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Super SASS/Quotes

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Super SASS Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,Super SASS报到。新人初次见面,还望您多加指点。 指揮官,Super SASSが入隊します。初めまして,これからよろしくね。Play Super SASS reporting in! Nice to meet you! I'll be counting on you from now!
Introduction AR-10 Super SASS的前身是AR-10 SASS狙击步枪,在竞标中惜败给对手之后加以改进,被正式命名为Super SASS,最终成功投放民用市场。从AR-10一直到今日的我,学习和进取正是我们的动力之源。毕竟比失败更可怜的是放弃呀,哈哈。 AR-10 Super SASS, formerly known as AR-10 SASS sniper rifle, but unfortunately lost to other competitors of the same market. After some modifications done, formally renamed as Super SASS and released for civilian market. Learn and improvising are my driving motives since AR-10 days, after all giving up is worse than losing, hehe.
Secretary 指挥官,工作辛苦了,要点喝的吗? 指揮官,お疲れ様,何か飲む?Play Commander, you've worked hard! Want anything to drink?
虽然不太可靠,但是您有什么烦恼,随时可以和我说哦。 ちょっと頼りないけど,何か悩んでる事があれば,いつでも私に言ってね。Play Even though I'm not that reliable, you can talk with me anytime about any of your worries!
指挥官,如果您已经有了喜欢的人,现在的行为可是很危险的啊…… 指揮官,もし好きな人がいるなら,今のはとても危険な行為なんだよ...Play Commander, if you already have someone that you really like, then your current behavior is very dangerous...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, what do you plan on doing today? The same as last time? Do you still remember what we did? Hehe...I remember all of it.
Commander isn't this meeting a bit different than usual? Eh.. For me? Aww that's not fair, now I have to work extra hard now! Hehe, but I can still manage it.
Greeting 指揮官,休憩は終わった?それじゃあ仕事に戻るよ。Play Commander, are you done with your break? Let's get back to work then.
T-Doll Produced 新しいお友達,歓迎するよ!Play A new friend, welcome!
Joining an echelon みんな,一緒に頑張ろうね!Play Everyone, lets do our best!
Enhancement 丁度これが欲しかったんだ!ありがとう!Play This is just what I wanted! Thank you!
Dummy-linking これからもっと出番があるんだね,頑張ります!Play There's more of us now, lets do our best!
Logistics (start) よし,みんなを連れていきますよ!Play OK, Let's go together everyone!
Logistics (end) 指揮官,無事に帰ってきたよ!Play Commander, I came back safely!
Autobattle すみません,遅くなっちゃった!Play Sorry, I'm a little late!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission ちょっと緊張するけどきっと大丈夫!Play I'm a little nervous but I'll be okay!
Starting a battle 戦闘開始だねPlay It's the start of the battle
Skill activation くらい!Play Take this!
もう少し踏ん張ってPlay Hang on just a little more
おちゃ、恐れぼだPlay It's scary isn't it?
Heavily damaged うえ、どいうこと? 私、何あてども?Play Huh? What is this? What am I doing?
Retreat 指揮官、気をつないで、また次があるからPlay Commander, Don't mind it too much, There's always next time
MVP えへへ、みんなのおかげでかったね、やった!Play Ehehe, It's thanks to everyone else I won! Hooray!
Restoration おかしがあるなら... え、いいよ、自分でとりいくよPlay If there's sweets then... Uh, Okay, I'll go take them.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今夜もらった初プレゼントだよ。どれどれ…きゃあぁ…やっぱり罠だったか。Play This is my first present of the night! Let's see what's inside... Ah!! ...I just knew it was a trap...
Christmas メリークリスマス!指揮官ようやく今日はリラックスできるね。さぁ、乾杯!Play
New Year's Day 指揮官去年は何か思い残すの事とかあったの?大丈夫、新しい年は一緒に頑張りましょう!


Valentine's day 指揮官今回のチョコは一番乗り気さくだよ。じっくり味わってね。


Tanabata あ、指揮官。願い事短冊に書えたよ。あなたのと一緒に飾ったいい?


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官,也许成为您这样的人物才更符合前辈们的期待吧? Play Commander, perhaps becoming like this would better meet my seniors' expectations, don't you think?
Secretary 不管遇到什么困难,我会和您一起努力克服的,指挥官,您不那么认为吗! Play No matter what difficulties we encounter, I'll do my best to overcome them with you, Commander. Don't you agree?
过去的我也许会觉得自己很难达到顶点,但现在的我反而觉得,只是顶点已经不能满足自己了。 Play In the past, I felt that reaching the peak was very hard. But now, I feel that the peak alone isn't enough.
您的视线有些游离不定呢,能把心里想的事情告诉我吗? Play Your eyes seem to be wavering. Could you tell me what's in your heart?
Secretary (post OATH)
At long last, we're together alone... Commander, don't let yourself be bothered by trivial things. Entrust yourself to me.
Commander, is there something special about today's get-together? Hm? Prepared for me? This is too much! Doesn't this mean I have to work even harder? Heheh, though this will be a piece of cake for me.
Greeting Play Commander, is there a training plan for today?
T-Doll Produced Play I hope I'll be able to get along with our new friend!
Joining an echelon Play I'll treasure this opportunity!
Enhancement Play I want to find a place to test my gun out!
Dummy-linking Play I'll have more chances to deploy now, so I'll do my best!
Logistics (start) Play Okay, I'll lead everybody out!
Logistics (end) Play Commander, we've returned safe and sound.
Autobattle Play Sorry, I'm late!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission Play The time to show the results of my training has come!
Starting a battle Play Looks like an opponent worth challenging.
Skill activation Play An opening!
Play Piece of cake!
Play This shot is for the Commander's victory!
Heavily damaged Play Don't think I'm admitting defeat!
Retreat Play Are you an obstacle for me? I'm looking forward to challenging you again!
MVP Play This is what I need to do, for everyone and for you, Commander!
Restoration Play If only there were snacks... No, never mind, I'll get them myself...
Attack Play Everyone, let's give it our all!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween Play
Christmas Play
New Year's Day


Valentine's day




Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play Be careful and wait for an opportunity!
Phrase Play
Tip Play Hi hi~ This is very important~ Remember to take notes!
Loading Play Thank you for waiting, Commander.