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Type 63/Quotes

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Type 63 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 63式自動歩兵銃がただいま着任しました。指揮官がワタシにもう一度活躍するチャンスを与えてくれたことに感謝しています!Play Type 63 automatic infantry gun just arrived. I am grateful that you gave me one more chance to fight again!
Introduction 第一支我国自行研发的自动步枪,63式,在56式的结构基础上重新设计,着重强化了步枪性能。研制于特殊年代的我并没有获得太多表现,但是自身的某些价值也受到过认可,算是一点点值得自豪的地方吧。
Secretary 长官,什么事啊? 指揮官、新しいミッションですか?ならばご指示を!Play Commander, any missions available? Please give me the instructions!
一直看着我做什么啊,我没偷吃什么东西啊,真的! ここも調整したほうが良さそうね。Play Hm... This place can be adjusted a bit.
马卡洛夫?……没看到啊,不然让我陪您玩吧,长官! 指揮官、新しい改善案が浮かびました!ぜひわたしに任せてください!Play Commander, I received another new improvement plan! Please help me take a look!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I've finished preparing plan for today! Now that I have your encouragement, I won't so easily mess up those trivial matters again!
Commander, did make a mistake somewhere again ...Eh? That's not it?...Suddenly bringing this up...I haven't even brushed my teeth yet! Hahaha.. Of course! Of course I'll accept it, Commander!
Greeting こんにちわ、指揮官。指示があれば、なんでもおっしゃってください。Play Hello, commander. If there's any instructions, just say it to me.
T-Doll Produced 新しい戦友が加入しましたね。みんなで歓迎しましょう!Play A new comrade has joined. Everyone, let's welcome her!
Joining an echelon わっ、わたしなら当然いけますよ!Play I-I can surely do it!
Enhancement 構造を補強しましたよ、化粧もバッチリ!Play Framework strengthened, my makeup is also perfect!
Dummy-linking 量産化ですかぁ!?感謝です、指揮官!Play Is it a mass production? Thank you, Commander!
Logistics (start) 安心してください、このミッションならわたしが全う(まっとう)します!Play Please rest assured, I'll make sure to complete this mission!
Logistics (end) 無事に帰還しました!問題は無かったです。Play I've returned safely! There was no problem.
Autobattle 大丈夫。す、すべては把握済みよPlay No worry. I-I understand it all
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission ついにわたしが前線に出るのか…じゅ、準備は万全よ!Play I can finally go to the frontline... M-my preparation is perfect!
Starting a battle 銃剣を用意して、突撃だ!Play Ready your bayonet, charge!
Skill activation もう少しの辛抱だぁ〜!Play Hold a little more!
標的を定めたよ!Play Target locked!
勇ましいほうが勝つ!Play The brave one wins!
Heavily damaged ひぃぃぃぃぃー、ま、また不調です…ごめんなさいぃーー。Play Hiii...! I-I'm in a bad condition... I'm sorry...
Retreat せ、せっかく手に入れたチャンスなのに…。Play E-even though I finally had a chance...
MVP ミッションクリア。わたしがここまで来れたのは指揮官のおかげよ。Play Mission clear. Thanks to you, I can go this far, Commander.
Restoration 今回もちゃんと反省しますから…直してください。Play I will reflect on my action this time... please fix me.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今晩なにか予定ありますか?是非一緒に訓練に付き合って欲しいのです!べ…別に…なにも怖くなんかないです!本当です!Play Do you have any plan tonight? I want you to go training together with me! I-it's not like I'm afraid of anything! I'm serious!
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官!雪掃除は私に任せてください!Play Merry Christmas, Commander! Leave the snow cleaning to me!
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます!来年はもっと頑張ります!自分の力不足を全部改善します。


Happy New Year! I will do my best again next year! I will improve my lack of power.
Valentine's day 指揮官!これを上げますね!何の味にするか少し悩んだけど…美味しいですか?


Commander, I'll give this to you! I was a little worried about the taste... does it taste good?
Tanabata 今夜は沢山の星は瞬いて。ロマンチックな夜ですね。なにをお願いしとかって?なんで気になるんですか…そんなこと?


So many stars are twinkling tonight, what a romantic night. What I'm wishing for you ask? W-why are you curious about such thing?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play