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TF-Q Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition TF-Q!今天起,就在您的手下任职了,我会努力回应您的期待的~! Play Hello, Commander! I'm TF-Q! I'll be working under you from today onwards. I'll do my best to meet your expectations!
Secretary 基地里擅长运动的人形果然有很多啊,好想和她们都认识一下! Play There really are a lot of athletic Dolls in the base, I'd like to get to know them!
不是很想每天对着天花板发呆啊……指挥官!有没有多余的任务派给我呢?可以出外勤的那种! Play It's not as though I want to spend all day spacing out while staring at the ceiling... Commander! Do you have any extra assignments for me? Especially the kind where I can go out on dispatch?
基地附近的地形好像可以玩速降呢……啊,指挥官,请不要紧张,我只是开个玩笑而已……大概! Play The terrain near the base looks good for abseiling... Ah, Commander, please don't worry, I was just kidding... sort of!
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander? Hehe, I'm making lunch for you! Take a look at these dishes, they should be enough for you to focus and work hard all day, right? Now all I need to do is add a bit of seasoning... Uwah! It all went in!
Commander? Could it be that you... this, this is wonderful! I thought it was just wishful thinking on my part... ah, ahem! It's true! You should have given me more time to prepare, now there's no sense of ceremony to it at all! Still, it's alright... I'm so happy now that nothing else matters... I'll be in your care from now on, Commander!
Greeting 指挥官!是时候打起精神来工作了! Play Commander! Time to pull yourself together and work hard!
T-Doll Produced 啊,是新的伙伴!不知道运动性能如何。 Play Ah, a new friend! I wonder how athletic she is?
Joining an echelon 不、不好意思,借过一下……!咦?原来这里不是我的位置吗!? Play Uh, I, I'm sorry, excuse me...! Huh? Wasn't this supposed to be my place!?
Enhancement 平衡模块的兼容性应该也得到强化了吧?好想赶快去试一下! Play My balancer module's compatibility should have been enhanced too, right? I'd like to try it out!
Dummy-linking 等等!这样是不是就可以组织起运动社团了!? Play Wait a minute! Does this mean I can form a sports club now?
Logistics (start) 出远门?太好了,这就出发吧! Play I'm going out on an expedition? Thank goodness! Let's go right now!
Logistics (end) 我回来了!总觉得意犹未尽呢! Play I'm back! For some reason it doesn't feel like it was enough...
Autobattle 这下就可以大展身手了! Play Time to show what I can do!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 所有东西应该都带齐了吧……好,出发! Play I think I've got everything... Alright, time to head out!
Starting a battle 前方接敌……要认真起来了! Play The enemy's up ahead... Time to get serious!
Skill activation 要小心咯! Play Be careful!
发现弱点了! Play Weakpoint spotted!
接下来是致命一击! Play Now for a fatal shot!
Heavily damaged 呜哇……!糟糕糟糕,这下又要花时间收拾了……! Play Uwah...! Oh no no no, I'll need to spend lots of time tidying up now...!
Retreat 唔……现在不是逞强的时候……! Play Ngh... This isn't the time to act tough...!
MVP 赢、赢了吗? Play Did, did we win?
Restoration 抱歉,因为我的失误…… Play I'm sorry, it's all because I messed up.
Attack 咦,大家已经开始进攻了吗!?等等我! Play Huh? Is everyone attacking already? Wait for me!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 我们也可以得到糖果吗?嗯!看来要好好想想应该扮个什么样的鬼了。 Play Do we get candy too? Mhm! Time to think about what kind of monster to dress up as...
Christmas 不知道驾着雪橇在天空滑翔是一种什么样的感觉,好想试试看啊…… Play I wonder what it's like to ride a sleigh through the air. I'd love to give it a try...
New Year's Day 新年快乐!今晚好像有一场热闹的舞会,指挥官,不来参加吗?


Happy new year! There seems to be a lively party going on tonight. Will you be joining us, Commander?
Valentine's day 情人节呀?比起互相赠送巧克力,我更在乎巧克力本身的味道……


Valentine's Day? Rather than give each other chocolate, I'm more interested in the taste of the chocolate itself...
Tanabata 平衡模块可以恢复兼容性的愿望,应该不算奢侈吧?


Surely restoring the compatibility of my balancer module isn't too much to ask for, right?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 只要挡住敌人的进攻就可以吗?没有问题! Play So all I need to do is stop the enemy's attack? No problem!
Phrase 好厉害! Play Awesome!
Tip 需要收拾一下办公室吗?没有问题,交给我吧!首先就把这些文件整理起来……哇哇哇!不要满天飞啊! Play Need to tidy up the office? No problem, leave it to me! Let's start with these documents... Uwaaahh! They're going everywhere!
Loading 以后经常要在这里待机吗?这么好的时间,真不如搞一些户外运动…… Play Will I have to wait here a lot from now on? This would be the perfect time for outdoor activities...