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Type 62/Quotes

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Type 62 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 62式正式报到!您好,指挥官!……不是,您好歹也说点什么吧? 62式、正式に入隊!指揮官、初めまして!ちょっと…何か言ってよ~。Play Type 62, reporting in! Hello, Commander! …No, do you have anything bad to say?
Secretary 这里的人形真的全都是女孩子呢,虽然我知道一些人形公司会以全男性为卖点……现在都流行这么做吗? ここの人形はみんな女の子だね。全員男の子の所もあるって聞いたけど。今そういうの流行ってるの?Play This place’s dolls are all female, huh. I know of this company where all they use are male dolls… is this what’s common nowadays?
以前的科幻电影怎么也想不到,未来会有一群少女人形拿着枪为指挥官而战吧……感觉太逊了。 昔の映画じゃ考えられないよ。指揮官の為に銃を携えて戦う少女人形いるなんて。あまりかっこよくはないよね。Play I can’t think of any sci-fi movies from the past that had a full squadron of female dolls at a Commander’s beck and call to head out for operations… it feels kind of bad.
呜哇烦死人了!您就没别的事可忙了吗?明明还有更重要的事要做吧…… ああもう!うっとうしい!他にすることないの?もっと大事にな仕事があるでしょ?Play Wah, how annoying! Do you really have nothing better to do? If you had important things to do, you should’ve gone and done it, right…
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander’s workload is smoothly becoming easier for us to go through, huh. The opportunities for me to make my complaints is also becoming a lot lesser than before. I kind of miss the times when you were a lot clumsier.
Commander, how do you feel right now? …Are you worried? In most sci-fi films of the past, humans and robots always worked together against all odds to succeed. I think our story will be way more interesting than that.
Greeting ちゃんとご飯を食べた?Play Did you eat properly?
T-Doll Produced とんでもない奴が来たみたい?Play Will someone unexpected come?
Joining an echelon 本当に色んな人がいるんだね…。ちゃんと戦えるのかな?Play There are all kind of people here... can they fight properly?
Enhancement ふえ?これで強くなれるの?早いね!Play Eh? I can get stronger with this? That's quick!
Dummy-linking これは「…」?昔のSFはこういうの大好きだったよね。Play Is this a clone? I used to love this kind of sci-fi.
Logistics (start) ついでに一緒に来てくれる招待はいるのかな?Play I wonder if there is any way I can invite you to come along?
Logistics (end) やっと戻ってきた~。もうくたくただよ。Play Finally back home~ I'm completely worn out.
Autobattle 初めてじゃないんだし。すぐ片づけられるはずだよ。Play It's not my first time. This will be done quick.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission まずは団体のストックをチェックするね。Play Let's start by checking our supply stock.
Starting a battle なんか悪役みたいな顔してるし。きっと悪いやつだ!Play They somehow look evil. They must be the bad guy!
Skill activation 忠告はしたからね!Play I've warned you!
脅しじゃないよ!Play This is not a threat!
結末はもう用意してるんだから!Play I've prepared an end for you!
Heavily damaged あの…この状況は…やばくない?Play Umm... don't you think this situation is dire?
Retreat こうなってしまったら…流石の指揮官もお手上げでしょう。Play If it comes to this... even Commander will giving in.
MVP というか、なんで勝ったらみんなあれこれ変なポーズするの?Play By the way, why is everyone doing some weird winning pose?
Restoration もし全てのパーツを取り換えても、あたしはあたしのままなのかな?Play Even if I retrieve all of my parts, will I stay the same?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あたしの左目は、本物の幽霊が見られるんだよ~。なんちゃってね。Play My left eye can see real ghost you know. Just kidding.
Christmas あたしのプレゼントは昔のSF映画だけど、交換したい人いるのかな?Play My present is an old SF movie though, is there anyone who want to trade present with me?
New Year's Day 今日は一日かけて、宿舎を隅々まで掃除するよ。指揮官も、部屋はちゃんと整理しようね。


Let's dedicate the entire day to clean every nook and cranny of the lodging house. You too Commander, make up your room properlu
Valentine's day やっぱり、指揮官は沢山チョコを貰えるんだね。あたしの渡しても、きっと見分けがつかなくなるんでしょ。


You got so many chocolates, Commander. Even if I give you mine, there's now way you could tell it apart.
Tanabata こんな小っちゃな紙に、心の欲望を全部書き切れる訳ないよね。それが人形のでも、人間のでもさ。


With a paper this small, you can't write all of your wishes. Doll and human alike.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play