Dialogue | Chinese | Japanese | Korean | English |
Acquisition | 雷明顿R5……我是被寄予着相当了得的厚望而诞生的,至于我配不配得上,就用你那双眼睛来亲眼看看我的价值吧。 | Remington R5。生まれながらにしてその未来を大きく期待された人形とは、このうちのことだ!そしてうちがその期待に値する人形なのかどうかは、自分の目で確かめな! | Remington R5... I was created with high expectations. As for whether I deserve them, you'll have to see what I'm worth with your own eyes. | |
Introduction | ||||
Secretary | 之前在去咖啡厅的时候,偶然听见了相当冷门的重金属,可等我到那里的时候,只有一地狼藉而已。到底是谁在听呢…… | こないだカフェに時にさ。たまたまマイナーなヘビーメタルの「」聞こえたんだ。で声をたどって行って見たら、ライブの「」しか残ってなかった。さて、一体誰がそこでライブをしてたんだろうな… | Once, on my way to the Cafe, I happened to hear some fairly unpopular heavy metal songs. But by the time I got there, all I found was a huge mess all over the ground. I wonder who was listening to it... | |
只有被从贝壳里取出来的时候,珍珠才看得见整个世界。你听见弹壳碰撞出的摇滚声了吗? | 貝殻から取り出された時、真珠は初めて世界を見る。あんたは殻と弾が弾むそのロックの音を聞いたことはあるか? | A pearl can only see the world once it is taken out of its shell. Have you heard rock and roll music made by shell casings? | ||
我被制造的时候,制造我的人认为我可以胜于我之前的同类型人形,因此对我寄予了厚望,如果不能好好报答这份期待的话,我会看不起自己的。 | うちが作られた時、他の人形たちを遥かに超えられるって、製造者から大きく期待されていたんだ。もしこの期待に答えられなかったら、うちはきっと、自分に絶望するだろうな… | When I was made, my maker believed that I was superior to other Dolls of my type, and so he had high hopes for me. I won't be able to look myself in the eye if I don't live up to those expectations. | ||
Secretary (post OATH) | 要听一听我的新曲子吗?……嗯,是特意给你写的。我还是第一次用这么紧张的心态去创作,要是能喜欢就好了。
Want to listen to a new tune? ...Yeah, I wrote it just for you. It's the first time I've made music while feeling so nervous. I'd be glad if you liked it.
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OATH | 要在我用来弹奏的手指上加以束缚吗?您一定知道这意味着什么吧?指挥官……嗯,当然,我非常清楚……所以,在最后,我有回应您的期待吧?
You wish to place a fetter upon the fingers that I use to play a tune? You DO know what that means, right? Commander... yes, of course, I understand very well... So does this mean I've lived up to your expectations in the end?
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Greeting | いい所に来たな!丁度インスピレーションが沸いて来た所だ!とりあえず鼻歌で聞かせてあげようか?っと…その前に、今日のスケジュールはどうなってるんだ? | You came with a perfect timing when an inspiration strike! How about listen to my humming? Uh... before that, what's our schedule for today again? | ||
T-Doll Produced | 新メンバーがすでにうちらを待っている。そのエコーが耳に響いて来ないか? | We've waited for a new member. The echo, does it reverberate in you ears? | ||
Joining an echelon | 楽譜とは、一つ一つの音符が「」初めて奏でられるものだ。そしたうちが、その中で一番重要な和音ってことさ。 | A score can only be played when each and every note on it is in harmony. That being the case, I would be the most important chord. | ||
Enhancement | 絃が…張り詰めてきたぜ! | My strings...are wound tighter now. | ||
Dummy-linking | ドラム?ベース?キーボード?だが、ボーカルの座は譲らないぜ! | Are you on Drums? Bass? Keyboard? I won't give up my spot as lead vocal! | ||
Logistics (start) | ギターはとりあえずあんたに預けて置くぜ、ちゃんと見ててくれ。 | I'll leave the guitar with you for now. Help me look after it. | ||
Logistics (end) | な!うちのギターは?!今めっちゃ引き取ってたまらないんだ! | Hey! Where's my guitar? ...I really want to play it. | ||
Autobattle | 観客たちはの入場だ!さあ!うちらの演奏は聞け! | The audience is all here. Now enjoy our performance! | ||
Title | 少女前线! | ドールズフロントライン!
소녀전선! | Girls' Frontline! |
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