Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 终于和您见面了指挥官,我已经准备好了一切和您一起战斗,您也准备好了吗? | やっと会えましたね、指揮官。一緒に戦う準備はもう出来ています。指揮官の準備はどうですか? | We've finally met, Commander! I'm fully prepared to fight alongside you, are you prepared as well? | |
Introduction | 我是S.A.T.-8半自动霰弹枪,虽然命名上叫做“8发半自动战术”……但那是管状弹仓的7发加上膛内的1发才凑够的命名规则,可不能只凭单纯的表面而对我轻易地下结论哦? | I am S.A.T.-8 Semi-Automatic Shotgun, Even though the name says "Semi-Automatic Tactical, 8 shots"... But it's actually just 7 in underbarrel tube magazine plus one inside the chamber under the naming convention, so don't judge a book by its cover alright? | ||
Secretary | 指挥官想试试这个披萨吗?……哎呀,这个可不是外卖送来的哦? | このピザ、食べてみたいですか指揮官?いえいえ、これは出前のピザじゃないですよ~。 | You want to try this pizza commander? ...Oh, it's not ordered from outside, you know? | |
指挥官是猫派还是狗派?我的话随便是什么,就算铁血的都可以啦。 | 指揮官は猫派ですか?犬派ですか?ワタシはどちらも好きです。それが鉄血でも大好きですよ~。 | Commander, are you a dog-person or a cat-person? I'm fine with either, even if it's from Sangvis Ferri~ | ||
诶?!指挥官,突然间干什么啦!……至少让我有个心理准备吧! | えっ?!指揮官、いきなり何を!…せめて心の準備を…! | Eh?! Commander, what are you doing all of a sudden! ... At least let me be prepared beforehand! | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 老是吃披萨也不行呢,指挥官,试一下我新做的肉冻吧?
Commander, eating pizza all the time is no good either, how about some Aspic I made just now?
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OATH | 指挥官,其实要说心理准备的话,我还没……
……算了,那种事已经无关紧要了 只要您在身边,我没准备好的部分,就拜托您了~❤ |
Commander, if you ask me whether I'm prepared for this, I really haven't still... But such a thing isn't important anymore. Because as long as you're by my side, for the parts of me that are unprepared, I leave them to you~❤
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Greeting | 来ましたね!では事前準備の確認から始めましょう。 | You finally here! Let's start by confirming advanced preparation. | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新人さん、自己紹介の準備はできましたか? | Newcomer, have you prepared your self-introduction? | ||
Joining an echelon | 悪くない場所ですね~ | Not a bad spot~ | ||
Enhancement | こんな私は好きですか?うふふ、嬉しいです! | You like this of me? I'm glad! | ||
Dummy-linking | 私と組むんですか?やってみましょう~! | You want to link me up? Let's do it~! | ||
Logistics (start) | 作戦のためのバックアップは不可欠です! | Back up for an operation is indispensable! | ||
Logistics (end) | 指揮官、物資をちゃんと利用してくださいね! | Commander, please make use of the supplies properly! | ||
Autobattle | この戦いの勝利は、すでに確定事項です! | This battle's victory is already settled! | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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