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SM-1 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 要来这里工作还真是不容易呢……指挥官您好,希望我来的正是时候,要马上开始任务吗? わざわざこんなところまで大変でしたね…。こんにちは指揮官。すぐ任務に移りますか?Play Coming here and working at this place is really not easy, huh... Hello, Commander. I hope that the time has come for me to start work immediately.
Introduction (同上) (Ditto)
Secretary 有时候我也希望自己再冷酷一点,因为大家好像都喜欢这种类型的……不过我最应付不来的就是这种人了。 自分がもっと冷酷な人形だったらいいのにと思う時もあります。皆さんはそういうタイプが好きみたいだから…。 でも、アタシはそういうタイプ、一番苦手です。Play There are times where I wish that I was more ruthless and cold, since it seems that everyone likes that kind of character better... but I'm—
指挥官退休后想做什么?我的话……如果有机会,希望能去人类的学校上学呢。 定年になったら、指揮官は何をやりたいですか?アタシなら…できれば、人間の学校に通って勉強してみたいなぁ。Play When you retire, what would you like to do? If it was me... if I had a chance, I would like to enroll in a school for humans.
再聊下去我就没法专心工作了,指挥官也不闲吧? まだ話が続くようなら、仕事には集中できません。指揮官も暇ではないはずですよね?Play If we keep talking like this, I've got no hope to focus on my work anymore. Commander, don't you get tired of it?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, when I'm with you, my body's temperature just seems to become abnormal... could this possibly be a fever?
Commander... Can I use this opportunity to give you a little 'confession'? Although this isn't going to be romantic as a movie, please let this clumsy self of mine to say it out loud... Commander, I... love you...
Greeting 指揮官、今日の仕事もよろしくおねがいしますね!Play Commander, thank you as well for your hard work today!
T-Doll Produced 指揮官、こちらの新人さんはいかがですか?Play Commander, how about that newcomer?
Joining an echelon メンバーさんが、普通の人形でありますように!Play Please let the members be ordinary dolls!
Enhancement 過去のアタシとお別れします。Play Say goodbye to the past.
Dummy-linking おさげの位置を変えたらどうでしょうか?指揮官に見分けられるのかな?Play What if I change the position of the pigtails? Will the Commander be able to notice them?
Logistics (start) 有り余(あま)るものがあれば、できるだけ持ち帰ります。Play If there's surplus, bring back as much as you can.
Logistics (end) まだ何か足りないのでしょうか?Play Are we still missing something?
Autobattle また敵襲ですか?アタシに任せてください!Play Is it another enemy attack? Leave it to me!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 弾薬と、配給と…そう!あと、勢いです!Play Ammunition, distribution...that's it! And momentum!
Starting a battle 何か対策ありますか?Play Are there any countermeasures?
Skill activation ターゲット発見!Play Target sighted!
敵だけに専念(せんねん)すればいいです。Play All you need to do is focus on the enemy.
アタシ、行けます!ファイト!Play Here I go! Fight!
Heavily damaged あっ…もう、持ち堪(こた)えられません!Play Ugh! I...I can't hold on for much longer!
Retreat こんなところで倒れるわけには行きません!みなさん、撤退します!Play I can't go down like this. Everyone, withdraw!
MVP 勝った!アタシたちの勝利です!Play I won! This is my victory!
Restoration 傷づく覚悟はとっくにできてたけど……やっぱり、怖いです。Play I was prepared to get hurt, but...I'm scared.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween どううでしょう…女の子が加増してお化けですから怖いよりむしろ可愛い過ぎると思うんですが。Play What to do...I think its kinda cute rather than scary now that the other girls are monsters.
Christmas 指揮官、メリークリスマス。これあたしからのプレゼントです。結構探したんですよ。指揮官もきっとびっくりすると思います、えへへ。Play Merry Christmas, Commander. Here, a present from me. I've been looking for it for a while now. I think you'll quite surprised, ehehe!
New Year's Day 時代はいつでも代わり続けて。でも周りの景色だけいつも見慣れたようすまま。


The times are always changing, but the surroundings always seems the same.
Valentine's day 最近の宿舎の台所はいつも皆さんでいっぱい。チョコ作りがあまりにも激しくて。あたしが手を出してはいけない戦いのような気がします。


Lately, the dorm kitchens have been full of people. Chocolate making is way too intense. I don't think this is a fight I should get into...
Tanabata 風を引きますように。それはえっと…風を一度も引とこともないので。風ってどんな感じかなっとちょっと気になってるだけです。これは人の常ですよね?ね?


I want to be pulled by the wind~. Uh...that's um...that's because I've never been pulled by the wind before. I'm just curious about how the wind feels. That's normal for a person, right? Right?

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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