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Steyr Scout/Quotes

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Steyr Scout Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 三叶,你确定就是这个人吗?……真意外,居然有人能获得三叶的认可,看来指挥官不是等闲之辈呢。 トレボイル、確かにこの人なの?トレボイルに認められるなんて…指揮官もただ者じゃないですね。Play 트레포일, 정말 이 사람 맞아...? 설마 트레포일이 인간을 인정할 줄이야, 아무래도 지휘관은 범상찮은 분이신 것 같네요. Trefoil, are you sure it's this person? To be accepted by Trefoil...the Commander is no normal person.
Secretary 宠物?这么说也太失礼了,三叶应该算是我的……监护鸟……吧? ペット?違いますよ失礼。トレボイルはなんて言うか… 私の…保護者って言うんですか?Play 애완동물? 그렇게 말하는건 실례예요. 트레포일은 제... 보호자라 해야 할걸요? Pet? Sorry, but that's incorrect. You could say Trefoil is more like...my guardian, I suppose?
诶?这个任务变更是什么时候说的?……抱歉,会议上我只顾着看文件了,大概没注意到指挥官的通知。 え?この変更っていつ発生したのですか?申し訳ありません、会議地は無地資料ばかり見ていて気づきませんでした。Play 어라, 언제 임무 조정이 있었죠? ...죄송해요, 회의 중에 서류를 읽기만 하느라 지휘관의 말을 못 들었나 봐요. Eh? When did this change occur? My apologies, I only looked at the document during the meeting so I must have missed the correction you made.
指挥官,在没有把眼前的事物看明白之前,是不可以出手的。 指揮官、目の前の事がはっきりするまでは、手を付けないで方がいいと思います。Play 지휘관, 눈앞의 사물을 확실하게 파악하기 전엔 함부로 건들면 안 돼요. Commander, it would be wise for you to not touch until it is clearly right in front of you.
Secretary (post OATH)
지휘관, 업무 중에는 떨어져 계셔 주세요. 안 그러면 자꾸 지휘관만 쳐다보게 된다고요... 그렇다고 너무 멀리 가시지도 말고요.
Commander, please don't stand right next to me while we work. I'm...always thinking of you, you know? B-but please don't go too far.
지휘관, 왜 트레포일이 그렇게 지휘관을 마음에 들어 했는지 알 것 같아요. 항상 지휘관을 주시하느라 다른 것들이 눈에 잘 안 들어와요. 자꾸 지휘관에게 시선이 끌려서... 지휘관도 저를 바라보고 있나요? 오직... 저만을 바라봐 주실 수 있나요?
Commander, I finally understood why Trefoil took so well to you. Whenever I look at you...I end up overlooking a lot of things. That's why the Commander is always looking after me with a good eye. Commander, could you...look at me in earnest...just...just me...
Greeting 今日の要点はなんでしょう?Play 오늘의 요점은 무엇이죠? What is our primary objective today?
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、こちら新入りの方です。Play 지휘관, 여기 신입이 들어왔어요. Commander, a newcomer has arrived.
Joining an echelon トレボイルはどのポシションが良いと思う?Play 트레포일은 어느 자리가 좋을 것 같아? Where do you think would be a good position for Trefoil?
Enhancement これだわ、私の欲しいもの。Play 이거야... 내가 갖고 싶던 거. This is it, the thing I wished for.
Dummy-linking 見た目は本当に同じね。もう詩文ない気映えだわ。Play 정말 판박이네, 흠집을 전혀 찾을 수가 없어. It really does look the same. It's not like poetry anymore.
Logistics (start) 道案内トレボイルに任せれば、問題ないわ。Play 길 안내는 트레포일에게 맡기면 돼요. You'll have nothing to worry about when you leave it to Trefoil.
Logistics (end) チェックは済ませたわ。結構いい品が揃ってる。Play 다 검사해봤어요, 좋은 물건들이에요. I've finished checking. We've got a few good items.
Autobattle 今回…指揮官の出番はないですよ。Play 이번엔 지휘관이 나설 필요는 없어요. This time...isn't the Commander's turn.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission ここで起きたことは全て見極めで!Play 여기서 생기는 일을 전부 꿰뚫어보겠어. Know everything that happened here!
Starting a battle 敵の位置を掴んだわ。Play 적의 위치를 포착! I've acquired the enemy's position.
Skill activation あなたの事は…ずっと見ていたわ!Play 너는 내가 계속 보고 있었어! I've been watching you this whole time!
もうためらわないないわ!Play 더는 망설이지 않아! I will no longer hesitate!
悉皆両行!Play 시야 양호! It shall be done!
Heavily damaged 私に…こんな酷いことを…。トレボイルが許さないわよ!Play 나한테 심한 짓을... 트레포일이 용서 안 할 거라고! For something...this terrible to happen to me...Trefoil won't forgive you!
Retreat もう…何も見えません…。Play 이젠... 아무것도 안 보여... I...I can't see anything...
MVP え?もう勝ったのですか?すみません、気づきませんでした。Play 네? 벌써 이겼나요? 죄송해요... 눈치를 못 챘네요. Eh? Did we win already? Sorry, I hadn't noticed
Restoration 早く修理しないと…トレボイルに「…」よPlay 빨리 수리하지 않으면 트레포일에게 혼나겠어... I need to get this repaired quickly...Trefoil will be worried.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 危ない危ない。目を引くものが多すぎて。お菓子まで忘れる所だった。Play 위험해 위험해, 눈길을 끄는 게 너무 많아서 하마터면 과자를 까먹을 뻔했어요. That's dangerous. There are too many eye-catching things here. This place is forgetting about the sweets.
Christmas 前年この時期になると、偽物のサンタ現れますね。私とトレボイルは、そういう「…」からは絶対に見逃しませんので、任せて下さい。Play 매년 이맘때면 가짜 산타가 나타나곤 해요. 저와 트레포일은 이 기회를 절대 놓치지 않을 테니까 저희에게 맡겨주세요. The fake Santa will appear at this time this year. Trefoil and I aren't going to pass up this opportunity to see him. Leave it to us.
New Year's Day 初日のでは逃すのは行きません。3時間…いいえ、4時間前出発しましょう。


설날만큼은 놓칠 수 없어요. 3시간... 아니, 4시간 전에 출발하도록 해요. The first day is not something you want to miss. Three hours...no, let's leave in four hours.
Valentine's day し…しまった!指揮官の観察に夢中なっていて、チョコ…忘れてしまいました。また今度でもいいですか?


아차차! 지휘관을 관찰하는데 열중하고 있어서 초코를... 잊어버렸습니다. 다음에라도 괜찮으실까요? Crap! I was so focused on watching the Commander that I forgot about the chocolate. Will this be okay, again?
Tanabata トレボイルは、さっきからずっと何かを見ている。織姫と彦星?うふ、私も見てみたいものね。


트레포일이 아까부터 계속 뭔가를 보고 있어요. 직녀별과 견우별? 우훗, 저도 보고싶네요. Trefoil has been watching something for a while. Orihime and Hikoboshi? Heh, I would like to see that, too.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play ...죄송합니다, 눈치 못 챘어요.
Tip Play
Loading Play 트레포일도 준비됐어요!