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QBU-191 Story Quotes

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 虽然已经见过面了,但我似乎还欠您一个正式的自我介绍——QBU191,代号“鹮”。走吧,带我参观下基地。入职手续?在您对着我的档案照片发呆的时候,我就全部搞定了~ While we've already met before, it seems I still owe you a proper self-introduction. I am QBU-191, codenamed "Ibis". Come, let's go on a tour of the base. My onboarding procedures? I took care of all of them while you were spacing out and staring at my file photo~
Secretary 不管在哪里,QBZ191都还是那样招人喜欢呢……唔,只是一些感慨罢了。我怎么认识她的?这个就留到下一次再告诉您吧。 No matter where she goes, QBZ-191 is as well-loved as ever... Mm, I was simply musing to myself. You want to know how I came to know her? That will be a story for another time.
抱歉,稍微迟到了几分钟,昨晚有个小可怜来找我倾诉伤心事,哭了一整宿……如果您有需要的话,我也愿意倾听您的心声喔。 Pardon me for being late by a few minutes. A poor dear came to me with a sob story last night and she cried all night long... If you need it, I'm willing to hear you out too.
您在找我吗?刚刚外出了几分钟,喏,这是给您带的小礼物——路边采到的绿绒蒿。美丽又顽强的野花,很适合做成标本。 Were you looking for me? I just stepped out for a few minutes. Here's a little gift for you — it's a blue poppy I picked from the roadside. It's a beautiful, yet resilient wildflower; perfect for being pressed into a specimen.
Secretary (post OATH)
There is much work that needs to be done today as well. It seems you'll need to do overtime until late at night. In that case... why not head out to watch the sunset with me right now and relax a little?
...Oaths are nothing more than a fragile thing which only exists in this moment.<>I believe everything you said in this moment, and in turn, I am willing to stay by your side.<>I hope that in one, three or many years' time, you will continue to make your oath, and I will continue to answer it in like fashion.
Greeting 有事请叫我,我一直在的。 Let me know if you need anything. I'm always here.
T-Doll Produced 交给我吧。 Leave it to me.
Joining an echelon 从现在开始,你们都是鹮小队的成员了。 From now on, you are all members of Ibis Squad.
Enhancement I hope these materials won't put too much of a strain on the base's finances~
Dummy-linking 这就是您所说的,一个人也是一支队伍? Is this what you mean by turning me into a one-Doll-army?
Logistics (start) 不知道这次,能看见多少个日落呢? I wonder how many more sunsets I'll see this time?
Logistics (end) 我一共看见了四十四次日落,但没有一次,比基地的好看。 I saw a total of 44 sunsets, but none of them looked better than the one in the base.
Autobattle 时间校准完毕,任务路线设置完毕,行动开始。 Our watches are synchronized and the mission path is set. Commencing operation.
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission 要乖乖听我的话哦~ Be good and listen, okay~
Starting a battle 敌人出现,启动作战计划A。 The enemy's shown up. Initiate combat plan A.
Skill activation 不要躲开哦,不然会很痛的~ Don't dodge, or it'll hurt a lot~
给你们一个干净利落的结局。 I'll give you a clean ending.
只有这种程度吗? IS that all?
Heavily damaged 你们……感受过被死亡威胁的恐惧吗? Have you... felt the fear of Death creeping up on you?
Retreat ……别回头。 ...Don't look back.
MVP 行动结束,鹮请求返回。 Battle over. Ibis requesting RTB.
Restoration 要是能顺便帮我按摩放松一下就好了~ It would be nice if I could get a massage too~
Attack 一点小小的纰漏,就足以造成致命的后果。 A few small mistakes can lead to fatal consequences.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 嘿,指挥官,躲在桌子下面干什么呢?难道是在避开外面那些正在寻找你的“鬼”?真难办呢,我刚收了她们的好处,要不要出卖你呢…… In the past, I used to think this occasion was a pointless one, merely an excuse for everyone to gather in wild revelry. It was only later on that I realized that this was the entire point.
Christmas 今年不去做大家的圣诞老人了吗,指挥官?原来有圣诞老人小分队出动了……既然如此,今年就做我专属的圣诞老人吧? I too have prepared gifts for the others during Christmas. Ahem, granted, they are still daggers, but I have inscribed them with thistles this year. In the past, they symbolized the knights who guarded the royal family.
New Year's Day 新年的假期要开始了,我准备出去游历几天。在出发之前,特意来向您告别。舍不得我吗?那不如……跟我一起出发? The new year holidays are about to begin, and I'm planning to go sightseeing for a few days. Before that, I came to bid you farewell. What, you can't bear to see me go? Then... why not join me?
Valentine's day 指挥官,收到了不少巧克力嘛,尝过我做的那份了吗?你的瞳孔在颤抖哦……嘻嘻,骗您的,我做的这份还在这里。 It seems you've received many chocolates, Commander. Have you tried mine yet? Your eyes are trembling... Teehee, I was just kidding. My share is still here.
Tanabata 今天不能陪您了,因为答应了要和几个姐妹一起玩穿针乞巧。我其实并不擅长呢,不过偶尔也还是要陪陪她们~ I apologize for not being able to keep you company today; I promised to do needlework with several of my girlfriends today. The truth is, I'm not very good at it, but I need to spend time with them from time to time~

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense 不要放松戒备。 Stay alert.
Phrase 我在哦。 I'm here.
Tip 据说在很久很久以前,天上是有精灵一样的鸟儿们翱翔的,我真想看看它们舒展着翅膀划过天空的样子…… They say that long, long ago, there were fairy-like birds that soared through the sky. I'd love to see them gliding through the air with their wings spread...
Loading 嘘,再耐心等等~ Shhh, be patient and wait~