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SRS Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,请问您就是我的指挥官吗?……原来如此,印象分上算是及格了,请多指教。 ごきげんよう。貴方様がワタクシの指揮官ですか?…なるほど~見た目は一応合格にしましょう。では、よろしくお願いします。Play Greetings, are you my Commander? ...I see, you scored a passing grade with the impressions, let's get along.
Introduction (同上) (ditto)
Secretary 不做好功课的话,战场上可是拿不到好成绩的。 事前準備をきちんとしないと、戦場ではいい成績が取れませんよ。Play You can't get a good grade on the battlefield if you don't do your home works.
我是素食主义者,虽然有些奇怪……不过肉的味道让我有点难以忍受。 ワタクシはベジタリアンです。変に思うかもしれませんけど…肉の匂いなんて、堪えられませんわ。Play I'm a vegetarian, it might sound strange, but I can't stand the taste of meats.
……指挥官,这样纠缠不休的话,对您的印象分可不太妙哦? …指揮官さん、このまま付き纏っていると、貴方様の点数が下がっちゃいますわよ。Play ...Commander, if you keep this up your impression score will be at risks.
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, the report feedback states all the criteria are slipping... Looks like we need more additional classes everyday.
Commander, after all the tests and trials, I've finally arrived at this step... Whatever comments and ratings are now no longer important to me, because I now have this kind of ending... Anything you like it, to me, are full mark answers.
Greeting 今日も時間どおりに出勤しますね。Play You're being punctual again today.
T-Doll Produced 新人さん、面接の点数はどのぐらいあるんですか。Play
Joining an echelon きっと、優れたチームになれますわ。Play Surely, this will be an excellent team.
Enhancement 強化が偏ってはいけませんよ。Play Strengthening shouldn't be unbalanced.
Dummy-linking 彼女たちの実力は、この私の成績で指名しましょう。Play
Logistics (start) 確かに、新しい物資が必要ですわ。Play Indeed, we certainly need a new supplies.
Logistics (end) この程度の備品は、しょせん一時的な物で、次回に使い切るでしょう。Play
Autobattle いくら見慣れた戦場でも、油断はいけません。Play
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 無意味な目標に時間を取られないで。皆さん、この意味、お分かりになりますか?Play Don't waste your time to pursue a meaningless goal. Everyone, do you understand what this means?
Starting a battle 私の審査は、結構厳しいですよ。Play My examination is quite strict you know.
Skill activation キャッチポイント!Play Catchpoint!
不合格だわ。Play This is a failure.
では、こちらはいかがですか。Play Well then, how about this one.
Heavily damaged っんえ何、私まで。Play Even I...
Retreat こうなるときっと、不合格ですよね。Play When this happen, this definitely is a failure.
MVP 今回は満点かもしれませんね。Play This may deserve a perfect score.
Restoration えんあ、これは酷い点数ね。Play Nngh, this is a bad score.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween お菓子ならもういませんよ。あの子たちのスピードは半端じゃないですわね。Play I'm out of candy. Those children aren't half-hearted when it comes to this.
Christmas た…ターキー?!解けてください!早く!Play T-turkey?! Please put it away! Quickly!
New Year's Day 年末報告書楽しみしてますわ。指揮官さんはどんな評価を受けるのかしら?


I'm looking forward to the end-year evaluation. I wonder what kind of evaluation will you receive, commander?
Valentine's day チョコを贈るだけでは詰らないと思いませんか?むしろチョコの作り方を私が教えてあげましょう?


Don't you think just giving chocolate isn't enough? How about I teach you how to make one?
Tanabata もうすぐ次の訓練試験ですよね。指揮官さんは自分の合格率あがるようお願いした方がいいですよ。


The next training exam is near. Would be better if you make a wish to pass the test, Commander.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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