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SSG 3000/Quotes

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SSG 3000 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition SSG 3000已到达目的地,听候指挥官的差遣。 SSG 3000、目的地に到着しました。指揮官、命令を。Play SSG 3000 has arrived at the destination, now awaiting Commander's orders.
Secretary 指挥官知道吗,狙击手除了枪法之外,等候开枪时机的耐心也很重要哦。 指揮官、知ていますか?スナイパーは腕の良さ以外に、タイミングを待つ我慢強さも大事なんですよ。Play Did you know, Commander? Other than a sniper's marksmanship, the patience to wait for the perfect time to fire is also very important.
观察目标其实很有趣。有时候盯着敌人带来的乐趣,甚至超过了对它们扣下扳机的乐趣呢。 ターゲットを観察するのは、すごく面白いんですよ。敵を見つめる時の楽しさは、時に引鉄を引くの楽しさも勝ります!Play Observing a target is actually very fun. Sometimes the joy of stalking an enemy exceeds that of actually pulling the trigger.
改天要一起出门露营吗,指挥官?偶而来一场三天两夜的野外探险也不错哦。 指揮官、近い内一緒にキャンプでも行きませんか?たまには二泊三日も、野外出かけるのも楽しいですよ。Play Wanna go camping together, Commander? An occasional three days two nights of outdoors adventure isn't so bad.
Secretary (post OATH)
*stare*- Ah, Have you found me, Commander? I haven't been able to conceal my breathing lately, or did Commander's senses become sharper? Sometimes I feel that I can do nothing else and just observe you, Commander, and I'd be content... What? Do you want to thoroughly observe me too? Hehe... What am I gonna do with you?
Oh... What's this? I've imagined it countless times in my neural cloud, but I never thought I'd feel this way... Honestly, I've waited for this for a long time, Commander. What I'm most curious about, when did you let me shoot you through the heart? I really want to know the answer.
Greeting お帰りなさいませ、指揮官。あ、待ちくたびれたじゃないって?大丈夫です!どれだけ時間が掛かっても、戻ってくるまで、必ずここで待ち続けます!だって私、一番得意なのは我慢することですから!Play Welcome home, Commander. Hm? 'Did I keep you waiting'? It's alright! No matter how long it takes, I'll always be waiting for you to return! Because I'm the best at being patient!
T-Doll Produced どんな新人が来るのでしょう?ちゃんと観察しなくては…Play A newcomer has arrived? I'll have to thoroughly observe her then...
Joining an echelon これで私にも出番がありますね。Play This is where I come in.
Enhancement より遠くまで見えるようになりました!Play I can see even farther now!
Dummy-linking 人数が増えると、敵に見つかり安くなりませんか?Play When our numbers increase, wouldn't it be easier to be seen by the enemy?
Logistics (start) 今回はどのブランドのレンズを用意しましょうか??楽しみですね。Play Which brand lens did you prepare this time? I'm looking forward to it.
Logistics (end) 久々の基地ですね。家に帰えた気分です。Play It's been a while since we left the base. I feel at home.
Autobattle 除法収拾はお任せください。Play Please leave it to us.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 戦闘任務ですか?悪くありませんね、引鉄を引くのは久しぶりです。Play A combat mission? Not bad, it's been a while since I've had to look down the irons.
Starting a battle ターゲット発見。照準指示を。Play Target sighted. Aiming as instructed.
Skill activation ラジャー!自由射撃を行います。Play Roger! Opening fire.
避ける歩行を間違えてますよ!Play I wouldn't walk in that direction!
ん?驚きました?あなたたちのびっくりしたかお、私も好きですよ、お休みなさい。Play Hm? Were you surprised? I love seeing those terrified expressions on your faces, good night.
Heavily damaged 油断しました…気付かなかったなんて…Play I was careless...I didn't even notice...
Retreat 今の装備では倒し著切れません!みんな下がってください!Play Our equipment just isn't going to cut it at the moment! Everyone, please get down!
MVP この時のためなら、どれだけの準備も惜しみません。Play I will spare no amount of preparation for this moment.
Restoration こんな見っとも無い姿…他の人に見られたくありません。指揮官、このことは内密にお願いできますか?Play Such an unseemly figure...I don't want the others to see me. Commander, can we keep this private?
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 実はキチンの中では化けて人を脅かす人形以外に説明のつかないノイズも聞こえるきたりするんですよ。あら、指揮官、顔色悪いですよ。Play By the way, there are some strange garbling noises coming from the kitchen that sound like dolls threatening people. Uwah, I've got a bad feeling about this, Commander.
Christmas 今年もサンタさんを追いかけて失敗に終わりました。でもいつか、必ずこのスニークマスターの招待は阿波得て見せます!そして教えを貢納です!Play
New Year's Day 指揮官、私と一緒にお出かけしませんか?今から山頂に上って、テント張れば、明日の初日が見られますよ。


Commander, why don't you head out with me? If we set up a tent at the mountaintop, we'll be able to see the first daybreak of tomorrow.
Valentine's day 私へのチョコレートですか?ありがとうございます、指揮官!任務中に少しずつ頂きますね。一つずつ口の中でゆっくりとかしていけば、一日中食べてても飽きませんよ。


Oh, is that chocolate for me? Thank you very much, Commander! I'll be sure to have some during my missions. If you slowly put them in your mouth one by one, you won't get tired from eating all day.
Tanabata 指揮官はどんな願い事をしましたか?私はもっと良い光学照準器が欲しいとお願いしたんです。そうしたらもっとはっきり見えますから。


What kind of did you make, Commander? I asked for a better optical sight. That way I can see things more clearly.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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