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Spectre M4/Quotes

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Spectre M4 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 高速作战武器,幽灵M4,正式加入!指挥官,作为欢迎会......是不是简单了点? スペクターM4、正式に入隊します!指揮官!歓迎会とかないの?Play Spectre M4, formally joining your ranks, sir! Um... Commander? Is there no welcoming party?
Introduction 指挥官,是我啦,幽灵M4冲锋枪。我可是针对城中作战而设计的突击武器哦。在我身上有很多不同寻常的设计,都是为了满足快速作战的需求哦。如此特别的我,应该很受大家的欢迎吧,按理说应该是这样啊…… Commander, it's me, Spectre M4 submachine gun. I'm an assault weapon designed for urban combat. To meet the needs of fast-paced combat, there are a lot of unusual modifications on me. I think it's quite reasonable to say that I'm extremely popular with everyone...
Secretary 指挥官,什么时候轮到我呢? 指揮官、わたしの出番はいつなの?Play Commander, when's it gonna be my turn?
和平也不错啊,和平……虽然有点太安逸了啊…… 平和もいいけど、わたしは戦場のほうが馴染むわね。Play Peace isn't that bad, but...it feels a little too comfortable...
指挥官,今天的我意外地受欢迎啊,不会真的把我当成别人了吧?……什么?真的?打你哦! 今日はやけに積極的だね指揮官。人違いじゃないよね?…えっ?マジ?Play Commander, I was being treated unexpectedly well today, you'd think they mistook me for someone else! ...What? Seriously?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I was also very active in front of everyone today. With your support, nothing's impossible for me!
Commander, Commander, why'd you pick me! Ah, it must be because of my immense popularity! ...Ahaha, I know, that's a lie. Well, it doesn't matter, because you still chose me in the end, right? Right?
Greeting おはよう指揮官、わたしが協力してあげましょう!…何?暗い顔して?Play Good morning, commander. I'll cooperate! Eh, what's with that grim face?
T-Doll Produced 新しい相棒?いいねいいね!Play A new partner? That's nice!
Joining an echelon スペクターM4、入隊!ってオイ!拍手してよ!Play Spectre M4, enlisting! Hey, give me applause!
Enhancement 射程がもっと長くなればいいのに。Play It would be nice if my range increased.
Dummy-linking やっぱりサブマシンガンはこうでないと!Play A submachine gun should be like this!
Logistics (start) ねぇ…誰も送ってくれないの?Play Hey, no one want to dispatch me?
Logistics (end) ただいまー…って歓迎会は!?Play I'm back... eh, where's the welcoming party?
Autobattle スペクターM4が来たわ。感謝しなさい!Play Spectre M4 coming. You should be grateful!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission スペクターM4、出発!って合わせろよ!Play Spectre M4, departing! Hey, match my pace!
Starting a battle 敵部隊発見!Play Enemy troops spotted!
Skill activation 撃て!撃て!Play Fire! Fire!
特別サービスだよ!Play This is special service!
やっぱりわたしのほうが速い!Play I'm faster!
Heavily damaged うわっ!バレたか…。Play Wha! They found out...
Retreat 力になれなくてすみません…あれっ、みんなどこ行ったの?Play Sorry that I wasn't of much help...huh? Where did everybody go?
MVP わたしの活躍、見てくれました?あれ?みんなどこ行ったの?Play Did you see my performance? Huh, where's everyone?
Restoration お願い…ほかの子に言わないで…。Play I beg you... don't tell the others...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 哦!万圣节吗?那让我也参加吧!……什么?带着小鬼们要糖果?哼,好吧! おお、ハロウィン?なら私も参加するよ。え?この衣装に着ればお菓子もらうの?いいね!Play Ooh, Halloween eh? I'll participate. Eh, you also get candy if you wear this costume? That's nice!
Christmas メリークリスマス指揮官!もっと大きなクリスマスツリーが欲しいよね、任せてよ。あれ…この当たりの木って結構小さいんだね。Play Merry Christmas, Commander! You want a bigger tree eh, just leave it to me. Eeh, the trees around here is just too short.
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましておめでとうございます。今年もみんなの注目を浴びますよ。って…みんな聞いてよ!


Commander, Happy New Year. This year I'll get everyone's attention. Hey, listen to me!
Valentine's day 指揮官チョコレート用意したよ。私のはみんなと全然違うよ。え?下が痺れる?ご…ごめん。


I've prepared chocolate for you, commander. Mine is different from the rest. Eh, it's not that exciting? S-sorry.
Tanabata 今日は願い事する日だよね。私の願い事は…指揮官と…いや…なんでもないよ。


Today is the day you make a wish. My wish is... with commander... uhh... it's nothing.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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