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TPS Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 呀吼——FN TPS前来报到啰~指挥官喜欢玩游戏吗?要不要来我的直播间做客,一起打上几局,不会玩也没关系,我又不会笑话您,大概~! Heyo~ FN TPS, reporting for duty~ Do you like gaming, Commander? Wanna join me on livestream? We can play a few rounds together. Doesn't matter if you don't know how to play, I won't make fun of you... Probably~
Secretary 人、人体描边大师?只是因为我不擅长霰弹枪以外的武器罢了!会这么想的人,有胆来用霰弹枪单挑啊! M-master of the chalk outline? I'm just not good with weapons that aren't shotguns! Whoever calls me that come and duel me with a shotgun!
RFB来过?看来是想再约我一起打游戏。哼,每次她赢了就会喊我菜鸟……这次绝对要让她吃瘪,然后送她个卷心菜的绰号! RFB was here? She probably wanted to game with me again. Humph, she calls me a noob every time she wins... I'm definitely gonna wreck her this time and call her a scrub!
咦?这不是对面排名第一的对手吗?怎么一下就被我干掉了呢?蘸~蘸~薯~片~!蘸~蘸~薯~片——哎?指挥官?刚才那个是您!?呃,我还有事,先走啰! Huh? Wasn't that the top-ranking player? How come I one-shot them? G~G~E~Z~! G~G~E~Z~! Huh? Commander? That was you?! Uh, I've got stuff to do! Gotta go!
Secretary (post OATH)
Ack! We got KO-ed again! Commander, you promised you'd support me, so why did you... You're gonna cook me something tasty to make up for this? You're forgiven!
Commander? You're gonna support my livestreaming career? That's wonderful~! Hold on, then you won't just be my superior, but also my boss? Then that means I get paid twice - Just kidding~! Let's be the most intimate, most in-sync duo in both the virtual and real world~!
Greeting 超强游戏主播,华丽登场~咳咳!指挥官!?嘘!这边在直播呢,有什么事待会再说吧! The overpowered game streamer makes a spectacular entrance~ Ahem! Commander?! Shush! I'm doing a livestream now! Leave that till later!
T-Doll Produced 新来的小伙伴?应该是新来的“主播真爱粉预备役”才对~! A new friend? You mean a new "Streamer Diehard Fan on Reserve Duty"~!
Joining an echelon 啊~这种野队带不来的安心感! Argh~ PUGs like this always make me so uneasy!
Enhancement 枪法应该也得到强化了?马上开一局游戏,找个倒霉蛋试试看! That should've improved my shooting skills, yeah? Then let's start a game and try them out on some unlucky bastard!
Dummy-linking 游戏里的队友要是能像她们一样跟我完美配合该有多好! If only my in-game teammates can work as perfectly with me!
Logistics (start) 手机OK,补光灯OK,麦克风OK……好,出发~! Phone - okay. Fill light - okay. Mic - okay... Alright, let's go~!
Logistics (end) 我回来啰~待会儿把路上的见闻会聚一下,当做直播的谈资吧~! I'm back~ Guess I'll consolidate my experience along the way and turn it into chatter on my stream~!
Autobattle 让我来制造一些近距离作战的机会~! Let me create an opening for some melee combat~!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 来吧队友们,要打好配合! C'mon, teammates! Make sure you don't skim on the support!
Starting a battle 对面看起来也没有那么强嘛~咻咻两下解决掉吧~! They don't seem particularly strong~ Let's wipe them real quick~!
Skill activation 让我高兴高兴呗~! Let me have some fun~!
接子弹的技术很厉害嘛~! Quite the bullet sponge, aren't you~?!
咦?怎么撞到枪口上来了?是不小心吗? Huh? Why did you run into my gun? Careless mistake?
Heavily damaged 呜,还好不是在直播里出糗…… Ugh, good thing this isn't a livestream...
Retreat 敌人强得过分了吧?简直就像作弊一样……! Aren't the enemies way too OP? They've got to be cheating...!
MVP 败者食尘,好可怜哦~! Another one bites the dust~ What a shame~!
Restoration 这下连直播也要推迟了…… Now I'll have to postpone my livestream...
Attack 看我把这场战斗打成碾压局! Watch me steamroll them!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 最近街上好多人都喜欢扮成丧尸,搞得我都有点手痒了~好,今天直播就玩《觅死之途3》,去找丧尸们砍瓜切菜吧! So many people are dressed as zombies out on the streets, I'm starting to get trigger-happy~ Alright, I'll play some "Left 4 Undead 3" tonight and chop up some zombies!
Christmas 最近很想买一套新的直播设备,但估算下来要花不少钱才行……不知道今晚圣诞老人会不会给我送一套过来呢~? I've been meaning to buy a new set of streaming equipment, but it'll probably be a huge splurge... I wonder if Santa Claus will gift it to me tonight~?
New Year's Day 哇,谢谢指挥官送上的红包——咳咳!不小心用营业口吻来回答了……不过,感谢的心情绝对是真的!指挥官,新年快乐~! Wow, thank you for the red packet, Commander – Ahem! I accidentally slipped into streamer mode... But my gratitude is absolutely genuine! Happy New Year, Commander~!
Valentine's day 因为忙着直播,所以没时间做巧克力……但这是我特地出门为您买的,情义上来说一样可贵,对吧?好啦好啦,请收下吧! I was too busy with streaming to make any chocolate... But I went out and bought this specially for you, so it still means a lot, okay? Alright, please take it!
Tanabata 如果可以的话,希望我在游戏里能创造出更多的神操作,拜托了——哎?牛郎织女不管这个? I hope I'll pull off more amazing plays, please make that happen – Huh? Cowherd and Weaver Girl don't care about such things?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 对面干着急的样子好有趣啊~! It's hilarious how flustered they are~!
Phrase 呀吼~! Heyo~
Tip 哇!怎么出现网络波动了!?延迟突然变得那么高,再这样下去,我就只有挨打的份了!指挥官,快想想办法啊! Ack! What's with the network fluctuation?! There's so much lag I'm gonna get rekt! Commander, do something!
Loading 这段时间刚好可以拿来剪辑我的直播切片~! I can use this time to edit my livestream clip~!