。情人节可是情杀的高峰时期,我会加强巡逻的。 バレンタイン……なるほど、人形たちが騒いでいたのはそのせいですね。痴情のもつれによるトラブルが多発する時期なので、巡回を強化しておきます。


오늘 밸런타인데이였군요, 어째선지 인형들이 모두 흥분하더니. 밸런타인엔 사건이 많이 일어나니까 경비를 강화하겠습니다. So today is Valentine's Day, no wonder the other Dolls on base are so excited. Valentine's Day is when crimes of passion tend to peak, so I'll be extra vigilant on my patrols.
Tanabata 听说每年的今天,天上都会搭起一座鹊桥来让一个男人和一个女人相见?BOSS,这难道不会违反动物保护法吗? 毎年この時期になると、空にカササギ橋が架かる?男女を引き合わせるために?……ボス、動物保護団体が黙っちゃいませんよ?


매년 이 날이면 남녀 한 쌍이 만날려고 하늘에 오작교를 놓는다는데, 그거 동물보호법 위반 아닌가요? They say that every year, on this day, a bridge of magpies forms in the heavens to let a man and a woman meet, is that right? Boss, isn't this a violation of animal protection law?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 保持防御! 防御態勢を維持!Play 수비 태세 유지! Maintain your defence!
Phrase 接受正义的制裁吧。 正義の制裁を受けろ。Play 정의의 심판을 받아라. Taste the wrath of justice.
Tip 这个似乎用得上。 Play
Loading 啊,稍等,我马上赶到。 Play

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition VSK-94,报道。所以,你就是我的BOSS吗?请多指教。 Play VSK-94 reporting. So, are you my boss? I'll be in your care.
Secretary 我到校园里为孩子们的比赛加油时,大家都拿出了百分之百的劲头,家长们也都热情高涨……这就是不用被当成人贩子的感觉吗? Play When I compete with the other kids at school, everyone gives their all and the parents are excited too... is this what it's like when people don't treat you like a kidnapper?
现在这副素体看起来真的很可爱,但不知道还能不能震慑到敌人……BOSS,在给我肯定的答复之前,能请您收一收那个“她看起来很好欺负”的眼神吗? Play
BOSS,您看起来没什么干劲呢,要不然我也给您声援一下……还没开始就来精神了,您真的累了吗? Play Boss, you seem rather out of it. Want me to cheer you on too? ...Wow, you perked up even before I started. Are you really tired?
Secretary (post OATH)
Do you get bored when I use the same cheers to encourage you each day? It, it's okay because it's very cute?! Boss, you... you're starting to resemble a dangerous person more and more...!
Boss, this ring... I understand. It represents your acknowledgement of my hard work in cheering you on, right? In order to live up to your trust in me, I'll do everything I can to fulfil my duties from now on. Also, if, if you need it, I can cheer you on any time...!
Greeting 啊,BOSS,来上班了吗? Play Ah, Boss, you're here?
T-Doll Produced 新人来报道了,BOSS。 Play We've got a newcomer, Boss.
Joining an echelon 趁这个机会,鼓舞一下士气吧! Play Let's take this opportunity to boost morale!
Enhancement 还算不错的体验。 Play Not a bad experience.
Dummy-linking 多一个我,是不是工资也该多领一份? Play If there's another me, does this mean I get another share of wages?
Logistics (start) 要和这么多人形长时间相处吗?真是头疼。我可以在出发之前先把她们的发声部件拆掉吗? Play Do I have to hang around so many Dolls for so long? What a pain. Can I extract their vocalizer components before we head out?
Logistics (end) 我回来了,BOSS。不要这么紧张地看着我,我是不会做出拆队友这么暴力的犯罪行为的。 Play I'm back, Boss. Oh, you don't have to be so worried; I'm not the sort who'd commit violent crimes like scrapping my teammates.
Autobattle 交给我吧。 Play Leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 出发吧,就当饭后散散步。 Play Let's go. Think of it as a post-dinner walk.
Starting a battle 出来混就带这些家伙吗? Play Are these the punks you're bringing with you?
Skill activation 命中! Play Hit!
就是这个状态! Play That's the way!
现在正是一鼓作气的时候! Play Now, while we're in the flow of things!
Heavily damaged 唔……有点努力过头了…… Play Ugh... I think I tried too hard...
Retreat 我……失败了吗…… Play Did I... fail...?
MVP 除此以外,我想不到其他的结局。 Play I couldn't think of any other ending to this.
Restoration 真想快点恢复状态…… Play I want to get back in top form soon...
Attack 跟着我进攻! Play Attack with me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 伪装成鬼怪袭击我,并企图夺走我的糖果,你知道这是什么罪吗?没关系,我拷你回去,我们慢慢聊…… Disguising yourselves as monsters to attack me and plotting to take my candy? Do you have any idea what offenses you've committed? You don't? No problem; I'll drag you back to the station for a nice long chat...
Christmas 今天我已经请假了,BOSS。因为要扮成圣诞老人给孩子们送礼物。这可是我一年中最期待的日子。 I took the day off, Boss. I'm going to dress up as Santa to give gifts to the kids. This is the one day in the year I look forward to most.
New Year's Day 哟,BOSS,新年好。听说新年加班的话,工资是要翻倍的……企图靠装傻蒙混过去?门都没有。 Yo, Boss, happy new year. I heard you get double the usual overtime pay for working during the new year... Are you trying to bluff your way through by playing dumb? Don't even think about it.
Valentine's day 原来今天是情人节,难怪基地的人形们都这么兴奋。情人节可是情杀的高峰时期,我会加强巡逻的。 No wonder all the Dolls on the base are so happy; today's Valentine's Day. It's when crimes of passion peak, so I'll do some extra patrols.
Tanabata 听说每年的今天,天上都会搭起一座鹊桥来让一个男人和一个女人相见?BOSS,这难道不会违反动物保护法吗? I heard that on this day every year, there's a bridge of magpies in the sky that allows a man and a woman to meet? Boss, isn't this animal cruelty?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 保持防御! Play Maintain your defense!
Phrase 接受正义的制裁吧。 Play Taste the iron hand of justice.
Tip 这个似乎用得上。 Play This looks useful.
Loading 啊,稍等,我马上赶到。 Play Ah, hang on, I'll be right there.