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Type 80/Quotes

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Type 80 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 啊……那个啥,你就是长官吧?我是80式,只要别把我核心拆了,其他的你就看着办吧。 えっと、あんたが指揮官?私、80式。コアを外すことさえしなければ、あとは好きにしていいよ。Play Umm... are you the commander? I'm Type 80. As long as you don't remove my core, you can do whatever you want.
Introduction 我是仿PKM式研制的80式通用机枪,主要是在特种部队工作,不过因为性价比较好,对外出口的量也很大呢。当然,对我来说在哪突突突都是一样的……不过这个泡泡糖只有老家才有呢。 (CN: I'm Type 80 General-purpose Machinegun, designed with reference to PKM. Mostly operating in special forces, but due to the high cost/performance ratio I'm also being largely exported. Though I don't really care where to pew pew... But I can only get this type of bubble gum at my home town.)
Secretary 长官,啥时候开始作战啊? 指揮官、いつ作戦始まるの?Play Commander, when are we going to start an operation?
她们说我的眼神太可怕了,所以我才戴了眼镜……想、想笑就笑吧…… 目付きが悪いって言われたからメガネをかけてる。……笑いたいなら笑って。Play I'm wearing glasses because I've been told I always look mean. Go ahead and laugh if you want to.
我可以吹得很大哦,给你表演一个怎么样? もっと大きい風船が作れるよ。見てみる?Play I can blow an even bigger bubble. Wanna see?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I'm clearly missing some gum. You ate it, didn't you?
Commander, is that envelope...? ...No way! I never thought anyone would be fond of someone like me... but okay. If you like me, Commander, you can do whatever you want.
Greeting 仕事?はいはい、今行く。Play More work? Alright, I'll go.
T-Doll Produced 新人?まあ、とりあえず……あっちに行って挨拶してきたら?Play We have a new recruit? Okay, well... how about you go and greet them?
Joining an echelon どこでもいいよ。Play I'm fine with wherever.
Enhancement 私にもっと強くなってほしいってこと?Play So you want me to become stronger?
Dummy-linking よく見ると私の目って、そんなに怖く……ないよね?Play Now that I see them up close, I guess my eyes... aren't really that scary, huh?
Logistics (start) 今回の遠征は長くなりそうだから、ガムをいっぱい持っていこう。Play This campaign is probably gonna take a while. Better bring lots of gum.
Logistics (end) うん、やっぱ弾を撃つ方が楽しい。Play Yep, nothing beats the fun of shooting.
Autobattle ガムを噛み終わるまでに片付ける。Play I'll take them out before I've even finished chewing my gum.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission やっとか。早く出発しよ。Play Finally. Let's hurry and move out.
Starting a battle こいつらでウォーミングアップするか。Play Guess I'll warm up on these guys.
Skill activation 止まらないよ!Play I'm not stopping!
そう、そのまま私を見て!Play Yes, keep looking at me!
全部ぶっ壊す!Play I'll destroy everything!
Heavily damaged くっ やってくれる……Play Ugh, they got me...
Retreat あいつら……許さない!Play I won't forgive them...!
MVP うまくいった!次の戦いはいつ?Play That went great! When's the next battle?
Restoration 早く修理して。この借りは絶対返す。Play Hurry up and get me fixed. I need to pay them back for this.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween ちょっと仮想でもしようかと思ったけど、メガネを外したら十分怖いって言われて……これって喜んでいいの?Play I thought about dressing up, but when I took my glasses off someone said I looked scary enough as is... should I be happy about that?
Christmas クリスマスプレゼントは、できれば新しいメガネが欲しいかな。Play For Christmas... I'd like some new glasses, if that's alright.
New Year's Day 指揮官、あけおめ。一緒に初詣でも行く?一応新年だし。


Happy New Year, Commander. Wanna go visit a shrine? It is New Year's, after all.
Valentine's day チョコはないけど、ガムでもいい?甘いし。


I don't have any chocolates, but how about some gum? It's sweet.
Tanabata 七夕は彦星と織姫がデートする日なのに、なんで私たちまで付き合わされてんの?


Tanabata's just the day when Hikoboshi and Orihime can get together, right? Why do we have to go along with it too?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 这就是心智升级吗……指挥官,你这里有没有镜子? これが、メンタルアップグレード……指揮官、ここって鏡ある?Play 이게 마인드맵 업그레이드인가... 지휘관, 여기 거울 있어? So this is a neural upgrade... Commander, do you have a mirror here?
Secretary 标兵培养计划,如果是为你设计的话……首先就是撤销副官吧? 指揮官のためにカリキュラムを組むなら……まずは副官なんていう役職を消させることから始めるかな。Play 훈련일정을 내가 대신 작성한다면... 먼저 부관부터 교체하는 게 어때? If I designed a Model Soldier Raising Program for you... The first thing you'd do is fire your adjutant, right?
泡泡糖?被我藏到更隐蔽的地方了,除非入侵我的心智,否则没人知道它们在哪儿……呃,在哪儿来着? 風船ガム?それなら、前よりもっとわかりにくい所に隠してあるよ。私のメンタルをハッキングでもしない限り、誰もわからないだろうね……ってあれ、どこに入れたんだっけ?Play 풍선껌? 더 깊은 곳에 숨겨놨지. 내 마인드맵을 해킹하지 않는 이상, 누구도 찾을 수 없어... 어, 어디에 뒀더라? My bubblegum? I hid it in an out of the way place. Nobody will know where it is unless they hack into my neural cloud... Er, where did I put it?
心智升级以后带来的好处很多,不过唯独不能散漫度日了……这对我来说当然不是好事! メンタルアップグレードして良かったことはたくさんあるけど、唯一の不満は、ダラダラ過ごせなくなったことかな……私からしたら良いことじゃないんだよ!Play 마인드맵을 업그레이드하고서 좋아진 점이 참 많지만, 다신 산만하게 지낼 수가 없게 된 게 유일하게 불만이야... 나한텐 엄청 중요하다고! Getting a neural upgrade has a host of benefits, but it also means I can't spend my days aimlessly... Which is a bad thing to me, of course!
Secretary (post OATH)
일상생활에는 딱히 변화가 없는 것 같네, 바쁠 땐 바빠서 숨 돌릴 여유도 없고. 며칠 정도 휴가 좀 가면 좋겠다아... 무슨 말인지 알지?
It doesn't seem like there's any difference in my life. I'm busy when I should be busy and I don't even have a chance to relax. If only I had a few days of vacation... Do you understand what I mean?
长官,那个信封难道是…… 我还以为……自己不是那种会被人喜欢的类型呢。 可以哦,如果你喜欢的话,那就按你喜欢的来吧……♥
指揮官、その封筒もしかして…。うそ…? ワタシは、人に好かれるタイプじゃないと思ってたんだけど…。 いいよ。指揮官が好きになってくれたんなら、思うようにしていいよ!
지휘관, 설마 그 편지 봉투는... 나는...내가 다른 사람에게 사랑받기 힘든 타입이라고 생각했어. 좋아, 지휘관이 좋다면, 지휘관이 원하는 대로 해...♥
Commander, is that envelope for...? I've always thought that...I am not the type to be liked. Okay, if you like me, then do as you please...❤
Greeting 指挥官,你看见过59前辈吗?我找她有点事……呃,具体是什么事,还是等以后再告诉你吧。 指揮官、59式先輩を見なかった?ちょっと用があるんだけど……まあ、何なのかは今度教えるよ。Play 지휘관, 59식 선배 봤어? 볼일이 좀 있는데. 어... 무슨 일인지는 나중에 말해 줄게. Commander, have you seen Miss 59? I'm looking for her about something... Er, I'll tell you what it's about later.
T-Doll Produced 新的同伴吗?也许可以成为好朋友。 新しい仲間が来たの?お友達になれるといいな。Play 새로운 동료야? 친구가 될 수도 있겠지. Are we getting a new comrade? Maybe we could become friends.
Joining an echelon 如果是战斗,那我随时都准备着。 戦闘なら、いつでもいけるよ。Play 싸움이라면 언제든지 준비됐어. If it's a battle, I'm ready for one at any time.
Enhancement 这样一来会更加受欢迎吧。 これで、もっと受け入れてもらえる様になったよね。Play 이러면 더 환영받겠지? I'll be more popular like this, right?
Dummy-linking Play
Logistics (start) Play
Logistics (end) Play
Autobattle Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 到了展现英姿的时候了! 勇姿を見せる時が来たみたいだね!Play 멋진 모습을 보여줄 때다! Time to show off my heroic stance!
Starting a battle 只要解决这些家伙就可以了吧? こいつらを片付ければいいんだよね?Play 저 녀석들을 해치우면 되는 거지? So all I need to do is take care of these guys, right?
Skill activation 准备倾泻火力! 攻撃準備!Play 화력 투사 준비! Prepare to rain fire!
你惹错对象了! 相手を間違えてるよ!Play 사람 잘못 건드렸구나! You messed with the wrong Doll!
这就把你撕成碎片! スクラップにしてやる!Play 산산조각 내 주겠어! I'll rip you to shreds!
Heavily damaged 这是你自找的! 指揮官のせいだよ!Play 너, 각오는 됐겠지!? You asked for it!
Retreat 唔,状况不利,还是先回后方吧。 うっ、状況が不利だし、ここは一旦退こう。Play 음, 상황이 불리해, 일단 후방으로 복귀하자. Ugh, things don't look good, better fall back to the rear.
MVP 这就是特训的成果吧! これって、特訓の成果だよね!Play 이게 바로 특훈의 성과지! This must be the result of my special training, right?
Restoration Play
Attack 要进攻了,我来掩护大家。 攻めるよ、みんなは私が援護するね。Play 진격한다, 내가 엄호해 줄게. We're attacking, I'll cover you guys.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 防御吗?明白了,这就建立防线。 防御?分かった、防衛線を敷こう。Play 수비해? 알았어, 바로 방어선을 구축할게. We're going to defend? Got it, we'll establish a defensive perimeter here.
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play