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Sakura Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 诶!?到我了吗!?呃……初、初次见面,我是源樱,也是法兰秀秀的1号!那个那个……总、总之,请多指教! Play 어? 내 차례?! 그... 처, 처음 뵙겠습니다. 미나모토 사쿠라, 프랑슈슈 1호입니다! 저, 저기... 아, 아무튼, 자, 잘 부탁드립니다! Huh?! Is it my turn already?! Uh... P-pleasure to meet you! I am Sakura Minamoto, Member No. 1 of Franchouchou! Uh... erm... A-anyway, I'll be in your care!
Secretary 今天早上没来得及上妆,结果被人形们看到了。可没想到大家完全不害怕,反而还是一起有说有笑……真的好久没有体验到这种生活了。 Play 오늘 아침은 시간이 없어서 화장도 못 해 가꼬 인형들한테 쌩얼 보이고 말았다... 근데 다들 하나도 안 무서워하고, 같이 얘기하고, 같이 웃기도 했어... 요래 지내는 거, 참말로 오랜만이야. I didn't have time to put on my makeup this morning, and then all the Dolls saw me, but nobody seemed to be afraid at all. In fact, we were just chatting and joking around... It's been a while since I've felt so normal.
今天接待的委托方看起来凶神恶煞的,和他们站在一起,反而我才像是被保护的对象…… Play 오늘 의뢰인 씨 엄청 험상궂은 얼굴이어서, 같이 있으면 오히려 내가 경호받는 것처럼 보였어... My clients today were really ferocious-looking. It looked more like I was the one being protected when I was standing next to them...
咦!?马上就是排练舞蹈的时间了!?可是这边还有那么多工作要完成……咦?怎么终端也突然没电了!?咋办啊!咋办啊! Play 엑!? 벌써 댄스 리허설 시간이여?! 그치만, 이쪽 일 아직 하나도 안 끝났는디... 엉? 단말기 배터리도 나갔잖어?! 우야꼬?! 우야꼬!? Huh?! It's almost time for my dance rehearsal?! But I've still got so much work to do... Yeeek! The tablet suddenly ran out of battery?! Ohmygod, ohmygod, what should I do?!
Secretary (post OATH)
아이가 강추한 미용 크림, 음청 잘 들어서 피부가 탱탱해졌어~ 엑, 오래 삶은 계란 같다고...?! 뭐어, 피단 같다는 것보다는 쬐끔 나으니까... 봐줄게.
The moisturizer recommended by Ai-chan really is something else. My skin is so smooth and springy... It-it feels like a boiled egg, you say...?! Never mind, that's still better than a century egg, I suppose... You're forgiven.
지휘관이 응원해 준 덕분에, 우리 프랑슈슈는 지금까지 아이돌로서 활동할 수 있었어. 그러니까, 나도 지휘관의 기대에 부응할 수 있도록 힘낼 거야! 난 요렇다 할 전투 능력은 없지만서도, 목표는 모두의 기운을 북돋는 아이돌잉께 기대하라구! 지휘관, 함께 힘을 합쳐서 어떤 고난이라도 헤쳐 나가자!
It's all thanks to your support that Franchouchou can still carry on with our idol events, Commander. I'd like to do something to repay you! I'm not a particularly good fighter, but I do know I'm good at inspiring and motivating people! Let's both keep doing our best and overcome all difficulties, Commander!
Greeting 早上好——!!! Play 좋은 아침입니다아아아!!! Gooooood MORNING!!!
T-Doll Produced 新加入的同伴,看起来是个很厉害的人物啊。 Play 새로 들어온 멤버, 음청 대단해 보인다. A new member! She looks really impressive.
Joining an echelon 好紧张……不过,应该没有问题吧? Play 겁나게 긴장된다야... 괘, 괜찮으겄제? I'm super nervous... But it's gonna be fine, right?
Enhancement 如果能在演出技巧上也有所提升就好了……啊!没、没什么! Play 퍼포먼스도 같이 좋아지면 참말로 좋겄는디... 앗! 아니, 암것도 아녀! It'd be great if this could also improve my showmanship... AH! N-nothing at all!
Dummy-linking 这,简直是栩栩如生……话说回来,她们应该不怕脱妆吧? Play 이거, 진짜루 팔팔한 느낌 드네에... 그러고 보니 얘네들은 화장 벗겨질 걱정 없는 거지? These Dummies... are so life-like...! Say, they don't need to have their makeup touched up, do they?
Logistics (start) 路上没车……好,我出门了~! Play 우측 양호, 좌측 양호... 그럼, 출바~알! No cars on the road... Alright, I'm going~!
Logistics (end) 我回来了~这次顺便也买了点自己喜欢的东西,真是大丰收~! Play 다녀왔습니다~ 이번엔 덤으로 좋아하는 것도 사 갖고 와서 풍년이야! I'm back~! I've even done some shopping for myself on the way. It's a big bonanza this time~!
Autobattle 诶?要我自己决定吗?总、总之先往这边走吧! Play 어, 내가 정하라고? 그, 그럼, 이쪽으로 갈까! Huh? It's up to me? Th-then let's go that way!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要不要准备一些在路上吃的东西呢……哎?等等我——! Play 가면서 먹을 거 챙기는 기 좋으려나... 어라? 기다려――! Should I prepare something to eat on the road...? Uffda! Wait for me!
Starting a battle 对面也好有气势,我们真的能赢吗? Play 적의 기세가 갱장한디, 우리 진짜루 이길 수 있을까? They seem really confident. Can we really win?
Skill activation 哇哇哇——! Play 하와와와! Haaaargh!
一定要打中啊! Play 꼭 맞힐 거야! This had better hit the target!
好、好机会,趁现在一鼓作气——! Play 차, 찬스 왔다! 단숨에 밀어붙여어어!! N-now's our chance! Get them in one go!
Heavily damaged 再这样下去,僵尸的身份就要暴露了! Play 이러다간 좀비인 게 들통나 뿌린다! At this rate, people will find out I'm actually a zombie!
Retreat 呜呜,果然还是太勉强了……! Play 아아, 역시 난 무리였어...! Ugh... it was a bit too much for us after all...!
MVP 赢、赢了!指挥官,快看啊~! Play 이, 이겼다! 지휘관, 빨리 봐봐~! W-we won! Commander, look~!
Restoration 哇啊啊,眼睛掉出来了!指挥官,拜托帮我捡一下……! Play 으아아, 눈깔 빠져 뿟다! 지휘관, 좀 주워 줄래...? Aaaah! My eyes popped off! Commander, please help me pick them up...!
Attack 这个时候必须要打起精神……噢——! Play 자아 기합 넣고 가자... 우오오! We must pull ourselves together... Oosh!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 要、要坚持多久?唔……希望我们可以撑得住……! Play 어, 얼마나 더 있어야 혀? 으으... 잘 버텨야 되는디...! H-how long do we have to keep this up? Hm... I hope we can hold...!
Phrase 咋办啊!咋办啊! Play 우야꼬?! 우야꼬!? Ohmygod, ohmygod, what should I do?!