Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 呀吼——FN TPS前来报到啰~指挥官喜欢玩游戏吗?要不要来我的直播间做客,一起打上几局,不会玩也没关系,我又不会笑话您,大概~! | Heyo~ FN TPS, reporting for duty~ Do you like gaming, Commander? Wanna join me on livestream? We can play a few rounds together. Doesn't matter if you don't know how to play, I won't make fun of you... Probably~ | ||
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 人、人体描边大师?只是因为我不擅长霰弹枪以外的武器罢了!会这么想的人,有胆来用霰弹枪单挑啊! | M-master of the chalk outline? I'm just not good with weapons that aren't shotguns! Whoever calls me that come and duel me with a shotgun! | ||
RFB来过?看来是想再约我一起打游戏。哼,每次她赢了就会喊我菜鸟……这次绝对要让她吃瘪,然后送她个卷心菜的绰号! | RFB was here? She probably wanted to game with me again. Humph, she calls me a noob every time she wins... I'm definitely gonna wreck her this time and call her a scrub! | |||
咦?这不是对面排名第一的对手吗?怎么一下就被我干掉了呢?蘸~蘸~薯~片~!蘸~蘸~薯~片——哎?指挥官?刚才那个是您!?呃,我还有事,先走啰! | Huh? Wasn't that the top-ranking player? How come I one-shot them? G~G~E~Z~! G~G~E~Z~! Huh? Commander? That was you?! Uh, I've got stuff to do! Gotta go! | |||
Secretary (post OATH) | 哇!又被对手干掉了!指挥官,明明说好要打配合的,您怎么还是……下次给我做好吃的作为赔礼?原谅你了!
Ack! We got KO-ed again! Commander, you promised you'd support me, so why did you... You're gonna cook me something tasty to make up for this? You're forgiven!
| ||
OATH | 指挥官?您打算支持我的直播事业?太好了~!等等,那这样一来,您不但是我的上司,还将是我的老板?也就是说,我可以领双份报酬——开玩笑啦~!不管是虚拟,还是现实世界,让我们彼此成为最亲密,最默契的一对吧~!
Commander? You're gonna support my livestreaming career? That's wonderful~! Hold on, then you won't just be my superior, but also my boss? Then that means I get paid twice - Just kidding~! Let's be the most intimate, most in-sync duo in both the virtual and real world~!
| ||
Greeting | 超强游戏主播,华丽登场~咳咳!指挥官!?嘘!这边在直播呢,有什么事待会再说吧! | The overpowered game streamer makes a spectacular entrance~ Ahem! Commander?! Shush! I'm doing a livestream now! Leave that till later! | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新来的小伙伴?应该是新来的“主播真爱粉预备役”才对~! | A new friend? You mean a new "Streamer Diehard Fan on Reserve Duty"~! | ||
Joining an echelon | 啊~这种野队带不来的安心感! | Argh~ PUGs like this always make me so uneasy! | ||
Enhancement | 枪法应该也得到强化了?马上开一局游戏,找个倒霉蛋试试看! | That should've improved my shooting skills, yeah? Then let's start a game and try them out on some unlucky bastard! | ||
Dummy-linking | 游戏里的队友要是能像她们一样跟我完美配合该有多好! | If only my in-game teammates can work as perfectly with me! | ||
Logistics (start) | 手机OK,补光灯OK,麦克风OK……好,出发~! | Phone - okay. Fill light - okay. Mic - okay... Alright, let's go~! | ||
Logistics (end) | 我回来啰~待会儿把路上的见闻会聚一下,当做直播的谈资吧~! | I'm back~ Guess I'll consolidate my experience along the way and turn it into chatter on my stream~! | ||
Autobattle | 让我来制造一些近距离作战的机会~! | Let me create an opening for some melee combat~! | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン! | 소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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