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SCW Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您就是我的长官吗?……嗯,不错的眼神呢,今后请多指教了。 あなたが私の指揮官?……うん、いい目をしてるじゃん、よろしくね。Play So you're my Commander? ...Hmm, I like the look of your eyes. I'll be in your care from now on.
Secretary 这里的工作气氛不错呢,是多亏了长官您吧? ここの雰囲気はいいね、指揮官のおかげでしょう?Play The atmosphere at this workplace is pretty nice. Is it all thanks to you, Commander?
像鸟儿那样飞翔也不错啊……不过,还是懒洋洋的日子适合我吧…… 鳥のように自由に飛んでいけたら……とは思うけど、やっぱのんびりしてた方が、私に似合うんじゃない?Play It would be nice to fly like the birds, but I think lazy days suit me better...
长官,公然做出这种事来……别以为我不会还手哦…… 指揮官、人前でこんなことして……私が反抗しないとでも思ってんの……Play Commander, how could you do something like this in public... Don't think I won't hit you...
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, let's do rock-paper-scissors to decide who washes the dishes tonight~ You'll still help me with the dishes even if I lose, right? Hehe
Commander, have I... grown to be what you were hoping for? Such a beautiful scene, never before seen even from the skies... I'm the one who will fly alongside you, and that will forever stay true...
Greeting 今日はいい調子!何しようかな。Play Conditions are good today! What to do?
T-Doll Produced 新しい仲間か、楽しみだね!Play A new friend, how exciting!
Joining an echelon 私?……うまく使ってね。Play Me? Use it well.
Enhancement うん、いい感じ!Play Yep, this feels nice!
Dummy-linking もうひとりの私、よろしく!Play Another me has arrived, I'm counting on you!
Logistics (start) ちょっと、外に風を当たってくるね。Play I'm going to hit the wind a little.
Logistics (end) これで全部だよ、見てみて!Play That's everything. Take a look!
Autobattle 今から、勝利を掴めに行こう。Play Let's go win this.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 急ごう、風が止む前に。Play Hurry, before the wind dies down.
Starting a battle 獲物、みーっけ!Play Found some prey!
Skill activation 狙って!Play Aim!
飛べ!Play Fly!
ビビっちゃった?Play Did I scare you?
Heavily damaged んーふふ、やっちゃった~Play Ehehe, now I've done it~
Retreat 風向きが変わった、一旦引こう。Play The winds have shifted, let's pull out.
MVP 歓声を上げたいくらい、素晴らしい勝利でしょう?Play A nice victory to cheer you up with, no?
Restoration わかったから、少し……寝させて。Play Got it. Let me rest a little...
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 怖い括弧の奴ばっかりかと思ってたけど。結構可愛いコスチュムもいるのね、気に入った。Play I was bracing myself for something scary. Turns out, some of the costumes are kinda cute. I like them.
Christmas 指揮官今日はいい子にしてたら私からのクリスマスプレントがもらえるかもしれないよ。Play Commander, If you behave like a good boy today, you might even receive a Christmas present from me.
New Year's Day 指揮官明けましておめでとう。ん?これアイツのコーラでしょ?もらっていいの?じゃあ、遠慮なく。


Commander, Happy New Year! Huh? Isn't this cola yours? Can I have it? Well then, don't mind if do.
Valentine's day 指揮官どのチョコが好き?好きなの食べていいよ。


Commander, which chocolate do you like? You can eat whatever you like!
Tanabata これで願いが叶うの?みんな大人なのにやってることは子供みたいだね。


Will this really make my wish come true? We're all adults here, but we're doing kids' stuff.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play