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PSG-1 Story Quotes

Base Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Acquisition 您好,我是PSG-1。感谢您的信任,我会珍惜这次宝贵的机会的。 こんにちは,私はセミオートマチック狙撃銃PSG-1です。信頼してくれで感謝します、この機会、大事にします!Play Nice to meet you, I am GR PSG-1. Thank you for placing your trust in me, and I'll be sure to make the most out of this opportunity you've given me.
Introduction 为了在反恐任务中更迅速地保护人质,HK研发了一款高精度的警用半自动步枪——这就是我,PSG-1。在当时被认为是最精准的步枪之一,但昂贵的造价使得流通稀少,甚至成为收藏品,稍稍……有点本末倒置了…… In order to protect hostages more quickly during counter-terrorism missions, HK has developed a high-precision police semi-automatic rifle-- this is me, PSG-1. It was considered to be one of the most accurate rifles at the time, but the expensive construction costs made circulation scarce and it even became a collectible. It's all...a bit upside down...
Secretary 指挥官,接下来的行动也交给我吧? 指揮官、次の行動も任せてください!Play Commander, please leave the next mission to me as well.
该不该整理下房间了呢……还是下次吧。 お部屋の整理しますか?いや、また今度で...Play Should I tidy up my room now...? Nah, I'll do it next time.
指挥官,我的武器十分精密,请不要随便摆弄,所以……请您谅解。 指揮官、私の武器は精密の構造なので、勝手にいじらないでぐださい!よろしいですか?Play Commander, my weapon is extremely intricate, so please don't touch it, okay?
Secretary (post OATH)
Commander, will you come visit my room tonight? I tidied it up, so it won't be all messy like last time...
Thank you very much for looking after me all this time, as I've always inconvenienced you in battle and in daily life. Yet, regardless of all the trouble I've caused you, you were always there to encourage me...Thank you, commander, the time to repay you is drawing near.
Greeting 指揮官、歓迎します。お待ちしておりました。Play Commander, welcome... I've been waiting for you.
T-Doll Produced 新しい戦友が入るのを待ってました。Play I've been waiting for new comrade to joining in.
Joining an echelon PSG-1、作戦に移ります!Play PSG-1, heading to battlefield!
Enhancement 不足した部分を補えました、感謝します。Play Thank you for making up for the missing part.
Dummy-linking こんな派手な配置、結構大変だったんじゃ...?Play Such a flashy display was quite difficult, wasn't it...?
Logistics (start) え?ちょっと今、荷造り中なんですけど...Play Eh? Wait, I'm still packing my goods...
Logistics (end) はあ、しんどかったです。Play Aah, so tired.
Autobattle 仲間は傷つけさせません!Play I won't let you hurt my comrade!
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン!


소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
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Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission PSG-1、戦場に到着!Play PSG-1, arriving on the battlefield!
Starting a battle 敵発見、迎撃開始!Play Enemy spotted, commencing counter-attack!
Skill activation 消えなさい!Play Disappear!
失敗はしません!Play I won't make any mistake!
逃がしませんよ!Play I won't let you escape!
Heavily damaged 状況発生!支援頼む!Play Situation critical! Requesting aid!
Retreat すみません、きっと調子が悪かったのです。Play I'm sorry, the situation must be dire.
MVP 厳しい状況下の勝利でした、皆に感謝します!Play It was a tough victory, thanks everyone!
Restoration わかりました、調子を整いていきます。Play Understood. I'll be sure to do better.
Attack Play

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Halloween 静かな場所も好きだけど…たまには今日のような賑やか雰囲気も悪くないですね。Play I prefer a quiet place... But enjoying this kind of lively atmosphere once in a while isn't half bad.
Christmas メリークリスマス、指揮官。今夜はこれらのプレゼントパケージするんですか?任せてください。Play Merry Christmas, Commander. Are you going to wrap these presents tonight? I'll lend a hand.
New Year's Day 明けましておめでとうございます。指揮官…お掃除ですか?あの…また今度でも…んっ…やっぱり駄目ですか…


Happy New Year. Commander... are you doing cleaning? Umm... can I do it next time... Ah, looks like I can't run away.
Valentine's day 指揮官、このチョコ買ってきたんですけど…食べてください。美味しいですよ。


Commander, I bought this chocolate... please eat it. It's delicious.
Tanabata 今夜はお祭り行きますか?いい所知ってますよ。


Are you going to the festival tonight? I know a good spot.

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Defense Play
Phrase Play
Tip Play
Loading Play

Children's Day Voice Lines[edit]

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Secretary (post OATH)
T-Doll Produced
Joining an echelon
Logistics (start)
Logistics (end)
Title 少女前线! ドールズフロントライン! 소녀전선! Girls' Frontline!
View page template

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
Starting a combat mission
Starting a battle
Skill activation
Heavily damaged

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English
New Year's Day
Valentine's day

Dialogue Chinese Japanese Korean English