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RT-20 Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 居然要我RT-20出马,看来指挥官有着不小的目的吧?让我稍微期待一下你的手段吧。 このRT-20の出番と言うことは、指揮官もきっとなにか企んでるんでしょう?うふ、楽しみにしてるよ。Play I wonder if the Commander is coming up with something for this RT-20's turn? I'll be looking forward to it.
Secretary 不管是什么东西,只要让我咬一下我就能分辨真假哦。 どんなものであろうと、このあたしが一口かめば、本当か嘘かをはっきりするよ。Play Whatever it is, if I bite it, I can tell you if it's true or false.
指挥官一直神神秘秘的,总是让人猜不透呢,难道是在暗中策划着什么巨大的黑幕吗? 指揮官って、いつも見捨てるやつでつかみ所がないよね?もしかして、なにか巨大な陰謀の黒幕だったり?Play The Commander is a rather mysterious and hard-to-read kind of person, aren't they? Could it be that they're behind some huge conspiracy?
怎么了?想让我咬一下吗?先等一下……你洗手了吗? どうしたの?あたしに感で欲しい?ちょっと待って指揮官。手ちゃんと洗った?Play What's the matter? You wish to feel me? Hold on a minute, Commander. Did you properly wash your hands?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, I've picked our next dating spot. Where is it? Fufu, that's a secret.
Commander, am I perhaps an irreplaceable part of your plan? I still can't get a read on what you're thinking. What I can tell you, though, is that the proof of your pledge is pure and genuine.
Greeting 見て見て、大物の登場よ。Play Lookie lookie, the big one has arrived.
T-Doll Produced 謎の転校生?えへなんちゃって。Play A mysterious transfer student? Heh~ just kidding.
Joining an echelon 見覚えなあるやつはいない?Play Isn't there anyone familiar here?
Enhancement そこまで力を求めるなんて、指揮官もかなりの野心家だね。Play The Commander is a pretty ambitious person to be asking for that much power.
Dummy-linking もしかしすると、あたしこそダミーなのかも?Play Could it be, that I also might be a dummy?
Logistics (start) またなにかの闇取引?いいよ。後を疲れられないよう気を付けるから。Play Another shady deal? Sure. I'll try not to get tired afterwards.
Logistics (end) 指揮官、これはなにに使う?こ、これ以上は聞かない方が良さそう?Play Commander, what do you use this for? Or, perhaps I shouldn't dig any deeper than that?
Autobattle あいつらまたなにか小細工してるね?いいよ、あたしに任せて。Play Are they up to something again? Sure, leave it to me.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 指揮官の企み、期待しているよ。Play I'm looking forward to the Commander's schemes.
Starting a battle 早く黒幕出してちょうだい。Play At least give me a head start.
Skill activation 難発まで他えられるのか、楽しみね。Play I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of trouble they're brewing up.
忠告はしたからね!Play Let me give you some advice!
悪いけど、遺言を残す時間はないPlay Sorry, but I really don't have time to be leaving a will behind.
Heavily damaged あら…うぐ…手が滑ちゃった…Play Oops...ugh...my hand slipped...
Retreat 指揮官、まだなにか奥の手があるんだよね?Play Commander, you still have stuff to do, right?
MVP 指揮官が手に入れたいのは、この程度ものではないはずよ?Play Even the Commander wouldn't get this much, right?
Restoration 大した傷じゃないけど、足の包帯は巻き直した方がいいかも。Play It's not a big injury. but it might be better to re-wrap the leg bandage again.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween あの人形…包帯が緩んでるね。ああ…焦れたいな…直してあげたいんだけど…Play That doll over there...her bandages are loose. Ah...I'm getting really impatient...I really want to fix them.
Christmas 見返ふう状態のプレゼントこそ、最高だと思う。あの神秘的な感じがなによりも美しいでしょう?Play I think that the best type of present is the one that looks back. Isn't that mysterious feeling more beautiful than anything?
New Year's Day 指揮官、今年は計画をどこまで進める予定?きっとまた、なにか大きな目標を密かに立てているんでしょう?


Commander, how far ahead are you planning this year? Surely you must also be secretly setting some big goal, right?
Valentine's day このチョコに使われてココアバターは、かなりの呼吸品みたい。観で確かめたから間違いないよ。


The cocoa butter used for this chocolate looks a lot like it would be used for breathing products. No doubt about it since I learned that from just pure observation.
Tanabata こういう祭日事態が大きく陰謀ね。もしかしたら、宇宙人が人類の願い事データ収集かもしれない。


This kind of holiday seems like one big conspiracy. It's possible that aliens might be collecting data on human wishes.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
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