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SL8 Quotes Live2D

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 哇哦!初次见面,指挥官,你看起来真好玩。 おお!始めましてだな、指揮官!お前も面白そうなやつはなによりだ。Play Ooh! Nice to meet ya, Commander! You look like an interesting person.
Introduction (同上) (As above)
Secretary 之前的那个玩具?已经玩腻丢到垃圾桶啦。比起那个,指挥官啊,有什么新玩意儿,拿出来一起研究一下? この前の玩具?あ、もう飽きてしてたよ。それより指揮官、他に新しい玩具持ってないか?出してくれよ!Play That one toy? Ah, I've gotten bored of it. By the way Commander, do you have something new? Give it to me!
恋旧也不是坏事,但是也不是所有人都必须恋旧吧?有人回望过去,就必须有人时刻看着未来的方向才行。指挥官,你是哪一种呢? ノスタルジーも別に悪いことじゃないが。全員が過去に浸る訳にもいかないだろう?誰かが過去を振り返るのなら、他の誰かは、未来を見つめなければならない。指揮官、お前はどっちだ?Play Nostalgia isn't necessarily a bad thing. But it's not like everyone should be trapped in the past, right? If someone looks back on the past, someone else will look at the future. Commander, how about you?
这个要我帮忙吗?安心啦,上次咖啡厅那个是意外!我也不知道G36的发箍那么脆,一捏就碎啊。 手伝ってやろうか?安心しろ、この前のカフェでのことは、ただのアクシデントだ。G36のカチューシャが、あんなにこ壊り易いと思わなかったよ。ちょっと触れただけなのにな!Play Shall I lend you a hand? Relax, what's happened in the cafe back then was just an accident. I didn't think G36's bandana would be that fragile. All I did was touching it!
Secretary (post OATH)
Hey Commander, I've been thinking that swimming looks really fun lately. So, will you take me to the pool? What? My water resistant property isn't that good? Can't be helped then. Take me to water park instead!
Got something cool to show me, Commander? An Oath? Oh, sure! In return, please keep this certificate I ordered. An Oath is meant to be exchanged, right?
Greeting やっと帰ってきたな。待ってたぜ。Play You're finally come back. I've been waiting for ya.
T-Doll Produced 新人が来たって?一緒に見に行こうぜ。Play There's a new recruit you say? Let's take a look together.
Joining an echelon 俺を隊長にすれば、作戦がもっとスムーズにいくぜ。Play If you make me the squad leader, mission will go more smoothly!
Enhancement 悪くないな!指揮官、もう一回だ!Play Not bad! Commander, one more time!
Dummy-linking おお!この分身たちを使って、いたずらしてみるのも面白そうだな!Play Ooh! I can use all these dummies to pull an interesting prank!
Logistics (start) へへ、今度はどんな道のもの出会えるのか、楽しみだな。Play Heheh, I can't wait to see what kind of way we'll encounter later.
Logistics (end) 帰ってきたぞ!どうだ、この手土産だ。Play I've returned! How's the souvenir?
Autobattle 獲物たちとたっぷり遊んであるぜ!Play I'll play a lot with the prey!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 行くぞ!敵をやつけてようぜ!Play Let's go and get the enemy!
Starting a battle どうだ、俺の作が美野暮れるか?Play
Skill activation 流れを掴む!Play
ねずみ一匹も逃がさないぜ!Play I won't let a single rat escapes!
狩の始まりだ!Play The hunt has begun!
Heavily damaged いいだろう…そこじからを見せてやる!Play
Retreat 先に行け!新狩俺がやる!Play
MVP 思う存分戦えたぜ!ありがとうな、指揮官!Play I've fight to my heart content. Thanks, Commander!
Restoration 心配すんな、かすり傷だ。少し休むから、また後でな。Play No need to worry, this is just a scratch. I'll take a rest, see ya later.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 今日をず~っと楽しみに待ってたぜ!ほら指揮官、これに着替えろ!悪魔の姿で、敵を脅かしてやろうぜ!Play I've been excitedly waiting for today! Come Commander, change into this! Let's scare the enemy away while you're dressed as the devil!
Christmas なんだ、もう起きたのか?真っ暗元に、こっそりプレゼントを置くつもりだったが…こうなったらもう面と向かって私しかいないじゃないか。Play Huh, you're already up? I plan to put the present while it's still dark. Since it turned out like this, I'll just give it directly.
New Year's Day 今年の新年会は、俺の企画もあるから、絶対に来てくれよな?あと…お年玉も、忘れるなよ。


I have my own plan for this year's new year party, make sure to come later okay? Also... don't forget about my new year money.
Valentine's day チョコを置くるだけじゃつまらないだろう?ほらこっち来い。チョコフォンデュー、奢ってあるよ!


Just giving you chocolate would be boring, don't you think so? Come here, there's chocolate fondue for you!
Tanabata わざと見つかり難い所に短冊を飾っといたぜ。神様が願いを叶えてくれる前に、「」実現したいからな。


Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
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