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Rhino Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 这是哪里?这不是回国安局的车!啊——我现在是格里芬基地的人形了?!那个……有些突然,我是芮诺…… Play Where is this place? This isn't the car heading back to the Stasi! Ah — so I'm a Griffin Doll now? Ah... this is a little sudden, my name is Rhino...
Secretary 指挥官,我刚刚打扫办公室,在架子后面发现了这——诶?看您的表情,我是不是发现了什么不得了的东西…… Play Commander, I just tidied up the office and found this behind the bookshelf— Huh? Judging by your reaction, it seems I've stumbled onto something unbelievable...
我讨厌去仓库工作……每次爬进箱子里找东西的时候,总是会被突然封在里面!难道她们看不见我这么大个人形在里面? Play I hate working in the warehouse... Every time I have to crawl into a crate to look for something I end up getting suddenly locked inside! Can't they tell that there's a Doll of my size in there?
每天被摸摸头,真的能变得强壮起来吗?总感觉指挥官在忽悠我……可是指挥官的表情又那么诚挚…… Play Will I really get stronger with daily headpats? I keep thinking that you're bluffing me... But your expression is so sincere...
Secretary (post OATH)
I'll take everything you say to heart and everything I say to you comes from the heart. I'm so glad I met you, Commander.
Commander, what's the meaning of this? Are you planning to trick me again... If this is a joke, then I'll take it seriously, but... I want it to be serious. For the 110th time, you're seriously not bluffing me about this, right?
Greeting 指挥官,今天需要完成的事务已经全部安排妥当,以及这是按您喜好泡的咖啡。 Play Hello, Commander. I've finished sorting out the tasks for the day, and here is your coffee, brewed the way you like it.
T-Doll Produced 新同事的审批流程已经通过。 Play I've finished the vetting process for our new colleague.
Joining an echelon 以小队为单位完成任务吗?我明白了! Play So I'm to complete this mission as part of a team? Got it!
Enhancement 各方面的数值都有成长……强化成果已验收。 Play I've grown in various areas... Enhancement results obtained.
Dummy-linking 唔,这种感觉很让人安心。 Play Mm, this feels very comforting.
Logistics (start) 出门的话我随时都可以,每次物资准备都差不多……等等,播放索米的圣诞唱片真的能提升作战效率? Play I can go out at any time, all my stuff is prepared... Wait a minute, does playing Suomi's Christmas album really improve combat effectiveness?
Logistics (end) 终于结束了……我以后再也不相信基地里的传言了,对!包括指挥官的话。 Play Finally, it's over... I'll never trust the base rumors again! That's right, including what you say too, Commander!
Autobattle 数据同步……完成,接下来就交给我吧。 Play Synchronizing data... completed. Leave the rest to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 切换至队内频道,行动小组,出发。 Play Switch to squad comms. Operation team, move out.
Starting a battle 已锁定目标,行动开始。 Play Target locked, commencing operation.
Skill activation 一切都交给命运! Play Leave it all to fate!
神啊,请眷顾我! Play May the gods watch over me!
祝你们好运—— Play Good luck—
Heavily damaged 就算是这样……我也不会怕你们的! Play Even if you do this... I won't be afraid of you!
Retreat 任务终止,行动小组撤退。 Play Mission terminated, squad, fall back.
MVP 结果如我承诺给您的一样,指挥官。 Play Just as I promised, Commander.
Restoration 不好意思,又添麻烦了。 Play Sorry to cause you trouble.
Attack 敌方阵型出现缺口! Play There's a gap in the enemy's formation!

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 不是说好,给了糖就不捣乱了吗!为什么还要把我的文件扬得到处都是……呜,我要跟你们决斗! Play Didn't you say there'd be no tricks if I gave you treats? Why did you still mess up my documents... Oooooh, that does it, it's time for pistols at dawn!
Christmas 我按照要求准备好了礼物和圣诞袜,那么交换礼物活动什么时候举行呢?啊……这不是官方活动啊? Play I wrapped presents and decorated a Christmas tree as requested, so when will we be exchanging gifts... Huh? It's not an official event?
New Year's Day 新年快乐,指挥官!听基地里的人形说,今天给她们发红包的话,一年都会变得很幸运!啊……我又被忽悠了?!


Happy new year, Commander! I heard the Dolls on the base say that I'll be very lucky if I gave them red packets today. Ah... they bluffed me again!?
Valentine's day 指挥官,请收下我为您做的巧克力,感谢您一直以来的照顾!嗯……只有这个意思……并没有抱着什么奇怪的企图哦!


Commander, please accept this chocolate I made for you as thanks for taking care of me all this time. Um... that's all I meant... I'm not planning anything weird!
Tanabata 您也来赏月吗,指挥官?我觉得今天的月亮似乎跟之前的也没什么不一样……


Are you viewing the moon too, Commander? The moon tonight doesn't seem particularly special compared to before...

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 填补我方缺口! Play Fill the gap in our formation!
Phrase 我又被忽悠了? Play I was tricked again?
Tip 有什么事情需要安排我做吗?狼人杀这种游戏绝对不行!我会当把你们说的话都当真的! Play Is there anything I can help you with? No, not Among Them! I'll believe everything the others say!
Loading 时间有点长,要是能来杯咖啡就好了。 Play It's been a while, if only I could have a cup of coffee.