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Suomi Story Quotes Live2D

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 索米1931式,报到。指挥官……请让我在您的部队中,继续履行使命吧! スオミKP-31、着任します。指挥官の部隊で、使命を果たします!Play 수오미 KP-31 도착했습니다. 지휘관님의 부대에서 사명을 다하겠습니다! Suomi Type 1931 reporting. Commander... Please allow me to carry on my duties under your commands!
Introduction 在我的祖国面临入侵时,我作为最优秀的冲锋武器踏上了战场。配合战士们机智灵活的战术沉痛地打击了侵略者。昂贵的造价是个让我头疼的问题,但是这正是体现我们专注严苛的精神,我会永远为我的人民自豪的。 내 조국이 침입을 당했을 때, 전 제일 우수한 기관단총으로서 전장에 발을 딛었어요. 전사들의 치고 빠지는 전술과 합쳐져 침략자들에게 쓰라린 타격을 입혔어요. 비싼 제조가격으로 골머리를 썩였지만, 이것이 저희의 엄격한 정신을 보여주는 것입니다. 전 영원히 인민의 자랑으로서 남을 겁니다. During the invasion of my homeland, I stepped into the fray as the most spectacular assault weapon, with the superior tactics of our soldiers, we dealt a decisive blow to the invaders. The high production cost is the source of my frustrations, but this reflects upon the attentions paid to details from our people. I will to be their pride and joy.
Secretary 呀!真是的,不要突然吓人一跳啊! は!もう、びっくりさせでくださいよ。Play 햐앗! 정말이지, 갑자기 놀래키지 말아주세요! Ah! Really, don't scare me like that!
指挥官,你累了吗?想让我放点音乐听吗? 指揮官、疲れましたか?音楽でも流しましょうか?Play 지휘관님, 피곤하신가요? 제가 음악이라도 틀어드릴까요? Commander, are you tired? Would you like me to play some music?
我不是讨厌您,指挥官,只是……我们不习惯离得这么近…… 嫌いな訳じゃないです。指揮官。ただそんなに近いのは…ちょっと苦手です。Play 싫어하는 건 아니에요, 지휘관님... 그저… 이렇게 가까이서 있는 건 익숙하지가 않아서… It's not like I dislike you, commander, it's just... We're not accustomed to being so close...
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관님, 지난번 콘서트 꽤 괜찮지 않았나요? 저도 정말 즐거웠어요. 다음에 기회가 된다면... 둘이서 또 같이 가요!
Commander how was the last concert? I enjoyed it, maybe we will go together again next time, just the two of us!
드디어 이 날이 온 건가요... 언제나 곁에 있어 주셔서 고마워요, 지휘관님. 제 사명을 드디어 이루게 됐어요... 아, 음악을 틀어서 축하하도록 하죠! 엣, 괜찮나요?
Has this day finally arrived? I thank you for your company Commander, looks like my duty has finally been fulfilled...Ahh, let me play some music to celebrate this moment! What? No need for it?
Greeting 指挥官,房间我已经整理好了。请开始工作吧。 指揮官、部屋の整理が終わりました。お仕事始めてくださいね。Play 지휘관님, 방 정리를 끝냈어요. 일을 시작해주세요. Commander, I've tidied the room. You may start the work whenever.
T-Doll Produced 新的伙伴?一如以往是些粗鲁的人呢。 新しい仲間?相変わらず、乱暴な人たちですね。Play 새로운 동료 ...여전히 난폭한 사람들이네요. New comrade? They're a bit rude, like usual.
Joining an echelon 那个,大家,不用这样凑过来也可以啦... あの、皆さん、そんなに近寄らなくても...Play 저기, 여러분... 그렇게 가까이 있지 않아도... Umm, everyone, you don't have to get this close...
Enhancement 请继续为我更新强度,我想变得更强。 引き続き改善してください、もっと強くなりたいです。Play 더 많이 개선해주세요, 아직 더 강해지고 싶어요! Please continue to adjust difficulties, I wish to become even stronger.
Dummy-linking 恩,再多一个人就没问题了! ん、もう一人いれば問題無いです!Play 네, 사람이 늘어나면 문제 없어요. There will be no more problems with one more person!
Logistics (start) 为了贯彻我们的使命,出发吧。 私達の使命のため、出発しましょう。Play 사명을 위해서 출발합시다. Let us perform our duties, depart now.
Logistics (end) 任务完成了,大家都没事。 終わりました、みんな無事です。Play 완료했습니다, 모두 무사해요. All done, everyone is safe.
Autobattle 规则就是用来打破的! ルールは破るものです!Play 룰은 깨기 위해 있는 거예요! Rules are meant to be broken!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 就算只有我一人,也会带回胜利的。 私一人でも、勝利を持ち帰り見せます。Play 저 혼자라 해도 승리를 쟁취하겠어요! I'll bring back victory, even on my own.
Starting a battle 敌军出现,把他们打倒吧。 敵です。倒しましょう。Play 적이에요, 무찌릅시다! Enemy contact, let's defeat them.
Skill activation 一步也不会退让的。 ここからは一歩も引きません。Play 한발짝도 물러나지 않겠어요! I won't back down, not even a single step.
请从这里出去吧! ここから、出ていきなさい!Play 당장 꺼지세요! Leave here at once!
这杯鸡尾酒是献给你们的,同志呀。 このカクテルはあなた達に捧げます、同志よ。Play 이 칵테일을 당신께 바칩니다, 동지여. This cocktail (Molotov cocktail) is for you, comrade.
Heavily damaged 不能在这里倒下,我还有使命在身! ここで倒れる訳にはいかない。私には、使命があるんです。Play 여기서 쓰러질 수는 없어... 저한텐 사명이 있어요! No I can't fall here, I still have duties.
Retreat 我,又要消失了吗?但是,这不是结束对吧。 私、また消えちゃうですか?でも、これは最後じゃないですよね。Play 저... 또 사라지는 건가요... 하지만, 이게 마지막은 아닌겠죠...? I'm... Disappearing now? But this isn't the end right?
MVP 我办到了吗?太好了!这样就能在史册上留名了。 やったの?良かった!これで、名前を残せます。Play 해냈나요...? 다행이다... 이걸로 이름을 남길 수 있어요. I did it? Yes! I just made history.
Restoration 那个,我能选有三温暖的房间吗? あの、サウナ付きの部屋、選んでもいいですか?Play 저기... 사우나가 있는 방으로 골라도 될까요? Ehh, Can I have a room with sauna?
Attack 勝利のために、進め!Play 승리를 향해, 전진!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今夜は舞台に上がって演奏しますよ。私の故郷の一案素敵な音楽聞かしましょう!Play 오늘밤은 무대에 올라가 연주할께요. 제 고향의 멋진 음악을 들어주세요! I'll be up on the stage and perform tonight. Let's hear some amazing musics from my hometown!
Christmas 圣诞快乐,指挥官……我今晚的服装,您还满意吗?作为迎接圣诞老人的第一人,不好好打扮可不行呢。 メリークリスマス、指揮官。今夜の私の服、どうですか?サンタクロースをお迎えまする物として、ちゃんっとおメークしなきゃだめですよね。Play 지휘관님, 메리 크리스마스… 오늘 밤 제가 입은 옷, 괜찮나요? 산타클로스를 만날 거니까, 잘 차려입는 게 좋겠죠? Merry Christmas, commander..... are you satisfied with my costume tonight ? As the first one who's going to welcome Santa, I must dress myself up nicely.
New Year's Day 指揮官、新しい年も偉大な勝利の為引き続き前進まなくてはいけませんね。


지휘관님, 새해에도 위대한 승리를 위해 계속해서 앞으로 나아가지 않으면 안 되겠죠. Commander, this year as well we must always moving forward to attain the great victory.
Valentine's day 指揮官、これは私のチョコです。他の子たちのチョコとどれくらい異彩があるかじっくり比べてみて下さい。


지휘관님, 여기 제 초콜릿이에요. 다른 사람들의 것과 제 것 중에 어느쪽이 더 나은지 제대로 평가해주세요. Commander, here's my chocolate. Please try to compare it carefully with other girls' chocolate.
Tanabata 願い事ですか?指揮官のと一緒でいいです。ですから見せてくれます?


소원이요? 지휘관님과 같은 거면 돼요. 그러니까 보여주실래요? My wish you asked? Being with you is already enough.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 敵が来た!そのまま待機!Play 적이 왔어! 그대로 대기!
Phrase Play 영광이에요.
Tip Play
Loading Play 우선 침착하죠.

MOD3 Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 指挥官……我可要找你好好抱怨一下喔,你说的好办法可把我害苦了。作为补偿,请跟我一起去看演出吧。 Commander... I've got a lot to complain to you about. I suffered quite a bit thanks to that "solution" of yours. In exchange, I want you to go to a concert with me, okay?
Secretary 抛去偏见之后,莫辛纳甘的确是个不错的队长,其他苏联熊也各有各的优点,跟她们好好相处也不是难事……只有波波沙那家伙是真的讨人厌。 Prejudices aside, Mosin-Nagant really is an outstanding squad leader. The rest of those Soviet bears have their own strengths too, and getting along with them isn't difficult either... It's just that Papasha really is annoying.
零件适配程度?我也不知道为什么,但最适合我的升级配件刚好跟她是同型号……不过,本来我们的枪也很相似,这也算是孽缘吧。 Parts compatibility? I don't know why, but the upgrade accessories that suit me best just happen to be the same model as hers... That said, our guns were very similar to begin with; I guess you could call this a twisted bond of sorts.
指挥官,一起去听音乐会吧?我买到了很靠前的票……听说我们格里芬也会有人形出场,不知道会是谁呢?。 Commander, want to go to a concert with me? I got some front row tickets... I heard some of our Griffin Dolls will be performing too. I wonder who'll be there?
Secretary (post OATH)
Everyone has different interests; I'm fully aware of that. That's why I won't force you to listen to music you don't enjoy. But at the very least, please let me cuddle up to you when I do. Don't worry, I'll be using earphones.
Has this day come at last? Thank you for your company, Commander. My mission is finally complete... Ah, why don't I play some music to celebrate? Eh? I don't need to?
Greeting 早上好,指挥官……我没有一大早就喝酒,这不是用来喝的! Good morning, Commander... No, I'm not drinking first thing in the morning! This is not for drinking!
T-Doll Produced 我是前辈……要好好带领她们才行。 I'm the senior... so I need to lead them well.
Joining an echelon 波波沙在吗?……没有,我没特别关注。 Is Papasha there? ...No, I'm not specially looking out for her or anything.
Enhancement 这下就叫那个苏联熊无话可说……! This time, those Soviet bears will have nothing to say...!
Dummy-linking 嗯,再多一个人就没问题了。 Mm, another person is fine.
Logistics (start) 为了使命,出发吧。 Time to move out for the sake of the mission.
Logistics (end) 结束啦,一切平安。 All's well that ends well.
Autobattle 规则就是用来打破的! Rules are made to be broken!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 索米1931式,准备出击! Suomi-konepistooli m/31, ready to engage!
Starting a battle 早就发现你们了,来较量一下吧! I knew you were there from the beginning. It's time to see who's better!
Skill activation 这杯酒可是很烈的。 This is one stiff drink.
别以为我会认输! I'm not going to lose!
我还没结束呢! I'm not done yet!
Heavily damaged 明明……已经那么努力了…… Even though... I tried so hard...
Retreat 暂时撤退一下……还有余地…… Let's pull back for now... We still have room to...
MVP 这不是理所当然的吗。 It's only to be expected, right?
Restoration 可以选……有桑拿的房间吗? Could I have... a room with a sauna?
Attack 尝尝这个……! Get a load of this...!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 别急着开火! Don't fire wildly!
Phrase 我很荣幸。 It is an honor.
Tip 这种程度的事我当然知道。 Of course I'd know about something like this.
Loading 冷静下来走吧。 Calm down and let's go.